
Strip club price gouging.

Atlanta suburb

I haven't been to a strip club since March 12 due to the COVIS-19 situation but I have kept up on club reviews. Especially the ones that are nearest me buy also ones that interest me.

From what I have been reading it appears to me that dancers and clubs are charging more than prior to the virus shutdowns.

I just read a review for $60 valet parking. I've seen increased door charges, drink prices, dance prices and extras prices.

I guess it is a sellers market right now. I'm not buying. First of all because I am in that vulnerable category but secondly there is a limit on how much I am willing to pay for these services. When I do start going again I will refuse to pay prices higher than I think they are worth.

I hope that when there is more competition, prices will go back to more normal but I realize that once a price has been established with a dancer, it is difficult to get them to lower prices.

Please try to avoid raising the price of pussy!


  • mike710
    4 years ago
    Only been to a club in San Diego and a couple in AZ. The prices there were the same. Only difference in AZ for dances was $10 floor dances weren't available. This wasn't because the clubs wanted to eliminate them but because of the rules handed down by local government. They were just trying to stay open.

    I had extra cash from not going to clubs for months so I was extra generous tipping and getting more VIP's than I otherwise might have in the past.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Sorta yes in my experience. Local club took away the food and drink specials on Thursday Friday Saturday. And the free Friday buffet because those are now illegal. I was tipping generously when we first reopened and have cut back some, but still above where I was pre-apocalypse (and I was never a cheapskate ). On the other side, the girls have also been providing better service. More competition with more girls in the club all needing work and fighting over/getting less shifts? Maybe that’s the reason. The Baltimore city clubs opened this week so the market should probably be leveling out, for good and bad.

    In any event, it’s still always true that it only takes one special dancer to make any club visit an epic one.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Please try to avoid raising the price of pussy!"

    Sorry to say it shadow, but market forces aren't under the control of a handful of random dudes on a strip club forum, lol. I think that price appreciation is inevitable, especially given what you've gotten away with paying for so long. 😉
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    The cure for high prices is high prices. If a club overprices their services, someone will step in and steal their customers with lower prices and better services.
  • Techman
    4 years ago
    My Concept's in Lawrenceburg Ind has still the same pricing but I take several $5 and $1's for tipping. The Mynx in Groton CT has only $150/15 minutes and $310/30 minutes. Their LD's use to be $25 with great mileage. As the Fed Res keeps printing $$$ dancers are going to think they deserve more $1K nights.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I think these clubs will ultimately fail.

    Its a buyers market.

    From what I'm seeing very few clubs are open and there are too many girls trying ti work. Not enough customers.

  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Haven't seen any real significant increases in prices around here. I think one added a small cover charge ($5 or 10 don't remember exactly) but that was more to keep out people who didn't want to spend because of the occupancy limits.

    In fact at least one club (Blue Diamond in Louisville) has gone down in price. They had raised the price of their VIP rooms within the past year but when they reopened the prices were back to what they used to be before the increase.
  • grand1511
    4 years ago
    My limited experience at a few clubs is that you get less for the lower priced single dances and the clubs are trying to drive business to the VIP rooms. I don't see a lot of guys taking advantage of that so you'd think the market would eventually react and correct.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I can understand why the prices were raised, and do not think it fair to label it price gouging.

    These clubs have gone weeks or months without income. Utilities and rents have remained constant. Many consumables have increased in price due to relative scarcity. Operating costs have increased with the need for PPE and disinfectant. Margins have decreased due to customer capacity reductions and generally reduced traffic. Business owners need to recoup what costs they can. Until they can operate without onerous restrictions, increasing prices is the only option they have.

    Hopefully, when the restrictions are completely removed, market choice and competition will push prices down to something closer to what we saw before the Chinese coronavirus ravaged what was the greatest eonomic boom in American history.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    It drives me nuts when there are accusations of price gouging following a major disaster. After a hurricane, there is a jump in demand for lumber, fuel, etc. Higher prices naturally follow, which encourages manufacturers and truckers to swiftly deliver the needed supplies. Within a few weeks, demand is met.

