
Seeing someone you know...

Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:47 AM
In founders Do and Don't thread, someone mentioned, don't hide when you see someone you know. I thought it might be enjoyable to hear some of your personal stories about these encounters. It has happened to me about 11 times I can recall. Once was outside OTC when a dancer came up to me and remembered me from the night before. About six were just meeting a guy I knew, in the club. No big deal. Four were seeing dancers I knew OTC, but didn't know they danced. A couple were friends of my sons, another, a wife of a co-worker, and the fourth, a woman I knew from general social contact OTC.


  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Guess nobody else had this experience ... ?
  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
    It's happened to me 3 times. On my only visit to Mons Venus a man that looked just like an old friend of the family was on a couch next to me. Being relatively new to clubs this freaked me out. I started having paranoid fanatasies about this guy mentioning it to my Mom, failing to realize at the time that he would have to explain what he was doing there himself. What can I say, I was young, and well, just as dumb as I am now. The other time was at a Platinum Plus. I wasn't particularly thrilled to see this dude since he was such a tool growing up. On the upside, he didn't age well and appeared to have gained about 100 lbs...and yet he still maintained his "toolness" from childhood. What a dick.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    It doesn't seem like any big deal to see someone I know. I've seen a few people from where I work at. Several years ago, I was a bit surprised to see this one guy from where I worked at that time. I was surprised and I think he was surprised to see me because I would often hear him talking about Bible study and all that religious sort of stuff when he was on break talking to some other coworkers in his group. The surprise didn't stop there, he asked me to keep quiet about seeing him there. He then said he would pay for two table dances from the dancer of my choice. I picked a dancer that was a 10. I was already familiar with her. Afterwards he introduced to the people who supposedly dragged him to the club. He told me one guy was the son of the mafia leader for our county. I don't remember who the other people were. If I run into a dancer or former dancer, they may ignore me or more often they'll smile or wave sometimes waiting for their current male friend not to be watching.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    The thing about that one encounter that I enjoyed was that I felt like I had a secret on a supervisor at work that he didn't want revealed. I could tell the next day at work when I saw him that he was wondering if shit was going to hit the fan. I decided to just stay quiet. Didn't see any point in telling anyone. I did enjoy the free dances as well. I have encountered a few people who like to gossip and will blow a story out of proportion. Tell them or show them a pic of you with a stripper and before you know it, there'll be a rumor about you sleeping with strippers left and right. Some people like turning something little into something big as they tell the story.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    My worst ever experience in a strip club was when the head honchos of my employer were throwing a going-away party for the second-in-command (he got promoted and was moving away) and I had the dumb luck to show up there that particular day. I thought with absolute certainty I was going to get fired the next day. Of course, it didn't happen and I'm still there. It was so bad even my ATF couldn't cheer me up. Later on in time, I found out one of the people on the day shift at my job (I work nights) is something of a strip club fanatic and I have seen him at 3 of the 4 clubs I visit on a semiregular basis, though we've never planned any time for us to go to the club together. (He doesn't go to one of them, or else it would be all 4 of them.) Usually I say hello and ask what's going on with day shift (which isn't much) and I tell him what goes on at nights. Then he tries to get me to get lapdances with these chicks I typically have no interest in, although I did go for one of his favorites once, which was nice. I also met my sister-in-law's cousin once, which was no big deal, and I also saw my previous boss from my previous employer, which sucked, mostly because I hated the guy.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I got thrown out by a waitress who misunderstood me. I said something like, "That's fucking cheap, give me two!" about the 2-for-1 on shots. She thought (or acted like she thought) I said, "You're a fucking thief! And a ho!" and I was pretty well roughed up on the way out. Have to admit, it sounds funny now ... but ouch ...
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I remember one time when I worked at a smaller company, a manager invited me to come along with one of our vendors (a supplier selling things to our company). The vendor (one guy) paid for the cover and drinks. He also had a pizza ordered from Domino's and delivered straight to the strip club where we ate it while watching the entertainment. I've never seen anyone order out pizza and eat it at that place. Usually if I see someone I know, I just say hi, how's it going?
