I'm ready if you are

avatar for David9999
3 minutes for the whole thing and its done


last comment
avatar for Dudester
17 years ago
Actually, it takes me about 90 minutes to cum, but if you want me to beat your ass into a bloody pulp, that would take less than a minute.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Funny thing is Dudester is that I've estimated making the posting the first number, making the first call, and making the 2nd call and then checking the listing site to verify the same number -probably would take less than a minute in total.

So you've at least got the timing issue right.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
And people think that I can be childish...
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
true, I don't recall you Parodyman making personal threats, not even against ShadowCat
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
That's not exactly what I meant David9999. This whole quest for the redemption of your credibility is an exercise in turd hunting.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago

Even I'm starting to cringe at what a PL you are, and I was previously enjoying your tailspin. At the very least, do you think you could avoid posting threads that have titles with gay double entendres? Thanks.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
parodyman that may be true, but a necessary one in this case
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Ok, I assuming he's opting out too. However I will try again later this afternoon or tonight, just to be absolutely sure.

I hesitate to post this, because some people will get some pleasure from reading it, which I'm not really interested in giving. On the other hand, I was raised with the idea that inquiries deserve a response, and since you chose this forum for your inquiry (rather than, say, PM-ing me), your response will come in this forum.

I read and post on this website to share information on strip clubs and related places, and on related topics. I have never gotten involved in some of the inter-personal sniping that occurs on this website, because that's not why I am here, and I don't do it in my "real" life either (unless it occurs in the context of professional activities). For that reason, I am not going to get involved in this matter. It does not reflect any personal animus toward you or anyone else, nor does it reflect any desire to give "aid and comfort" to those who like to spar with you. It is just that, from my point of view, your request is incredibly off-topic, and outside of the scope of those activities that I pursue on this board. Since, despite all of the other areas in my life which are controlled by others, I still have some modicum of control over my involvement on this board, I am declining to participate in your proposed activity.

If you want to talk about strip clubs, strippers, etc., let me know. That's what I like to talk about on this board, and why I post here.

Any abusive or critical response to this message will result in my putting your name on my "ignore" list.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
critical response? fuck no. just the opposite. it is about time that someone sees this quest for redemption for the turd hunt it is. This stuff does not belong here. Unfortunately from time to time someone will say something we take personally, my advice, grow a thicker skin.
avatar for looker123
17 years ago
Chitown for President!!! I don't post much here and alot of that is because too many of these threads turn into little more than childish pissing matches. I imagine 90% of the members here would be a whole lot more active if everyone could keep conversations about the focus of this board.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Excellent response, Chitown. I hope we can now lay this and other related threads to rest and get back to discussion of issues that belong here.
"my advice, grow a thicker skin."

Amen to that...
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Chi-town, I truely appreciate you taking the time to state in detail why you made the decison as you did, and I understand your decision. It definitely was an unusual request.
Davyboy's "credibility" has now left the building...
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Can we be done with this now?
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
Parodyman, I just did that. Didn't I ??

In fact I don't have any more options in regards to this matter.

avatar for David9999
17 years ago
You got your wish
David: Your quest to prove that you are an attorney appeared so comically foolish because it was totally unnecessary as well as futile. This being an anonymous board, all we can know about each other are the words we post. There's no way to know the truth about our lives IRL. Therefore, it's pointless to claim that one of us is lying about ourselves, and it's unnecessary to try to refute them if they do. All it means is that your claims don't sound consistent with the words you've posted. The only sensible response is to ignore the disbelief about your identity and deal with your postings. Trying to prove that you truly are what you say IRL doesn't change your postings, and they're all that matters to anyone here.

For the same reason, personal attacks on this board are utterly pointless and never worthy of a reply.

Oh well, it was entertaining for a while.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
"All it means is that your claims don't sound consistent with the words you've posted."

They don't sound consistent with what OTHERS have said I've said, but if you look at what I HAVE actually said, they are consistent for one main reason: because they are the truth.

