Favs that turn into ROBs

yall ever have a cf or even an atf that turned into a ROB?
I think this might have happened to me a few weeks back. The quality was the same, mileage was the same, but then she started trying to ask me to give her more money than the dances I'd gotten. Probably would have done it if I didn't have to wait so long to see her
I think this might have happened to me a few weeks back. The quality was the same, mileage was the same, but then she started trying to ask me to give her more money than the dances I'd gotten. Probably would have done it if I didn't have to wait so long to see her
last commentAfter Katrina, it was bought by some big Asian family with connections to OC. They dumped all the girls who wanted to dance and have fun, and replaced them with B-girls. Lady drink prices were jacked way up. Then all drinks jumped in price. Then the ITC by dancers and dealing by bouncers started. I had stopped going shortly after the B-girls started. That was all the excuse the sheriff was looking for, and they were raided and closed a few weeks later.
-a reaction to her bugging out that she might not have enough funds to cover rent as the end of the month approacheds and/or even cover club tipout
-she's already planning to quit dancing
-this happened to me once and i ditched her for a month: "i know you have money." i wanted to say, "yeah you stupid greedy bitch, more money to buy a shitty meal at a diner and a pack of cigarettes."
i don't think your fave will do that ever again. but now would probably be a real good time to look for a backup fave or 2.
Went to tip a fave on stage, pulled the wad of cash from stage tip pocket to give tip her when she told me to give her all of it. Took it as a faux pas or attempt at bad joke delivered poorly. I've had my share of those. One incident doesn't change everything prior, some guys' ego so fragile ready to move on from the tiniest slight.
Dude, that question needs its own thread...
+ as was mentioned above, she may be leaving dancing (at least for a while); and wants to take as much with her as po$$ible
+ she may feel underpaid for what she puts in
+ as I mentioned earlier could be she's having financial difficulties.
At the end of the day, a PL should not be surprised when this happens; it's part of the territory - as w/ anything else, communication usually helps, vs just getting passive-aggressive pissed about it - i.e. try and see if you both can get on the same page and iron out w/e differences.
You are not clear on what happened - what is the arrangement you had - did you just pay her for the dances and that's it - perhaps she feels she deserves a tip for going the extra-mile and how she treats you? Perhaps she feels you don't spend enough on her - w/o details it's hard to know who's not being sensible - could be she's trying to squeeze extra-$$$ out of you for some reason, or could be she felt you haven't been treating her as she thought she should be treated
Sadly she's still a ROB and she's at least 60. Anytime I see her at a club (she's been in all of them around LA and the Valley) I tell the manager that I won't spend any money in that club as long as she works there. Then I leave.