    If you mandate lower prices, supplies will trickle in and shortages will remain.

    Government bureaucrats think they can legislate an end to supply and demand.
  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    I think the worst thing a club can do once it reopens is try to "chase" the revenue they lost during the closure by trying to get customers to pay more for the same (or less) service they got pre-pandemic.

    Consider the following:
    1. Every customer that has ever visited that club has just learned that they can survive several months away from the club.
    2. I'll paraphrase a bit and say "No club is an island." There will be more than one club that reopens and all will be competing for that first $20 bill spent.
    3. Safety rules will remain during and after reopening, so the customers will need to put up with even more crap rules in the club. Who wants to pay even more for that?

    If I go back to my favorite club only to find dance prices doubled and VIP's doubled or tripled, I'll bail without looking back.

    No, the winning clubs will realize that they MUST drive TRAFFIC (not profits) into the club to sustain their business. The more people that come to the club, the closer to "business as usual" they will get. Once traffic level has normalized, clubs can tweak pricing, just like they always did pre-pandemic.

    To drive traffic they need to, at a minimum, keep prices at pre-COVID levels. But consider if a club actually lowered dance and drink prices? What if every day at a Deju Vu was like $10 Monday's or Two-Fer Tuesdays? Guys would line up at the door to get back in and buy laps. And I'll predict that those guys will spend MORE than they normally did before the lockdowns. After all, that cash has been accumulating in their pockets right next to their brightly glowing blue balls, which are just waiting for attention from a bevy of hotties in various states of nakedness.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Per some of the reviews I've read, doesn't seem the price increases are universal but it does seem certain clubs have raised their prices.

    "... I just read a review for $60 valet parking ..."

    Yeah - if I recall correctly that was of a Club Platinum nightshift visit - there's only been one report of that so I'm holding out till there are more reports - it *is* possible; Follies dayshift parking was up to $20, can't remember nightshift but would not surprise me if it was more at night; given that Platinum seems to have an even smaller lot than Follies, could be they are charging up to $60 at night - IME some black clubs charge supa-high parking fees and Platinum was originally an AA club AFAIK and it's mostly an AA club at night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Having grown up in Miami, there was the def price-gouging when we had hurricanes - one thing is for their to be a price-increase, another is to charge 10X.

    During the start of Covid, there were reports of stores charging $25 to $30 for a small bottle of hand-sanitizer - they went to interview the store-manager and he said that was the price the distributor was charging him - they went to interview the distributor and they slammed the door in the reporter's face and would not say their side of the story (their actions speak volumes).
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Follies valet service was owned by the son of one of Follies 2 owners. Just prior to the shut down day shift prices were lowered to general $5 and $10VIP. VIP being the spaces upfront closest to the entrance. I heard that this came about due to complaints by the dancers.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    There are times I agree some places should relax on certain things. At my home club, it was ridiculous during one shift when alcohol sales still had another 30 minutes to go, but the club was putting a bouncer in front of the lap dance area for the $10 charge to get back in there anyways. (And it’s $10 *every single time* to walk in) Ugh, it’s annoying and one of the things that has kept me motivated to stick with day shift lately.

    Other times, it’s frustrating when prices are lower, and you have to *wait* to be able to do a dance or time block because all the spaces are full. Meanwhile a customer may get frustrated and bounce out. And with capacity restriction rules in many areas, that’s probably more of an issue now than it used to be.

    It can be a delicate scale for balancing things, I think. 😝
  • BabyDoc
    4 years ago
    I suspect many here would not be happy with me “inflating” the club economy and thus encouraging “price gouging”. That’s OK. I understand the sentiment and have shared that same sentiment throughout the years but now I’m old and frankly my dear I don’t give a damn.