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Once, a long long time ago when I was in my early 20's, i was sitting in the back of a local club and my uncle walked in. He was obviously a regular based on the reaction he got. Somehow I was able to sneak out the back before he saw me.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, generally you can just pass it off. If he's there while you're there, then he has as much to hide (or be proud of) as you do. But if it's a family member, maybe there are other agendas to worry about.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    Since most of my encounters were just seeing guys I knew, in the club, I will agree with comments above, it wasn't a problem. One of the guys was dating a dancer, and he lived across the street from me. Funny thing about that, however, was that about 6 months after that meeting, I saw the dancer in a regular bar near by. I know she didn't remember me, but she was hanging there offering FS to some of the guys there. Didn't see anyone take her up on it.
  • Two times I saw people I went to high school with. First time we were OK, just said hi to each other when I sat close to him stageside. The second time involved a guy I didn't want to meet and who was a regular of a stripper whom I just got a beautiful HJ from. It gets a bit more complicated, but I started a thread on this clusterfuck a while back.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I've always hoped to meet in a strip club a girl whom I know from civilian life, or vice versa. Hasn't happened yet. I saw one once, a stripper I'd had lap-dances with no more than a week prior, as she was walking through a festival with her 8-year-old daughter, but that's as close as I've gotten.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    BG, You made me think of one more. I was in a Firestone store and saw a dancer I knew. She was sitting while waiting for her car. I know it was her car because I had seen it at the club. She, too, had a child with her. I guess it was hers. I didn't talk with her in front of the child, but we just acknowledged each other. I never saw her again after that.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Some of my most thrilling "sightings" don't count. They're simply, of girls walking directly to or from work at a strip club in their civilian clothes. They always look so hot, when they appear accessible and "normal" ...
  • FinalLap
    17 years ago
    I guess I've been lucky, as I haven't run into anyone that would be embarassing. But one kinda funny incident. Several years ago, I made my first trip to the Hip Hugger in Indiana. During my first lap dance, the girl asked where I was from. I told her & she said, "Wow..so am I." Rather surprising since it's a couple hundred miles, but we just dropped it, although she didn't ask me for a dance again. A few months later, I was at a wedding reception for my son's friend. The best man walked in--with the Hip Hugger girl as his date. Turns out they were engaged. We made eye contact & exchanged smiles. I knew & she knew. I've seen her a few times since at similar occasions but we never acknowledged the connection. Another time, in Vegas with several couples, I had "escaped" the group for a couple hours & was at Cheetah's. In walks the most straight laced couple in the group & they go right up to the rail. The wife makes out with the dancer on stage. I was astounded!!! But thankfully, it's pretty dark in Cheetah's & I was able to blend in to a back corner until they left. I still chuckle about it every time I see them around our small town.
  • Clubber
    17 years ago
    FinalLap, Having a couple of dancers I know, also outside the club, but others do not know "us", the "eye contact & exchanged smiles" as you state, is kind of a fun thing. Just our little secret!
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    While walking through a movie theater lobby with my wife, we walked right past my ATF and her boyfriend. Our eyes met for a second and we headed off in different directions. We had a laugh about it the next time I saw her in the club
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I was told recently by a girl at a NOLa strip club that she lives on a street in my neighborhood. She gave enough specifics that I believed her. I told her I lived around there, and she seemed genuinely interested (rather than just playing interested for the money), but I demurred by getting her to guess my street and then, in the intervening time, thinking up a plausible lie that would put her off my trail. I have, since then, seen her in the same club several times, and she does remember me and has mentioned to other girls that I live in her neighborhood, though she does have the wrong street. I have yet to see her in the neighborhood, nor would I want to. But that's not because I want anonymity; it's because she's one of the least attractive of the girls who work there, one of those two-halves bodies -- top small chested and firm; bottom one giant balloon of wagglyness. And she has a nerdy uncomposed air to her, sort of like maybe her idea of fun is to dress up like a Star Trek character and go to a comics convention. Not my type.
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