

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 2:42 PM
Due to a little economic windfall I find myself looking at purchasing a vehicle just for fun. For those of you who are wondering, yes I'm talking about a motorcycle. I'm thinking about traveling cross country on it so I've been looking at the touring Harleys and the Honda Goldwings. Any thoughts?


  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    If you're talking cross-country, you want reliable. Honda, hands down. O.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Buy American. Harley.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Get a Shadow
  • Lou_Lou
    16 years ago
    I ride a Yamaha VStar..great bike, they also make a great touring bike. It really dosent matter what you ride, just ride brother.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I would go with the Honda. Harleys are not as reliable.
  • 10inches
    16 years ago
    comfort = honda goldwing speed = harley (fat boy is my fav)
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    Harleys are fast? Since when? Get the Honda. O.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Definitely a Vespa. :P
  • looker123
    16 years ago
    Everyone missed the obvious, a Harley will more likely impress the target of our desires than anything else. Hide the pain, carry parts and get the best dances!!!!!!
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Funny, I always thought Harleys were for people who needed motorcycles to impress the girls. Round here the college girls call them "insecurity-mobiles" or "necessary penile enhancements."
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Harleys suck took forever to get rid of mine
  • DickJohnson
    16 years ago
    Harleys american made? im not too sure about that. I would go with a BMW or a Triumph.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    looked at the BMW motorcycles too, they are very nice, but kind of pricey. Guess I'll have to get my license so I can go test ride a few different ones.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    If you do get a motorcycle, make damn sure you don't use a helmet!!
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    Forget the bike and buy more lap dances. I had a close family member get killed on his motorcycle (no helmet, BTW), so take my advice - spend it on strippers.
  • mr.munchie
    16 years ago
    Good idea!!!!! Get a donor-cycle and don't wear a helmet. Drive down any steep hill at full speed into a BIG tree.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Mr. Assmunchie, how did your tounge get lodged so far up Shrekitout's asshole? Another clubber/bobbyl wanna-be heard from.
  • boomer37
    16 years ago
    Here are some reviews of touring bikes from a, relatively, unbiased source. [view link]
  • boomer37
    16 years ago
    Oh, btw, for a new rider (like it sounds like you are) "No Helmet" as Shekitout suggested is a STELLAR idea... sheesh.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I see ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman is now refering to "helmets". I guess he is getting more specific about his likes, since that is a commonly used term to refer to the head of a penis. ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman, just come out of the closet! You will be much happier!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    boomer, Thanks for the review info. Not exactly a new rider but haven't ridden in over 20 years. As far as Shrek-it-out goes. Everytime he posts he shows his class. [mid to lower bottom-feeder]
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    As I've said before, parodyman, fuck you & the horse you rode in on! Eat shit & die, you sorry piece of human debris. Take your shit & go to another site & quit wasting space & time. FUUUUCCCCKKK YOOOOUUUUU!!! Take Mr Munchie's & my advice to heart, you heartless sonaofbitch, and do not under any circumstances get a helmet if you get a bike, cycle, hog or whatever tho' I'm sure a moped would be more your speed.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    OK, just a quick post to parodyman, and on a serious note, and against my non-strip club pledge. First, let me look at his post, "Due to a little economic windfall I find myself looking at purchasing a vehicle just for fun. For those of you who are wondering, yes I'm talking about a motorcycle." Fun equals a Harley (end of story), but not a touring bike. Many women love men on a Harley and women often equal fun. "I'm thinking about traveling cross country on it so I've been looking at the touring Harleys and the Honda Goldwings." Touring can be a wonderful thing, but a bike for both fun and touring, does not exist, IMHO. Many bikes are good for touring, and a Harley often gets a bad name due to it's history, and not recent times. Many do not remember the first Japanese bikes. They were nothing more than a POS. BMW's have long held a deserved good reputation for touring bikes. Short of buying two bikes (many of us have two), decide which will be your most use, fun or touring, and buy accordingly. I would venture a guess that most riding is done for fun. That said, there are bikes that can be fun (Harley), but also used as an acceptable touring bike. Depending on your size and if you would be alone (unlikely on a Harley unless you are a complete dweeb), I would suggest a Dyna or a Softtail. From there, you have a number of choices. Again, this is presented to parodyman as a serious post...Clubber
