
Comments by FinalLap (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    Younger "coed" types who are doing it for fun money and the thrill. They almost always are more fun than the "serious" dancer who's trying to make a living & support a couple of kids by herself. Sometimes it's harder to get the conversation going with the younger dancer, due to age difference, but once we connect, the result is usually better.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double standards.
    Interesting questions. I'm glad my daughter has a professional career and is doing well. However, rather than starve or have an uncomfortable life, I guess I'd respect her choice to be a dancer if she made it on her own. On occasion, I've offered advice to young dancers that they have a great part-time, short-term job. But by age 30, they'd better have a 'real career'--because their dancing days will likely be over.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Clubs vs. other hobbies
    Love to travel, go to rock and country concerts, NFL and college football. Often those things require some time away from home. And that facilitates my other hobby: clubs. I'm painfully aware that the line between hobby and addiction is hard to see. I've looked for it a few times--and it was very close to where I was standing :) .
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Normal to call in and see if a dancer is working?
    The larger the club, the less likely you get the real info. But, yes, call. Why not??? I've done it many times. 90% accurate.
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    16 years ago
    vegas high mileage
    I'd agree OG in the afternoon is worth a stop, but look out for some of the "veterans" on that shift. My last visit there were about 3 that should have been waitresses in a butcher shop rather than dancers. Nasty! However, after about an hour, I found someone younger and hotter. Don't ignore Cheetah's daytime either. You have to be careful and not take the first offer, due to the sheer number of girls that assault you there. But I've had some great $10 afternoon experiences at Cheetah's. Oddly, I got some great nighttime mileage and some interesting offers at Spearmint Rhino recently. That had never happened before.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    vegas high mileage
    I'd agree OG in the afternoon is worth a stop, but look out for some of the "veterans" on that shift. My last visit there were about 3 that should have been waitresses in a butcher shop rather than dancers. Nasty! However, after about an hour, I found someone younger and hotter. Don't ignore Cheetah's daytime either. You have to be careful and not take the first offer, due to the sheer number of girls that assault you there. But I've had some great $10 afternoon experiences at Cheetah's. Oddly, I got some great nighttime mileage and some interesting offers at Spearmint Rhino recently. That had never happened before.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What do yo talk about with strippers? (cont.)
    After the very 'surface' stuff, I usually start talking to them about the strip club world, the industry. I find the smart ones know a little bit and would like to know more. They enjoy talking with someone who's been to a lot of clubs and often have many questions about other cities, clubs they've heard of, etc. Along the way, the subject may turn to sex, but that usually happens during a dance or between dances in VIP, when we are both, seemingly at least, turned on. I often ask "what do yo do in Real Life"? If the answer is interesting, we talk more. If it's about an abusive relationship & horrible poverty, I frankly disengage. I don't want to hear about it. If it's about being a coed at a local college and enjoying dancing as an escape & for 'spring break money', I'm all ears. I love talking to dancers as long as they don't start bringing me their real life problems. I have enough of my own!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    That other stripclub site
    Once in a while, if you are VERY lucky, you can contact a specific dancer or get info about schedules, etc. on the "other" site. But it's totally hit & miss. And almost every club page eventually goes thru a cat fight phase, or some nut case customer declares war on a bouncer and that takes over for a couple of weeks. Very tedious to use, and totally undependable. Just occaasionally useful in a specific situation. Definitely not worth paying $$ for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New York
    Does your wife/girlfriend know or care?
    Try this. I think we might be dealing with a generational divide on the wife's attitude toward strip clubs. A lot of Gen X'ers and younger have grown up with the "new" type of club "post Showgirls". Wives may have been to clubs or have known girls who danced in the past. We "baby boomers" (45+) and older are married, mostly, to women whose attitudes toward strip clubs goes back to an earlier time. They take it personally when they think about their guy spending time in a club. I've tried to explain it like "some guys are all about hunting--killing game; some guys are all about gambling--taking a risk monetarily; I enjoy watching and meeting beautiful women in a classy club; it's a hobby!" Unfortunately, it hasn't worked very well. We agree to disagree. We mostly practice "don't ask, don't tell." I'm not happy about being less than 100 % honest, but I'm not prepared to give up a hobby I totally enjoy as a kind of "punishment." If we were 15-20 years younger, I think she would be better able to understand or tolerate my view--and I might be willing to try to even get her "involved." But the risk is too high vs. the chance of success. So I proceed very carefully--but very frequently--to enjoy my hobby.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When is it time to find new favorites?
