
Normal to call in and see if a dancer is working?

Friday, September 5, 2008 1:10 AM
Theres this girl that i want to make sure that shes there if i go to the club. Is it normal to call in and ask if she is working?


  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    I nearly always do that... the only time I don't is when I'm checking out a new club or scouting new talent. I'm pretty busy, and just don't like to waste time. O.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Sure, calling is a great way to find out who's dancing at a club ahead of time on a particular night. Although it's been a rarity for me, in the past I've just asked, "Who's dancing tonight?" in order to get a list of who's there. This is an especially good tactic to use if you have to drive a long way to get to a club (and don't want to waste a trip/gas) or if a club/dancer has a tendency to be kind of flaky when it comes to work habits. Even though I used to be a regular at this one club in northern NY, then never seemed to recognize my voice (they did try and keep track of phone numbers though...so use a cell phone with call blocking), but they had a tendency to not have a lot of girls working each night.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    I've had mixed luck here. It depends on the club. Some clubs have a recorded hotline that is accurate/changed daily, some not. Where it gets to be tricky are those times when its 8pm,(dancers wander in between 8 & 9) club is an hr. or so away, you've only got a 1.5-2 hr. time window. Guy on phone says "she's not in yet". Not a word or clue if she's even on the schedule or not. Or, you're in town for a couple of days, could go 1 of 2 nights, but want it to be on the night fave dancer is in- guy doesn't have a clue beyond current shift, or doesn't want to share info with you. Concern about stalkers, I guess. But, the times I've called in the middle of shift, phone answerer has generally been good about saying if dancer ABC or XYZ are in.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    No! You are a FREAK! Register as a sex offender today! Just Kidding. I'll call ahead if I'm making a long drive and don't wish to waste my time.
  • Tucker40
    16 years ago
    Calling to ask "who's dancing" may work but asking of "Dancer A" is working typically elicits a "yes" even if they're not on the schedule.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Just because she's on the schedule, doesn't mean she will actually show up for work.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Jen, short for Jennifer works the front door at my favorite club. She answers the phone calls. She likes dark chocolate candies and has a beautiful set of natural 35C's. She would tell me if she knew but there are simply too many dancers with too many names, with no set schedules for her to remember. I am going anyhow, so I never call ahead.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I don't remember ever doing this. There have been a couple of times dancers I knew have called me and asked me to come to a club or asked me if I was planning on visiting a club. I have several dancers I like to see in the clubs so I never expect to see them all in one night. Plus if I'm not too busy, new dancers sometimes like to make an impression on me.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Not to be too picky, shadowcat, but I thought bra size was always in even numbers. Never heard of a "35".
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "Not to be too picky, shadowcat, but I thought bra size was always in even numbers. Never heard of a "35"." Clubber, Shadowcat knows all. And if he doesn't he makes shit up!
    16 years ago
    I think it's a lot more relaible to just call the girl herself.
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    I have a favorite dancer at a club and I'll call to ask if she's working that day. I love it when the manager says "Yes, do you want to talk to her?" I do call her first btw, but she's hit or miss as to whether she answers.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    clubber: Now that you mention it. Neither have I. I was just thinking in breast size rather than bra size. I will chance it by saying that she wears a 36C. Hard to tell since she never wears one. lol.
  • 59
    16 years ago
    Never done it. I will call a club's hotline if it's reliably updated to get a feel if I'll know some of the dancers on a shift to prevent a potential waste of time/money. Other times I head there no matter what as I know I'll have a good time, even if with girls I don't know yet. If I'm concerned about a particular favorite I'll call or text her. If she turns out to be flaky about getting back to me, I move on.
  • BuckMcNutter
    16 years ago
    I always call before making the drive.. 9-10 clubs will let you know if she is working. One Club, Cheetah in Halledale Beach has a real biache working the day phones, She claims she's not allowed to give up that type of info. Drives me nuts !!!
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I never call except for the one club where they have to tell you if you ask, and its always the general "who's dancing tonight?" rather than asking if a specific dancer is there.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Clubber in bra sizes the cup is the breast size and the number is the distantce around the ribcage. When making clothing the measurements(i.e 36-24-36 0is the distance around the ribs and brast at the largest point. This always causes confusion in this day and age cause we dont follow those old measurement standards for ready made clothing any more. As for callin if you get a manager they will lie to get your entrance fee call the girl.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    wondergrl5, Thanks, but I knew how it worked. I was going to type that breast size is alphabetical, but no need now. To be honest, what is contained in those cups is of much more importance to me then the numbers and letters.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    This bra-size biz is very amusing. It deserves a thread of its very own. Could we also talk about pussy-lip size? Is there a standard terminology for this? And butt-size is important too. I need categories, measurements, descriptors. But ... 35C sounds wonderful to me.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    arbeeguy, Only thing I can help you with is what friends and I used to call "Hamburger" lips. Those droopy hangers. Also, I guess I could include the ol' Bertha butt. Still, subjective.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    clubber- just wanted to say it cause when i did say my measurements some tought I had like basketballs for boobs lol I say sure to the pussy lip thread but how about a dick size thread...just a little one of course size doesnt matter to us gals LOL
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    I have done this but almost every dancer I regularly see gives me her number and will respond when I ask her if she's on today or when she plans to work. Just ask.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I think some clubs will just lie about it. They know, that if you say (or imply), "Hi, I'm thinking about coming in and spending money, but only if Candy is working tonight" then, for them, the right answer is, "Candy is working tonight" even if she isn't. A better question to ask is directly to the dancer, "Hey, Candy, when will you work next? Can you let me know so I can see you here again?" (implied: "and spend more money on you?").
  • FinalLap
    16 years ago
    The larger the club, the less likely you get the real info. But, yes, call. Why not??? I've done it many times. 90% accurate.
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