    I was laid up for months before the appearance of the Chinese Flu and the stupid over reaction to it. During that time I planned for an over the top come back mongering tour which has been on hold now for seven long months. When the dam finally breaks, and I’m confident it will, then watch out baby because price will be no object. Champagne and Benjamins for all the naked ladies I encounter. Money sitting in the bank gathering dust ain’t doing me no good. There’s a lot of single moms out there that could make good use of some of it.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Price gouging means less money for the stripper hoes. But clubs don't gaf
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Viva capitalism. The clubs will adjust and prices will adjust to local market rates.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    That's inane. Most business owners would rather run tjeir business into the ground than offer a fair service at a fair price. Especially now during the pandemic cash grab they tbink theyre on.

    Many clubs will shut down
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Most business owners would rather run tjeir business into the ground than offer a fair service at a fair price.
    Huh? Am I on planet Mars? Business owners would rather fail than offer a fair price? What?

  • winex
    4 years ago
    That's news to me too Pistola. And I have an MBA.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    How about the clubs that charge $5+ for a flimsy bottled water that probably costs them b/w 10 and 20 cents
  • winex
    4 years ago
    I hear you Papi - I don't drink alcohol. I usually order water. $5.50 will get you a luke warm 15.9 oz bottle of water in Phoenix.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    How about the clubs that charge $5+ for a flimsy bottled water that probably costs them b/w 10 and 20 centS
    Sapphires in Vegas charges $14-16 for a well drink at night. It’s packed. Supply and demand. And yes there are some clubs that have some odd charges. But they have overhead to cover. 💁🏻‍♂️
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Well i called it, its only going to get more expensive. Theres going to be top tier clubs and low tier. The benefit of top tier clubs is you will have model talent that are looking for discretion and cant be on only fans. When i traveled to Bangkok i saw the low tier clubs with most of the tourist, girls were nothing special. I then ventured outside the tourist areas and you could not believe the quality. I have also seen this operate in Colombia, Ukraine. Good times are coming for those that can afford it, clean, fit girls.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @SaltyNuts - as Mark94 said earlier, the cure to high prices is high prices. It's an old saying from the commodities industries. Essentially as price goes up (for most goods), demand goes down.

    The concept of price elasticity of demand applies to strip clubs too.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    The prices are the bottleneck to enforce social distancing. I had to slip a hostest a franklin to get seated and eat sushi this past weekend. Wait times were 2 to 3 hours.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... as Mark94 said earlier, the cure to high prices is high prices. It's an old saying from the commodities industries. Essentially as price goes up (for most goods), demand goes down ..."

    Yeah - but throwing pussy into any equation is bound to make that equation not hold (at least according to a recent MIT study)
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    Winex if you think thats true there would not be a market for louis vuitton, ferrari, balenciaga, G wagons dont worry nike, honda and new balance will still be available
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Well, it complicates this conversation greatly, but in economics, there are also things called Giffen goods and Veblen goods that could be applicable here.

    Veblen goods would probably be more applicable to the price of dances.

    I don't think that Giffen goods exist in the strip club market.

    This is only a single data point, but it argues towards the idea that dancers are not Veblen goods.

    There is a club in Phoenix called the HiLiter. Several years ago they raised the price of VIP from $25 per song to $40 per song. They found that demand plummeted and the dancers demanded that they lower the price back to $25.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Price elasticity of demand is a real concept.

    But as I mentioned in the post to Papi that I was typing when you replied to me, there is such a thing as Giffen goods and Veblen goods.

    The examples that you mentioned are all Veblen goods.

    A Veblen good is a type of luxury good that experiences an increase in demand as price increases.

    They aren't common, but if you can create a Veblen good, you are in a good situation.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I haven't noticed anything myself yet
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre trying to justify price gouging.

    Its a buyers market. There are mor3 stripper hoes than customers at clubs. Clubs are just greedy and on a cash grab.

    But suckers who justify and support that shit are what the clubs want
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Most clubs have been gouging PLs (and dancers) forever - thus many may not have a need to go beyond what they have already been doing for years
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Exactly Papi. The mentality of owners of strip clubs is gouge everyone for everything. The $60 valet fees mentioned in the original post are beyond rediculous.

