
Comments by herbtcat (page 11)

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    4 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Question: Why do you consider it normal to drink cow’s milk but...
    I was drinking breast milk long before I tried cows milk. Pretty sure most of you did as well. Now breast milk from a stripper? The 1st time came (no pun intended) as quite a surprise to me in 2006 when I did Take Out of my CF Latina spinner from Xposed in Canoga Park. I'd park in the Post Office lot next door and text her to "go on break" for an hour. She'd step out and slip into my car and we'd drive back to my place for happy fun times. This went on bi-weekly for about 6 months. But the 2nd time, she told me to suck really hard on her nipple and - blast - I got a warm, sweet shot right down my throat. Closest I've ever been (or want to be) to taking a cum shot. She laughed her ass off at my surprise for about 10 minutes before I returned the favor and had her swallow... something else. Bottom line: I don't mind it, but I don't look for, or ask for it.
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    4 years ago
    Codeswitching and the Hobby
    My SC buddy and I developed a code word that we only (need to) use in a club. If one of us gets (or has had) a lousy dance with a stripper and she comes over to ask my buddy if he also wants a dance, I need to tell him it's a bad idea without sounding like an asshole by saying something like "Dude, she's awful! Stay away!" I don't want to hurt or insult a dancer just because I didn't like her dancing. She's entitled to do or not do whatever she wants in a dance. But I have to look out for my buddy, too. So our code is to say she was great but use a term about space in the process. Ex: "She put me in orbit," or "It was out of this world," or "She's the brightest star in the sky." Then my buddy can "decide" that he's not ready for another dance right now and can politely decline. No harm, no hurt feelings, no drama.
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    4 years ago
    Ho! Ho! Ho! 3 In A Row
    V.I.P. Room
    1. Bring some mini-bottles of booze (like what you get on a plane) and offer them up, unopened. Vodka works best - it can be added to her drink on the DL. 2. Do not make corny jokes like "you should be paying me." She should not. 3. Don't stink. Do smell nice and have minty fresh breath. 4. Ask before you touch any pink parts, then tip well if given permission, and most importantly, 5. Bring quiet confidence without being a mysogynistic asshole.
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    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Census
    I wonder if part of the increase in Mexican listings is really related to an increase awareness of the clubs by US residents, as opposed to a volume of "new" clubs popping up in Mexico. Care to speculate on how many of the "new" clubs now listed on TUSCL actually existed pre-2008 but we just not listed on the site?
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    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Century Nudes was notorious in it's time for it's lack of hotties and it's abundance of extras. I would visit it rarely back in the day as I lived in the Valley and had much better options local to me, like the original Industrial Strip (now Blue Zebra) in North Hollywood. But when I had the occasional night flight out of LAX, I'd stop by on day shift and kill a few hours until I had to go to the terminal. Blue Zebra in NH was the City of Industry's equal in the 90's with perhaps 80% of the dancers openly offering a full menu behind the double-swinging-doored booths along the back wall (before they opened the VIP area down a hallway to the back). I remember my first visit there, a dancer sat down with me right after I got my drink and asked me to take her to a booth. I mean we hadn't even had a conversation... just "take me for a dance." As I entered the booth and was starting to sit down, she put my hand on her pussy and said "wanna fuck now, or after a dance?" I didn't even know her name, and I still don't. LOL. She rode me BB for about 2 songs. I tipped her an extra $40 and she grabbed some napkins from her purse to hold the evidence. This turned out to be the standard operations protocol in that club for several years. The bouncers only came by to count each song, never looking in a booth or caring what was going on. I'm sure that at least three dancers were giving the bouncers on shift a weekly ride to ensure their cooperation. Even after it reopened as Blue Zebra the same menu was available in the new VIP booths in the back - minus the doors on each padded-bench booth. It was a win-win-win situation. Good times.
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    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: Long distance relationships
    Here's how I think of it. If I can get to her (or she can get to me) and be back home in the same day, it's not a long-distance relationship. If one or both of us need to sleep in a different bed one or more nights, it's a long-distance relationship. Not sure if that helps you decide if you want to keep him or not. But you asked for a definition. :)
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    4 years ago
    New York
    I banged 6 women who I had never banged before. All between 19 and 28 years old; 3 Latina's, 1 AA, 2 Asians. That's a bit under my usual average of 8-10 a year. But considering it all happened during an LA quarantine, I'm happy. Got a new 23 year old blond, former stripper, and her 25 year old Latina friend lined up for next week. So I guess I'm staring out 2021 ahead of the curve... Oh and my bitcoin balance went up 164%. Nice.
