yall ever have a cf or even an atf that turned into a ROB?
I think this might have happened to me a few weeks back. The quality was the same, mileage was the same, but then she started trying to ask me to give her more money than the dances I'd gotten. Probably would have done it if I didn't have to wait so long to see her
It happens - at the end of the day it's about the $$$ and only the $$$, with rare exceptions - could be she's having financial issues especially during these Covid times - often times they try to extract $$$ by making up emergencies to get the PL to feel sorry for her (the ole "woe is me" hustle)
not a dancer; but the whole club . Jaguars in Fat City, LA. It was my favorite place to go and fairly close to where I lived. Small, lots of gorgeous women, lots of mileage and OTC. Girls would sit in your lap and shoot the shit all night long. Christmas Eve and NYE were invite only. They'd lock the doors and go fully nude. I got one invite and had to pass, my civvie gf had expectations to see me, LOL. There was one hardbody MILF there who was my ATF. After Katrina, it was bought by some big Asian family with connections to OC. They dumped all the girls who wanted to dance and have fun, and replaced them with B-girls. Lady drink prices were jacked way up. Then all drinks jumped in price. Then the ITC by dancers and dealing by bouncers started. I had stopped going shortly after the B-girls started. That was all the excuse the sheriff was looking for, and they were raided and closed a few weeks later.
I had one that started taking me for granted as a sure thing. Once she was so drunk she almost fell out of the VIP booth and talked about having to leave cuz she thought she was going to puke. Total boner killer and then she expected the usual $ amount. Gave it to her but, next time I saw her I brought it up. She apologized, cut her usual price and let's just say the ensuing session was one of the best VIP's I ever had.
@papi_chulo wanna know something weird? This girl has never done the whole woe is me bullshit. By all accounts she's been way kinder to me than any stripper should ever be; tried helping me find a new apartment, getting managers to buy me shots, initially refused to let me pay for her phone as a thank you for trying to help me find a place to live. She even, the day she tried to upsell me, got a PL she was making money off of to buy me a bowl of chips as I waited to have lunch with her. So, this is kinda disheartening
could be: -a reaction to her bugging out that she might not have enough funds to cover rent as the end of the month approacheds and/or even cover club tipout -she's already planning to quit dancing -this happened to me once and i ditched her for a month: "i know you have money." i wanted to say, "yeah you stupid greedy bitch, more money to buy a shitty meal at a diner and a pack of cigarettes."
i don't think your fave will do that ever again. but now would probably be a real good time to look for a backup fave or 2.
Not a ROB. Not the best service and a mood killer too.
Went to tip a fave on stage, pulled the wad of cash from stage tip pocket to give tip her when she told me to give her all of it. Took it as a faux pas or attempt at bad joke delivered poorly. I've had my share of those. One incident doesn't change everything prior, some guys' ego so fragile ready to move on from the tiniest slight.
Same girl, multiple times seeing her asked for a tip after a few dances. So sweetly happily obliged. Another dancer same night after lame dancers tried asking and told no thanks. Depends on how she approaches it.
I feel like a lot of girls don't know their worth when they start and eventually are like apt to jack up prices or do less for the same price. I can see why regular customers may be put off, but it is what it is. I think the regulars stay in that situation if they like the girl enough. Or maybe the girl upped her game some kinda way.
She asked for more money. Thats not being a rob. She also doesn't have to justify anything to you. Its a business transaction. You either want her services or not. A rob would be someone who steals your wallet or promises something they don't deliver on.
Hard to know what women in general are thinking/feeling; strippers even less - plenty of PLs have been in the position of "hey we always had a great time together then all of a sudden she did 'X' to me" - most PLs are clueless and make wrong assumptions w.r.t. dancers/faves - it's her job to make the PL think only the best about her - at the end of the day you are a customer and most people are gonna treat their customers well no-matter what they think of the customer (whether it's strippers or any other biz) - could be anything from:
+ as was mentioned above, she may be leaving dancing (at least for a while); and wants to take as much with her as po$$ible
+ she may feel underpaid for what she puts in
+ as I mentioned earlier could be she's having financial difficulties.
At the end of the day, a PL should not be surprised when this happens; it's part of the territory - as w/ anything else, communication usually helps, vs just getting passive-aggressive pissed about it - i.e. try and see if you both can get on the same page and iron out w/e differences.
You are not clear on what happened - what is the arrangement you had - did you just pay her for the dances and that's it - perhaps she feels she deserves a tip for going the extra-mile and how she treats you? Perhaps she feels you don't spend enough on her - w/o details it's hard to know who's not being sensible - could be she's trying to squeeze extra-$$$ out of you for some reason, or could be she felt you haven't been treating her as she thought she should be treated
I've had some favs ask for more money. These were dancers I was also seeing OTC. I did not mind helping them out sometimes. But one dancer--my first CF--started asking for more money every time I saw her. I dropped her.
I one knew a ROB named Natalie back in 2004..... probably the most annoying person I've ever met. Even more annoying than Ardice who used to work at Godfathers in the Valley!
Sadly she's still a ROB and she's at least 60. Anytime I see her at a club (she's been in all of them around LA and the Valley) I tell the manager that I won't spend any money in that club as long as she works there. Then I leave.
last commentAfter Katrina, it was bought by some big Asian family with connections to OC. They dumped all the girls who wanted to dance and have fun, and replaced them with B-girls. Lady drink prices were jacked way up. Then all drinks jumped in price. Then the ITC by dancers and dealing by bouncers started. I had stopped going shortly after the B-girls started. That was all the excuse the sheriff was looking for, and they were raided and closed a few weeks later.
-a reaction to her bugging out that she might not have enough funds to cover rent as the end of the month approacheds and/or even cover club tipout
-she's already planning to quit dancing
-this happened to me once and i ditched her for a month: "i know you have money." i wanted to say, "yeah you stupid greedy bitch, more money to buy a shitty meal at a diner and a pack of cigarettes."
i don't think your fave will do that ever again. but now would probably be a real good time to look for a backup fave or 2.
Went to tip a fave on stage, pulled the wad of cash from stage tip pocket to give tip her when she told me to give her all of it. Took it as a faux pas or attempt at bad joke delivered poorly. I've had my share of those. One incident doesn't change everything prior, some guys' ego so fragile ready to move on from the tiniest slight.
Dude, that question needs its own thread...
+ as was mentioned above, she may be leaving dancing (at least for a while); and wants to take as much with her as po$$ible
+ she may feel underpaid for what she puts in
+ as I mentioned earlier could be she's having financial difficulties.
At the end of the day, a PL should not be surprised when this happens; it's part of the territory - as w/ anything else, communication usually helps, vs just getting passive-aggressive pissed about it - i.e. try and see if you both can get on the same page and iron out w/e differences.
You are not clear on what happened - what is the arrangement you had - did you just pay her for the dances and that's it - perhaps she feels she deserves a tip for going the extra-mile and how she treats you? Perhaps she feels you don't spend enough on her - w/o details it's hard to know who's not being sensible - could be she's trying to squeeze extra-$$$ out of you for some reason, or could be she felt you haven't been treating her as she thought she should be treated
Sadly she's still a ROB and she's at least 60. Anytime I see her at a club (she's been in all of them around LA and the Valley) I tell the manager that I won't spend any money in that club as long as she works there. Then I leave.