    They will only get away with it as long as we let them get away with it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    To me there is a difference b/w costly, and expensive (my personal definitions, not necessarily the correct ones).

    For me costly is where you are charged a premium, but you get a premium experience/service (or at least close) - to me expensive is when they charge me a premium but I don't get a premium experience.

    Per my definitions, most clubs IME fall under expensive - one "costly" club that I visited that I felt was was worth the cost was Flight Club in Detroit (visited back in 2014) - I didn't stay long b/c of the lack of thick-chocolate, but even though they charge for everything, I felt it was still a fair value given what the club offered and how it was ran, the level of talent w.r.t. looks, treatment, and level-of-service for what you pay.
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    🤔 Open your own!!!!!
    See if it works your way🤷🏻‍♀️
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    I haven't noticed any inflation in the clubs I have visited in Atlanta, Tampa area or JAX. All the prices were pretty much the same as before the shut down. I don't think the $60 valet charge at Platinum is directly related to the coronavirus. It's supply and demand. The parking lot there is tiny. Even though the club is small too, the parking lot is a fraction of what the club needs. With the club's increased popularity lately, they can charge more for people that want to park there.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    There is a fine line to walk. At one point in time Treasures in Vegas had a happy hour from 4-8pm. No cover, free buffet (and decent - vegetables w ranch, wings, flatbreads, some mini fried egg rolls etc.). From 4-6 well drinks and domestic drinks were free. From 6-8 they were $1-2. Premium were 2 for 1. Lemme tell ya, that brought in the worst, cheapest clientele that went for free shit and a free titty show. That lasted about a few months before they bumped it to $2 well and domestics and 2:1 premiums. Thinned out about 1/3 of the crowd. Clubs do not want to attract lookie loos and price accordingly.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    ^That sounds like the Groupon business model. Offer incredible discounts under the theory that cheapskate customers will be happy to pay full price after the discounts end ( spoiler: They don’t ).
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Door prices are higher at two clubs I've seen since their second reopen ($5 to $15) on day shift, but night shift is the same $20. Both clubs have the same ownership. At least one other club is opening next week with a modified format, and I wouldn't be surprised if their door fee goes up. One of the two sister clubs is forcing people to buy food with their drink orders, so there's some first world food waste all over the tabletops. Plus the price of the first drink is about $20 or more. These clubs in Texas are operating under some very Texan rules right now, so it's inconvenient but I don't consider it excessive. Strip clubs were never really a bargain proposition. Even a place like Follies in ATL sets a customer back about $200 for a visit with all the trimmings.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Cheetahs in vegas used to have a happy hour during day shift. Free lunch buffet $10 dances ...drink discounts. Dancers made bank coz construction workers and others getting paid daily and only working mornings ciz of the heat would show up. I knew girls making $600 on day shift.

    Girls at chicas bonitas made the most during the last few hours of happy hour.

    The cheapest crowds come after hours.

  • Icey
    4 years ago
    My girl tried a club that reopened as a restaurant. She thinks it's not worth working tnere ans wants to wait a month or two to see how it goes. As is there were too many girls working. It was all about hustling VIP rooms and girls were fighting and pissed off coz many couldn't even make it to VIP coz of time cobstraints and just too many girls working. Then the restaurant hours made it busy early and thin out pretty quickly. She's not a fan of the business model
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    i went to ‘taboo ‘ anaheim california because of one of my friends. frikin sucked. almost all gorditas.

    been to the closed clubs (under the circumstances) down south a number of times. good. but i wanna see OPEN clubs.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Huh. Here in Louisville, prices have pretty much stayed the same. In fact, in one club, they've gone *down* somewhat.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 years ago
    Not had this problem in Central Illinois. Dancers are motivated, many of their regulars are too afraid of rona to come to the club.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Cheetahs in vegas used to have a happy hour during day shift. Free lunch buffet $10 dances ...drink discounts. Dancers made bank coz construction workers and others getting paid daily and only working mornings ciz of the heat would show up. I knew girls making $600 on day shift.