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    West Virginia Lawyer Tried to Trade Legal Services for Oral Sex with Stripper
    I no longer shocked to see lawyers getting busted for acts like this. Yes, you would think a lawyer would know not to do this, or at least know better than most how to not get caught. But I've seen too many lawyers who seem to think that they can flagrantly violate the law or professional conduct rules BECAUSE they are a lawyer, and therefore know how to get out of it better than anyone.
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    4 years ago
    Grounds for rejection on a review
    Irrelevant - nobody actually drinks a Tom Collins - except a pussy. :p
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    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Wish List
    I like the idea of a Super-VIP area behind some kind of wall that will allow us to share more sensitive info. But I’d suggest that unless @Founder can ensure that no LE can view or access it, he and the whole site is at risk from doing so. Other than that precaution, there are lots of interesting posts that could appear like offers to set up a PL meet and greet at a local club (once COVID is over), or references to other review sites that do not include strip clubs - like the best-known site for massage parlors asked about by @Electronman. Or perhaps some discussion areas for strippers that cross over into the Sugar Baby world. The strippers can look for potential Daddies here, away from trolls, and vice versa. Beyond that, assuming that posters can rely on the esxclusivity and protected access to the area, I think those who get in will quickly find the best use cases for this area.
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    4 years ago
    Pigs likes getting dirty
    Singapore visit.
    Thanks for the update. I have fond memories of my trip to Singapore in 2012. So is Orchard Towers now closed? If so, is it temporary (COVID19 related) or permanent?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How much time do you spend before picking a girl to do lap dances with?
    Varies widely by club and location, but generally: Most clubs in the greater Los Angeles area post a roll call on their website or though IG. So for a club I know well, I can get a good idea of who will be there when I arrive. Doesn't mean I'll find one of my CF's or that one will be available, or will even want to hang with me. She may be with or expecting a bigger whale. But knowing one or more of my favs are there will usually keep me from going to a diff club first. Next, I also usually politely blow off the Hunter/Killer Snipers who hang right next to the entryway. IME, they are almost always ROB's or low mileage, especially when one has her less-attractive (sometimes fugly) "friend" in tow and tries to sell me a two-girl dance which will ALWAYS be a waste of money. Let me repeat that: 2 Girl Dances with dancers you don't know will ALWAYS be a waste of money no matter what they imply. Don't do it. You have been warned. :) If I don't see anyone on my "Yes" list right away, then I'll either text a CF I am expecting, look at the line up posted by the DJ booth, or wait through at least one stage rotation. I may stay longer if I get there less than 2 hours before shift change. Finally, who I select is not necessarily based just on physical looks. I want a dancer who I think is attractive and will click well with me, who will take at least a few minutes to talk to me, and who (hey, I'll admit it) may be likely to allow extras either ITC or OTC. If I've spent 1 to 2-ish hours at a club and have not had any, or very few single, dances, I'll bounce and go to Plan B. Not the club in LA called "Plan B," just my second choice... which may in fact be Plan B, if I'm in that part of town. :p And for all you who are still new to this process, remember you can always ask the DJ or Manager how many dancers are in the back... you can get some excellent intel that way.
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    4 years ago
    Vegas status Xmas/NYE 2020
    Seems to me you've answered your own question... Try talking to one of the "indies" at the bar or near the elevator. I'm pretty certain you can hire one of them to give you an hour of nude, VIP Laps in your room. Remember, you are not REQUIRED to have sex with a hooker. Happy New Year.
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    4 years ago
    immigrant strippers
    @nicespice, >>"Cubanas didn’t make those clubs dirtier."<< True. I was getting unasked for BJ's and FS in many Tampa clubs back in the 90's when on business trips (which for totally unrelated reasons - AHEM! - I tried to book frequently :p). And I have to suggest that any "invasion" of new talent to a club has to start with Management's hiring practices, which in any successful club must be more related to a dancer's ability to generate revenue for the the club than any ethnic or birthplace demographic. If one so-called "type" earns more money, they will tend to get hired.
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    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Would you consider this a form of legal prostitution
    It's no more illegal than paying all of or part of your girlfriend's or wife's phone bill, or the rent, or her car payment. It's no more illegal than buying your S/O a watch, or a purse, or any other gift. It's no more illegal than paying for the airfare, hotel and meals when you take a date on a trip, or when you give your date some spending money for souvenirs. If you want to claim it's prostitution, then any time a husband (or wife!) paid for the expenses or shared cash with their spouse and they expected that they would sometime have sex as part of their relationship, every married person in the country is a prostitute and/or a John. BTW: That doesn't mean there are no hookers listed on SA. But there are also hookers who have boyfriends/girlfriends or husbands/wives.
