Do hard economic times mean more women become dancers?
I will be in Vegas later this week to do some research on this question, but I wonder if discussion board participants have noticed more women now dancing to help make ends meet, paticularly as the job market seems to be in decline.
I don't see more dancers at my favorite clubs but I do see an increase in mileage. Competition is working.
Yea, the price of oil has all to do with Wall Street...the fact that we're in an endless war and most likely past "Peak Oil" has nothing to do with
However, I'm seeing that I have to spend more of my time fending off the Fugglies. Especially the dumb-fuggs, women from lower-class circumstances who would likely be flipping burgers have decided they're hot enough to be dancers. There they are yammering about how great Jay-Jay or some other latest rapper is, when they're supposed to be gracefully sidling across the stage; then they demand a tip through their chewing gum and waggle their pussy lips at me. Nice. :(
I'd have to think more on whether I've seen or heard of the price of LDs going up as the supply of "hot" dancers goes up. From what I can recall right now, I've only seen clubs that get into trouble financially raise LD prices or tip outs from the dancers to better try and make their ends meet. This just tends to cause the smarter, more savy dancers to move around a bit.