    Lol. Does this dude even live in Vegas? Gals weren’t making bank at Cheetahs, if they were it wouldn’t be shut down. The draw at Cheetahs was 2 for $7 beer or a bucket of 6 for $15. Guys would come in and nurse a bucket to death. It was the same crowd every day, sort of like Cheers. One or two girls a shift would pop some dough, and usually because they looked good compared to the rest of the shift. 75% of the afternoon shift couldn’t get jobs anywhere else and there were a few grandmas working. Most of the gals made 150-300 after tip out. Decent but hardly bank. Sometimes there would be a new fine girl, but she’d usually last a week or two before she was working at the Rhino or CH3 day shift. The one gal making decent money was Selena, a half Mexican half a Filipino that was early 40s with the body of a 25 yr old who would OTC with the right people. Lol girls making bank at Cheetahs. 🤦🏻 Maybe in the 2000s. Homeboy in his own universe sometimes.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Construction and other guys paid daily would spend money there.

    Are you fucking retarded? Most people grow out of concrete thinking in early childhood. I didn't say every girl made bank.

    And clubs closing isn't related to how much the stripper hoes make
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Nah, you’re the retard. The term ‘Dancers made bank’ is different than the term ‘Some dancers make bank.’ It’s just funny how little you know about Vegas but how much you think you do. I know your type - you’re the Library, Chicas Bonita’s, Cheetas, Play It Again Sams type picking up on the desperation and thinking you’ve got game.

    And sure clubs closing is related to what gals make. You think the Rhino is going out of business anytime soon? Shit the OG had video poker, a license to mint money, and the last management ran it into the ground. Girls go where the money is, guys go where the girls are, money follows - fuck this is basic 101 shit. Of course socialist idealists like yourself that think being a philosophy or gender studies professor don’t live in the business world, so 💁🏼.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre a fucking idiot. And how many dancers there show you their bag? 🤣

    In Vegas strippers are a dime a dozen hence why clubs treat them like whit. Theyre disposable. Clubs care about making money off house fees and customers. They couldn't care less if the girls make money. You have seperate stripper hoe and club economies working side by side in a club.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Most construction workers aren't paid daily, workers that are paid daily are generally temps or gig folks like Uber or Lyft, or waiters and tipped workers and they generally wouldn't be in a strip bar or any bar day shift, not claiming to be a Vegas expert just stating the obvious. and expecting legit info from a moron like phat boi is pretty stupid.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    In vegas they work during the early morning and get paid so theyre at strip clubs during day shift. Lots of girls make good money off them same with gardeners.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Again you must be slow if youre stuck in concrete thinking. I never said every single construction worker in vegas fucking moron. But it shows how low you have yo go to create arguments where none exist
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Sure thing genius concrete thinking lol what a load of stupid shit, daily paid workers earn less than most and I doubt they have the money to pay strip bar prices GTFOH you talk a lot of stupid shit. Gezz what a fuckn wind bag.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre a fucking idiot. Blue collar workers take advantage of happy hours at strip clubs in vegas all the time. Some cluns jave 10 dances a 7 pitchers of beer. You don't know what youre talking about
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Your little bitch ass thinks only rich old white men go to clubs?

    Old white men will sit around nursing a bottle of water or some soda for an hour and waste girls time trying to get the most out of like 5 dollars 🤣🤣🤣
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    since when did you ever know what you were talking about, truth is an abstract concept to you, you've never been anything here on this board except a bad example
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Lol this argument about concrete thinking... You write so damn much and have so many damn opinions that is it really that hard to type one or two extra words? And by I know the type I wasn’t referring to race or color or income - just class.

    As far as dancers, I ran game in Vegas for 15 years, the girls I fucked with laughed at Cheetahs.