Some points you should note:

1. The super-stud bullshi.t was never a claim I in fact made, it was a distortion of my comments (by several posters) in regards to the evolutionary attraction issue where I noted I was experiencing (despite the counter-intuitive nature of it) a significant ratcheting up of the all important "chemistry" when the perception (and ideally reality) of being a "gentlemen horndog" of sorts was presented. Its true I was engaging in behavior more than sufficient to present the vibe, however for example the comments in regards to "doing" (or equivalent) every woman "not nailed to the wall" comment was clearly referring to the importance of the female's belief and perception that the male was highly nonmonogamous. I didn't say I was doing that. I've made it clear in post after post that in my case I was interested in quality not quantity in terms of any "relationships" (if one can even call them that) that I've had, which I said again and again has been primarily focused on a relatively small group of women.

2. My comments about height, weight, and presentability were twisted into some kind of James Bond bullshit and were only made in the first place in the context of a question BookGuy had in regard to the fact of whether height issues would matter on this issue, and in the interest of being honest I presented them exactly as they were - even though it would hurt any "theory" I might be trying to support that asserted the perception of male nonmonogamy was a key attraction point that females subconsciously were drawn to.

3. The cross-check I was seeking merely would have confirmed (to a rational personal at least) that I was licensed to practice law and thus a member of the bar in at least one jurisdiction in the United States (and thus among other things not a 15 year old), it would not have proved I was currently a practicing attorney, because that it not a claim I've ever made on this forum. In fact sometime last fall or early winter when I stated this exact thing, someone on this forum asked me why I wasn't practicing, and I clearly stated this was not uncommon for people with multiple degrees (aside from standard lawyer undergrad and JD degrees) and I was involved in a field typically far higher paying than the practice of law, and certainly far more flexible in terms of hours and demands. The problem I've had is that every piece of new information I've added is a further piece of indentifying information, so I cannot respond to every charge or even every (well meaning) comment, for example Jablake's comment on the practice of law w/o further elaborating on certain identifying information.

4. the income amounts were in fact accurate, and anyone familiar with the general field I've involved with would understand the amount cited in fact is comparatively low end relative to others in this field and related areas.

5. the spending amounts I've cited over the past 12 months are also accurate and I've had many posts (all consistent because all were true) as to the ongoing high levels of spending and my constant efforts to control this spending.

6. the number of strip club visits cited is also 100% accurate, and if one has a degree of job flexibility as one sometimes has when one has been involved with one company over many years, that number (while not wise) would be doable. You in fact one can see a response of only a week ago that I made to Jablake that the "client" issue (he was referring to) was not relevant in my case.

7. The issue of why I don't post club reviews, I stated the reasons and Jablake stated the reasons accurately: and it has to do with indentifying information where I'm primarily visting clubs in 2 or 3 cities or regions dropping relatively high amounts on relatively few dancers, clubs where owners certainly know me as one example. Yes, I've probably bought dances from 100 different dancers in total in the past year in various clubs - but that is not my concer per se, it instead relates to issues pertaining to a small group of dancers. AMPS (while I would rather no post info on them either) on the other hand at least present a completely different profile, as for one they nearly always discreetly keep clients from seeing other clients, so hardly anyone ever knows you're even there - even when you visit on location many times. Strip clubs by definition are a much more open activity, and there's an issue of confidence (at a dancer level) that's not relevant to AMPs because such AMP girls by job definition in most cases tend to be offering FS. Now on the other thread after FOUNDER turned my request down and my attempt to answer the crediblity issue, I reluctantly posted very detailed information on my experiences in AMPs, yet I was then accused of merely copying some (supposed) AMP site, impossible in fact for anyone that knows what TER and the other sites offer in regards to that locale, and in fact my information presented will not be found anywhere, and anyone could go these AMPs for affirm my information was 100% accurate.