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    clubber, Thanks for the serious post. There are a lot of choices in the Harley line up. Going to have to review my options.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shrek-it-out, You seem to be having a bit of a melt down. You need to get a grip before you hurt somebody or yourself. “As I've said before, parodyman, fuck you & the horse you rode in on! Eat shit & die, you sorry piece of human debris. Take your shit & go to another site & quit wasting space & time. FUUUUCCCCKKK YOOOOUUUUU!!! Take Mr Munchie's & my advice to heart, you heartless sonaofbitch, and do not under any circumstances get a helmet if you get a bike, cycle, hog or whatever tho' I'm sure a moped would be more your speed.” I have no idea what I could have written that would upset Shrek-it-out so. His response to my telling him to mind his own business seems way out of proportion. Perhaps one of you could recommend some counseling or help him find a doctor willing to provide the drugs he needs to control his violent tendencies. If this little diatribe was supposed to offend me Shrek, may I call you Shrek, you are sadly mistaken. I am quite enjoying you being right on the edge of going postal. Thank you for supplying yet another fine example of your intelligence and class. This one is a keeper. Even with the gross spelling errors you are so fond of pointing out.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Parodyman, I last rode about 30 years ago. When the kids came along and other things, I just never rode again till recently. I was going to buy a Sportster, but a good friend of mine (long time rider) said that was a bad idea. My reasoning was that it is a smaller bike, good horsepower to weight ratio, would handle better with shorter wheelbase, and stop quicker. He told me what was more important is that the bike fit me. I am not a little guy, so I went up to the Dyna. To me, the Dyna just looks more like a Harley should look, but we all have our preferences. I've ridden the bigger (heavier) Harleys, and I just don't care for their performance or handling, but again, preference. Also, riding them just doesn't feel right! Here is another point I've not seen mentioned, but maybe others will comment as well. I know a number of people that have had other bikes, but in the end, they get a Harley. Has to be a reason, and it sure isn't price! HD = Hundreds of Dollars!
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    "I see ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman is now refering to 'helmets'. I guess he is getting more specific about his likes, since that is a commonly used term to refer to the head of a penis." Dude...do you realize that YOU'RE the one trying to turn this thread into some homo-erotic lovefest...exactly how stupid are you old man??
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Clubber, I agree with having the bike fit the rider, being a bigger guy myself. (6'4"). Guess I'm going to have to get into the dealer and try a few out.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    parodyman, Check the Harley website. There may be a dealer near you that is going to have a "ride day". Many have them at anniversary events, and such. During those, you can ride everything they have. Also, I would imagine you can now get a much better deal on an '08.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    parodyman: Point out one misspelling in my last post.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "parodyman: Point out one misspelling in my last post." Shrek-it-out, Ok I will. In fact here are four. "FUUUUCCCCKKK, YOOOOUUUUU, sonaofbitch and tho'" Shrek you are a tool. Thanks for making illustrating your stupidity so fucking easy.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    When I was a kid, I knew a kid who worked and saved to buy a new motorcycle. He was having difficulty deciding between high quality and a gnarly Harley, but was leaning toward Japan for his riding pleasure. His father a bad ass medical doctor and prominent surgeon had the ANSWER! He just showed his son some photos of bikers that he'd sewed-up noting their missing genitalia. Kid decides to take his hard earned savings and become a slum lord. :) The rest is history with the kid being too good and filthy rich for his old pal jablake. His brain is so twisted by his millions and millions that he insists that *I* wanted him to buy a bike; Nope, I thought that should could to a worthwile cause like hookers and or strippers. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Actually, I wasn't a kid. I just acted like one and hope to stay the course. :)
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    jablake, Off topic, but your story about the injured genitalia and motorcycles reminds me of interview I saw years ago on TV. This was maybe more than 10 years ago, or more, so my memory of the details is a bit fuzzy. A surgeon who was one of the first to do pioneering work in penile enhancement surgery first got the idea when working as an ER doc - an injured motorcyclist came to the hospital. He had an injury to the groin area that resulted in a penile hematoma. His member was massively engorged with blood from the hematoma. Somehow, this gave this doctor the idea of the possibility of enlarging the penis via surgery so he quit his gig in the ER and started a clinic for penile enhancement.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    OK I'll give you one: sonaofbitch should have been sonofabitch but the long spelling of Fuck & You was to emphasize how petty your posts are you son of a bitch!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    “OK I'll give you one: sonaofbitch should have been sonofabitch but the long spelling of Fuck & You was to emphasize how petty your posts are you son of a bitch!” – shekitout Shrek, If I can stop laughing for a minute I’ll be happy to point out your shortcomings, at least as far as basic English is concerned. One: Your attempt to correct the run on spelling of the phrase “son of a bitch” must have been too difficult for you because you fucked it up and did the same thing again. You are not a smart man and through your posts we recognize this. Two: “Fuck You” is generally used as an insult not to emphasize pettiness. Even so adding those extra letters still made the spelling wrong. I’m sorry my involvement with TUSCL upsets you. I didn’t sign up here to pick on morons like you. (An added bonus.) I signed up to participate in discussions about strip clubs. Do yourself a favor and cut your losses. If you keep directing your posts at me I will keep embarrassing you.
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