    It's not like you need permission from your ATF to try a new club. Check it out! You can always go back to the familiar. Variety is the spice of going to clubs IMO. But I still have 2-3 faves in a couple of clubs in cities I visit more often. Go for it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.
    Ditto that you can tell in a NY minute who's NOT having fun. And usually they've been doing it too long--or they just started & won't be there the next time you stop by. Generalizing, the hot college coeds who are riding mostly on daddy's money & just want some extra spending money--or the early 20's "pros" (no other job) are the hottest dancers I encounter. After a couple of dances, you can sense whether they are having fun, too. And if so, it's a magic moment that doesn't end for at least another half dozen dances! Damn...those are good times when it happens.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tracking Down Vanished Strippers
    Tried to track down a Vegas ATF several years ago w/ no success. Like looking for a grain of sand on the beach. With a couple of nearby favorites, my experience is that once you get the phone number, you find out there are soooooo many problems in their life that you almost wish you never got it. My preference is email contact, since it's more control for both parties. But only spotty results there too. Few replies.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    If you want to see most of the dumbest things all put together in one place, go to clubs in south central Wisconsin. Pre payment to bartenders, tickets for dances, interruptions between dances to get another ticket, bouncers sitting right in the VIP area, little privacy ... it's all there. I wonder if anyone who owns a club in that area has ever been to a good strip club anywhere.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    Absolutely. Over the last couple of years, the rules in most of the clubs I frequent have depended much more on the dancer & less on the club, especially in VIP or private. The experience varies from dancer to dancer quite drastically in the same club, much more so than in earlier years. I see fewer "floor guys" walking around, even in Deja Vu clubs. I like the trend, although it makes our reviews less consistent & our experiences less predictable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How often do you enjoy DEEP FRENCH KISSING with strippers?
    I can only think of 3 or 4 times in many years. I guess I'm going to the wrong clubs! Seriously, how are you guys making this happen on a regular basis???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Taboo Subjects for Strippers?
    When I meet a girl I might be interested in making a Favorite, I try to be genuinely interested in her beyond the dance she just gave me. I tell her a little bit about me...and then I listen. Sometimes I hear some really interesting things...and sometimes I hear a laundry list of the "blame game." If that happens, I'm pretty certain I don't want to spend a lot of time with her & I move on. One of my current faves loves to tell me about the classes she's taking (in the field I work in) and asks for advice on papers, projects, etc. By that time, we've cooled off...and we head back to VIP for another round!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Las Vegas
    If you take your time at Cheetah's you can uncover some incredible "diamonds in the rough." It's not what it was a few years ago, but there are some experienced ladies there who can dish out a great GFE once you "connect" and they know what you're looking for. Unfortunately, lately when you walk in, you'll get overwhelmed with inexperienced, recently arrived in the USA girls who are almost laughable in their approach. If you've got the time, try Cheetah's in the mid to late afternoon, main room, along the wall in the corner. With a little luck & a few 10 dollar bills, Magic may happen!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Seeing someone you know...