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    4 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How are strip clubs going to be changed by Covid?
    ====> "I do believe that SA may be cutting into club revenues a bit by diverting some of the in-person adult spending." <==== Rick, surprisingly (or perhaps not?), I see very few (former) strippers listing on SA in my area (Valley). Or at least I don't see any more than I did pre-COVID. So while it's plausible the customer spend is being diverted, the strippers are generally not receiving that diverted spend through SA. I do have anecdotal stories of displaced strippers going into other alternative businesses, like legal weed/CBD sales or webcamming. And I know several who have upped their OTC games by lowering their prices and/or increasing their "level of service." Ok, some of those "anecdotes" actually took place in my bedroom... but that's a story for another post. But the premise remains; demand will be satisfied in the long run, one way or another.
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    4 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    How are strip clubs going to be changed by Covid?
    Post-pandemic, what will have really changed? Nothing, at least in the long term. Economic cycles, no matter how painful during the downturns, are just that; cyclic. The epidemic will end, and the economy will grow as the cycle continues. There will be damage to individual workers and businesses, to be sure. But as long as local, state and federal laws & regulations do not change beyond temporary safety-related issues, the strip club business will rebound in time. There may be a large percentage of new strippers, staff, clubs, and owners. And there may be some tweaks in business models. But the demand for this service will drive new supply as soon as local conditions allow it to be done safely. And just like the legal (and not so legal) brothels mentioned in another post, market forces will drive the process. As long as there is demand, there will be providers to meet that need.
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    4 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Favorite sexual innuendo phrases.
    I got this one from a girl who wants me to be her Sugar Daddy: "Is your name google? Because you got everything I am searching for."
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to get banned from Instagram
    This would be disappointing if she was actually hot. Like this, she's just a sad drunk.
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    4 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Seeking Mecca for lap dance pilgrimage
    $10,000 will get you some good times in the US, but will get you royal treatment in the Caribbean. Assuming we are only talking post-global deployment of the vaccines, here's some thoughts: US: - Atlanta is mecca for the "make it rain" clubs. Lots of wanna be (and actual) rappers and pro athletes go to clubs in "Hotlanta" to party with their buddies and throw stacks of $1's on the stage. You can pick off some handsy hotties from the sidelines there. - Tampa/Miami is loaded with friendly Chica's and locals who will rub and slide naked boobs anywhere you want. Many will also offer extras and/or OTC but you are not obligated to go (or tip) that far. - Houston clubs like Treasures can be a great place to find fake boobs attached to fake personalities who will try to convince you that they love your "old world charms." - LA breaks down into three areas: 1. Downtown & South LA - lots of urban clubs where grinding is an art form, 2. The San Fernando Valley offers a good mix of fresh, tight talent and extras on the DL, if you know the game, and 3. City Of Industry has many of the most legendary FS extra clubs on the west Coast and taking these veteran and occasional noob dancers for a test drive (outside of VIP) can be very hands on and fun for minimal investment. Caribbean, including Jamaica and Dominican Republic: Travel costs are relatively low, compared to Europe or Asia. Some clubs are a bit dodgy, but go with a buddy, or stay with the most popular clubs near major tourist locations and you can get your boobie-time on the cheap. Finally, Mexico is a mixed bag - prostitution is tolerated in the open, so you need to figure out which bars/clubs have only hookers, and which also have strippers. But drinks, food and hotels are cheap, and girls are friendly, especially if you speak Spanish. Let us know what you decide, please.
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Underground 'stripper party' violating COVID-19 restrictions busted in Brooklyn
    "According to the state, the party violated the state's 10 p.m. curfew implemented by Cuomo on bars and restaurants in order to slow the spread of coronavirus." "Paper Rain’s" liquor license was suspended on Dec. 4, the state said, adding that the bar’s liquor license does not allow for "adult entertainment." It wasn't raided because it was strip club. It was raided because the owners 1-Broke the 10 pm curfew, and 2-Were serving booze with a suspended alcohol license. Still, total waste of taxpayer money.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Synning in North Hills
    Drove by the club today around 3:45 pm. Looks closed - probably due to new stay-at-home orders. Bummer...
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    4 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "Stripper Photos"
    How about calling it "User Submitted Pics" because, you know... that's what they are?
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    4 years ago
    Now even Santa’s a pussy
    You'll shoot your eye out, Kid! https://youtu.be/qgjPa5JkecA?t=45
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    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Are part time dancers really strippers?
    There is only one test: If she get paid to show her tits, she's a stripper. Everything else is logistics.