
Permission Needed?

New Jersey
Do I need my wife’s permission to go to a strip club or get a massage? I told my wife, W, before we got married that I was very committed to her. But I was not sure I could commit to not going to strip clubs. She said, “No one said you have to. Just don’t let it get out of hand.” We don’t discuss it much. But it’s understood that I go to strip clubs and she is well aware that I get massages regularly. Although, I’ve never told her I get happy endings. At any rate for years, we have been happily married with the understanding that this area of my life is something she accepts but doesn’t want to hear about.

Enter the pandemic. We agreed at the beginning of this that going to strip clubs is off the table for now. And, I have to say while I love strip clubs, they are filthy and I don’t need anyone else to tell me not to go to strip clubs right now. The one time I had to go to the ER it was with an abscess and I know for a fact that the bacteria was from a strip club. The bar tender there had the same abscess. Maybe I don’t know it for a fact. But it seems highly likely.

But until recently, when the state has been open, I have had permission to get massages. And I have gone to some where the massage therapist gets naked and jerks me off at the end. But recently with cases going back up W has indicated that she does not want me getting massages. Do I need her permission?

I know one answer that many people would offer is, “yes”. Those people would say that if my wife doesn’t want me to do something I should not do it. Of course others would call me a pussy or say that I was pussy whipped. Some people would say, my wife doesn’t get to make decisions for me. I should make my own decisions. I want autonomy and freedom. But if I’m going to do something my wife doesn’t want me to do is it better to tell her and fight if need be? Or is it better to do it discretely and preserve the peace?

It isn’t possible for a husband and wife to always agree. Therefore, there must be either fighting, lying or resentment (my therapist introduced a fourth category of compromise). And divorce rates and anecdotal stories of unhappy marriage show that marriage is a fertile garden for all three (I’m not sure about the fourth). Perhaps it is all the manure that life sprinkles on us that makes it so easy for fights to sprout like weeds all throughout a marriage, resentment to rise like ivy around the relationship’s foundation and lies to dance around like timid rabbits that try to avoid predators but chomp away at all the vegetables.

A respectful conversation is supposed to be the gardener who keeps the ivy trimmed, the weeds in check and the rabbits at bay. But what if the gardener drops dead of a heart attack in the blistering sun and no agreement can be reached even if everyone listens carefully to the other? What if the compromise my therapist says I should search for is nowhere to be found? If I think I should be able to go to get massages, W does not think I should be able to get massages, we discuss it and we still disagree, can I go? Of course I am able. May I go? I do not have her permission. Should I go? Do I need my wife’s permission?


  • Member6532
    4 years ago
    I think you are looking for answers in the wrong place, I am sure 90% of people on here don't ask and hide going to clubs/AMP. I am sure everyone loves their wife to some extent but risk losing her for a good time on a monthly or even weekly basis.
  • yankeez4lif
    4 years ago
    If you need to ask the question, then you already know you shouldn't go. With that said, seems to me that if your wife already knows and accepts your extracurricular activities that you should be able to get away with telling your wife I gotta do what I gotta do and get your rocks off. When it's all said and done, you are a grown ass and can do whatever the hell you want. As a married man, we both know you are not living up to your part of the agreement. You can't expect to have autonomy and freedom while you're married since you must consider someone other than yourself when you make decisions. Not sure how your wife will react if/when she finds out, but if you can deal with the worst case scenario (divorce where she will probably get half of your worth) then you should seek more than a hand job. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • Ulrik79
    4 years ago
    If you would be fine with your wife going to a male masseuse, where the guy gets naked and gets her off, then I think you should tell your wife what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you wouldn't be fine with her getting serviced by another man, then stop being a hypocrite and stop going to those places. When I get into a relationship I stop using all of the services I use when single
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    If she's asked you not to go, and you've agreed, then yeah, you need to ask her permission.
    4 years ago
    Is it the massage she's concerned about or massage during time when cases going up. If it's the latter, that's temporary and becomes a different discussion, if it's the former why the change in agreement.

  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    You are asking the wrong questions for the wrong reasons.

    You got married with an agreement on conduct under pre-COVID assumptions. Now those assumptions have changed and you made a new agreement which you realized you can't or wont honor.

    The question should be: do I renegotiate the agreement, or do I get out of the marriage? If you can't live up to your agreement, you already know "cheating" and lying will lead to bad things. You may not get "caught" early, but eventually the damage you cause by being deceptive will be serious.

    So you started with honesty. Stay with honesty. If you can't reach a new agreement you can live with without cheating or lying, then why are you still married?

    Stop being a pussy who wants to look like a good hubby but really is a lying asshole. Man up and be honest, then deal with the consequences. Respect her and get respect from her.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    glad i’m divorced.
  • Sgrayeff
    4 years ago
    Didn't realize there were so many saints at stripclubs. Respect.
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