    I guess I've been lucky, as I haven't run into anyone that would be embarassing. But one kinda funny incident. Several years ago, I made my first trip to the Hip Hugger in Indiana. During my first lap dance, the girl asked where I was from. I told her & she said, "Wow..so am I." Rather surprising since it's a couple hundred miles, but we just dropped it, although she didn't ask me for a dance again. A few months later, I was at a wedding reception for my son's friend. The best man walked in--with the Hip Hugger girl as his date. Turns out they were engaged. We made eye contact & exchanged smiles. I knew & she knew. I've seen her a few times since at similar occasions but we never acknowledged the connection. Another time, in Vegas with several couples, I had "escaped" the group for a couple hours & was at Cheetah's. In walks the most straight laced couple in the group & they go right up to the rail. The wife makes out with the dancer on stage. I was astounded!!! But thankfully, it's pretty dark in Cheetah's & I was able to blend in to a back corner until they left. I still chuckle about it every time I see them around our small town.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Format, Comments, Complaints, Bugs (revisited)
    The new site is a huge improvement. You do a great job. Far better than the competiton, which is often nothing more than a platform for "insiders" to quarrel with each other. Keep up the good work!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Are you addicted
    Hobby or addiction??? I'd like to think hobby. Luckily, I can usually afford the money I spend in strip clubs. But, there've been a couple of times when the ATM shocked me with an NSF, or when I found myself taking an inconvenient route on a business trip, in order to hit a certain club. That's when addiction comes to mind. Don't get me wrong. I love the club experience (haven't done anything OTC in a few years), but if I wanted to stop, I'm not sure I could. My other hobbies I can also talk to many people about. Going to clubs, there are only a select few I dare to talk to. It's not a matter of being ashamed. But it would be very complicated. If you run a business, you probably understand. For me, I guess it's like this: If I'm going to be addicted to something, it might as well be strip clubs. Gambling, drugs, alcohol, porn would all be worse by a long shot. I think...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    TUSCL North Meeting Redux
    Sounds interesting. Might this group ever get together anywhere near Chicago???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How has "clubbing" changed your life, if at all?
    If we are on this board, we are probably addicted. But I think there are many worse things to be addicted to. I agree that I sometimes feel bad about the "white lies" about where I spent a few hours while out of town. But I've met some really interesting women, have developed a much more comfortable communication style with people younger than myself, and I feel much better about myself as a man than I did 10 years ago. Clubbing has been expensive, but no more so than other hobbies. True, I can't talk about it like I could about Golf. But somehow, I don't think sinking a 25 foot putt would feel nearly as good as 30 minutes w/ my ATF. Addicted? Yes! Sorry? No!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    No question, the little things matter. The little extra touches you get back. The direct eye contact. The warm hugs when you arrive. The walk to the door. The "real" kisses. I have two ATF's about 75 miles apart...and very different ladies. One in college w/ professional aspirations, living a 2-6 PM double life because she likes the thrill & loves the money. She's smart & totally comfortable w/ an older guy. And she knows precisely when to use one of those "little things" to make me feel like we are the only two people in the club. The other is more the stereotype: poor kid, quit school, single mom, bad judgement, not too smart but works hard & survives. (but she's incredibly hot in VIP). I "play myself" when I'm with #1 & we talk about a lot of things besides sex. I could see myself having dinner with her & going from there. With #2, I "play" a more blue collar guy who can empathize w/ her life & challenges. I listen to her talk about all the tribulations in her life, but mostly I turn the conversation back to sex--and she seems to be OK w/ that. We're talking about an OTC meeting, but I'm thinking it might be pretty brief in duration. With #1, I think we could spend hours & not bore each other. But with both, I'm pretty sure I'm more than just another customer. And that's a good feeling.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    So young. So Nasty. How could she?
    My two cents worth: I'll take a younger dancer almost everytime. What they consider "normal", based on today's HS experience was considered "going far" 20 years ago. Also, more of them are just having fun & making some extra money. The older girls w/ a kid or two (and probably in a difficult relationship w/ somebody) are sometimes WAY too serious about the job--or it just becomes mechanical, like doing exercises. I find that college coeds or girls working another good job are the most fun in a club. Definitely the best GFE's because they let loose & have fun right along with you. The challenge for us guys 40-50-plus is getting comfortable with them initially, or making them comfortable w/ us. Once you get past that--it can make you feel like YOU are back in college again!
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    How to find the Ultimate Strip Club
    The bottom line for me is this: the HOTTEST Dancers & the BEST Deals. Basic good atmosphere & cleanliness is important. But as long as it's not a problem, then the girls and the pricing drive the decision on how long to stay, how much money to spend, and whether to return. It's just not that complicated!!!