Its one thing defending what I've said, but when comes down to defending what others SAY I've said, it becomes very convoluted and nearly impossible to refute w/o further and further providing identifying information.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
Hi David9999,

A few random thoughts:

1. Your reactions to other people's distortions, jokes, mocking, etc., generally don't seem consistent with how most people would expect a highly educated and successful person to comport himself. Like one person said you're an attorney so what?, I wouldn't let you defend my dog.

2. Empathy. For most people empathy means they judge the other person based on how *they* would feel under certain pressures or conditions. For example, *I* would probably feel mild annoyance or a temporary go to hell you SOB!!! :) As has been stated repeatedly this is an anonymous board so why would anyone truly care? Even if one can give a logical answer that generally isn't going to sway doubters because they're focused on *their* logic and how *they* would feel.

3. One reason this is very much an unwinnable battle (even if you posted your complete life history in detail) is because humor needn't rely on what you actually said *or actually accomplish*. A distortion such as the James Bond label works just as well and perhaps even better. So, if you posted your real name and address and credit card information and etc., then it would just provide more ammunition to your detractors.

4. Fairness, equality, etc.: Life isn't fair. People aren't equals, but rather individuals. It seems like you're seeking some type of fair play and it is just doubtful that is going to happen. People have very different ideas about what is fair and what isn't fair.

5. Sadism. Inflicting mental pain is a sport for some. Thus, every time you reveal yourself as caring it is just another opportunity for revelers to kick you in the nuts. You respond and then that gives them another opportunity to kick you in the nuts. And, then they laugh because you don't seem to be able to figure that out.

6. OK, that is all my worldly wisdom after decades and decades of life: Ain't much to show. :)

avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
jarblake makes many good points. Logical arguments and presenting solid facts are a very small part of winning friends and influencing people on these boards. Or in life. A witty but completely illogical retort (which often completely distorts what was really said) will defeat all that logical/factual stuff in quick order. Think "sound bites". Some other observations:

a) the people with high "credibility" on these boards almost never present anything factual or make claims that could be falsified by the nerds. Even if they slip up once in a while and do that, it doesn't matter, their credibility still remains intact.
b) keep it short for short attention spans
c) no one is ever going to admit defeat no matter how thoroughly you trounce them
d) humor seems to biggest factor, but don't go to the point of silly
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago

Don't listen to Bobby and Jablake. What do they know? Trust me, everyone loves your essays. Remember your disquisition on the interior architecture of amps? I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Here's a guy who says he's a $500K a year lawyer, and he's desperately trying to convince a bunch of strangers on the internet that he knows what the interior of a particular whorehouse looks like. Please don't stop. How about a lengthy post on what the bathrooms are like in your favorite club?

Clearly sarcasm and cruel wit are no match for your intelligence and reason. That's why a few choice phrases ("James Bond" and "15 year old") have gotten under your skin like a parasite, while you scratch yourself raw in a pathetic flailing attempt to prove yourself.

No, don't listen to Bobby and Jablake. They're jerks. Trust your old friend, njscfan, and please post another self-justifying missive. It just won't be any fun without you to kick around any more.

Note to Bobby and Jablake: I am not a sadist. I just enjoy watching people suffer.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

OK, not a sadist because your pleasure isn't from inflicting pain; a schadenfreude.

Don't want to jump to conclusions or just as important, imho, commit a catachresis.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
"I am not a sadist. I just enjoy watching people suffer."

We all suffer. Every time david9999 the all mighty high powered lawyer who fucks 9.7 or better women left and right, and looks like James Bond doing it, posts here trying desperately to get us all to believe his hype.

I have no doubt he has intimate knowledge of the interior of that particular AMP. My theory is he works there mopping up other dude's jizz. I will venture further and speculate that he doesn't earn a half mil annualy doing so.
"it would not have proved I was currently a practicing attorney"

Well, now we have it...the only thing *worse* than a lawyer is an unemployed lawyer...damn...

"no one is ever going to admit defeat no matter how thoroughly you trounce them"

Physician heal thyself...

"My theory is he works there mopping up other dude's jizz."

Ouch...I always wondered what happened to all that cum that I shot on the wall that one time...lol...
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