    I used to start at Cheetahs cause I had a Cheetahs black card which was $5 any shelf any time drinks so yeah the ladies loved me because a Patron shot was $5 so they told me what’s up.

    I think you just make shit up half the time, it’s like you sorta but not really know what you’re talking about. It’s obvious you don’t like white peeps tho.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    So you were a long time trick. That doesn't mean shit. You actually believe hoes tell tricks the truth 🤣 they want your money so they always upsell tneir worth and downplay scenarios.

  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Long time trick, lol. I can walk into any club and figure out in an hour what these girls are making. It’s not rocket science. You act like it is and you’re special. You’re probably one of them Is don’t buy dances guys, so here some stage tip money, lemme take you out for realz and make you feel special/treat you like the queen you are.’ Meanwhile the only difference between the trick you talk about and you is some of us just want to get to the fucking point. This mf thinks he is a Strip Club Casanova. 😂😂😂😂🤦🏻🖕🏾
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    They couldn't care less if the girls make money.
    That’s crazy talk. The more money the girls make, the better for the club. If I owned a club I’d want a stable of bank-earning happy dancers. Just like the Rhino or CH2 in the day. These gals arent keeping the entire VIP charge, even you know that. Gtfo with that statement. Lmao🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre a trick.

    I know what girls make coz ive seen the money and they trust me. Big difference between you and me.

    I can go into a club and have girls hook me up with drinks and spend real time with me.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ so exactly why would the hoes tell you the truth you are a bigger trick than any of the old white men you keep referring to
    Oh yeah they want your $5.00 in daily pay I get it now.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    It's a free country. They should charge as much as the market will bear. That said, they will likely find out that a club packed full of medium-spending mongers is far better than a few whales in an otherwise empty club.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    They tell me the truth coz weve built trust.

    They have zero incentives to be honest with tricks
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Youre a trick.
    I know what girls make coz ive seen the money and they trust me. Big difference between you and me.
    That’s right, the big difference is I’m not an idiot nor am I on here trying to judge others on how they utilize the strip club. Sometimes I want to go in, be a trick and get out. Sometimes, I want to run game, I’ve dated plenty of Vegas strippers and by dating I don’t mean OTC. Even lived with one for 3 years. So yeah I’ve seen the dough. So get over what you think you know. You arent the king pimp of TUSCL even though you talk like it. And if you’re such a pimp, why not save your time and instead of posting here write a book since you’re such an expert. Btw picking up gals at Chicas Bonitas is hardly something to brag home about, that’s like single-A baseball. 😂😂😂😂😂
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    They tell me the truth coz weve built trust.
    This is Icey code for ‘I took them to Outback or an AYCE sushi place and to a movie, then slept with them and we became FWB for a few weeks.’

    Wow, how impressive.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre out of touch with the reality of strippers. In Vegas. You don't understand the life. Youre talking about the illusion
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Stripper hoes love me lulz
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    I understand the reality just fine thanks. Yeah, the gals at Chicas Bonitas will love anyone that showers, isn’t behind on their car payment, and has decent credit and doesn’t try to finger and them for $10 dances. Not hard.

  • pistola
    4 years ago
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    And youve just proven youre out of touch with stripper hoe culture
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    ^yeah says the guy who says clubs don’t care how much the make. Keep on being the king pimp of the nastiest dive in Vegas. You’re a legend.. in your own mind.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Learn how to read. They don't care how much the stripper hoes make as long as they get their house fees
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I guarantee I'm known in most vegas clubs lulz
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Youre mad coz you know I'm right
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "I guarantee I'm known in most vegas clubs lulz"

    It's true, i heard of you, I heard of phatty the former men's room troll that was hired and fired from every club in Vegas for greasing customers while you picked their pockets for small change. 🤣
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Calling me poor doesn't offend me. Join meat72 in calling me a dirty spic to mqke yourself feel superior too.

    Youre the trick they call when they need $$ I'm the one they call when shes in her car outside the club crying coz she doesn't want to go in and deal with tricks like you.

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