Hard Bodies vs. Experienced

avatar for judyjudy
Ok guys here is another topic I need some feedback on.

I hear alot of talk about the young dancers, although very good to look at,they may be a bit clumsy and not have the best attitude and tableside manor.

Then we move to the older and a bit more experienced dancer. When I say experienced I don't necessarily mean experienced "dancing" but more experienced in life and how to make a man feel good, how to please a man.

Keep in mind that with both the young hard bodies and the older more mature dancer you will inevidably end up leaving something on the table along the way whether it be looks or attitude and so forth.....

with all this being said..........you make the call

1. Older more mature good attitude, knows how to please..........

2. Young hard body, great looks, nice personality...but not the experience only a mature woman can have.

Let me know your thoughts!!!!!


last comment
I don't think that the age of dancer really matters much. I've had LDs with dancers that were as old as their 50s (I think, or rather, hope), and in my experience, a dancer can give a great LD in their late teens all the way through their 30s. For me, it all depends on how the dancer looks & the quality/quantity of dancers that are in a club on a particular night.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

Or, maybe Dudester is one of those seemingly rare people afflicted by confelicity.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
"Dudester - $300 for HJ? You were ripped!"

I'm a cheapskate by necessity---think $5 hoes. I believe that if I was rich that I'd still prefer $5 hoes AND not to save $$$. Having said that I don't really see how Dudester was ripped just because he paid $300 for a HJ. A $5 hoe might be 98% as good as a $500 hoe in Dudester's opinion and yet Dudester might be thrilled to pay the extra $495 for what he sees as a slight increase in quality. Sometimes just a little better commands a lot more $$$ and it can be worth it!

Again and again some "helpful" person will point out that some slob is almost as good-----sorry, I rather not get any or pay more then get someone who is "almost" as good. You don't mind an extra 20 pounds???---then you buy her services and please don't try and push her on me as being almost as good as the true hottie with the bad manners.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

1. Older more mature good attitude, knows how to please..........

2. Young hard body, great looks, nice personality...but not the experience only a mature woman can have.

Let me know your thoughts!!!!!

The operative words, "...knows how to please...". If she can do that, then all the "Young hard body, great looks, nice personality" can be negated. I second how. I believe that you would fit that mold.
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
Like I said, you can always find skanks.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I like the experienced touch of a mature woman. I have found they are very open to giving the customer what he wants and climax with them can be so intense.....

Dudester - $300 for HJ? You were ripped! I get that for $100 at other Houston clubs. The dancer I am seeing for FS I get her $200 otc and $150 itc. Friday I got it from a gal staying at a friends house who dances at Allstars for $100. She is living there with him until she gets her apt and he invites friends over to do her. Saves me motel....What it does is keep her there for the time being, we get pussy cheap and he says he gets it free. I also got her phone and she wants to hookup again either at his house or motel. Because her car is in impound with $1000 costs she needs to make money. Three of us have been fucking her over there all week.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
chandler: "The question appears slanted to try to draw praise for old strippers. They may be wonderful people, but I really don't care for them as strippers."

Chandler, you have previously admitted that you use strip clubs mainly to play out power games with strippers. Could it be that you enjoy the younger ones because the older ones are less willing to play along?
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
Price for services is relative and depends on the girl/location. The upscale clubs in Houston have some pretty hot "pros" that charge $300 and up. Some are negotiable and some are not. You can always find less expensive from skanks, but then to each their own. After all you are paying for the total experience, and sometimes price is irrelevant when you want what you want.
The question appears slanted to try to draw praise for old strippers. They may be wonderful people, but I really don't care for them as strippers. I like 'em young, usually under 25. I don't see any trade-off whatsoever. A hot young girl can have plenty of know-how at pleasing men, a good attitude and a quick sense of humor. I have all the fun I'm looking for with them, thank you very much.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
I'll go with maturity, good attitude and ability to please any day over an untested hardbody. But those elements don't always come in the same package. Sometimes you have to accept one and give up something else. For me, ability to please (dance-wise or beyond) with the right attitude is the winning combination.

But I prefer this to be in the 25-35 age range. That allows for a variety of women but as long as the ones in the upper end of the range make an effort to take care of themselve physically, they can compete for my attention.

Other feedback:

Like Imunutz, I believe some can be trained. But with this you're talking about an investment in time and money before you get any payoff and then, there is no guaranteee how well someone will learn. Sometimes you have to bail out on teaching. But that's also part of the fun.

And like Dudester, I will sometimes "audition" a dancer who gets my attention. I'll even use that term with her or my friends. But if I don't return to her it's because I didn't see the right elements in the formula or she didn't show any willingness or capacity to learn how to be better.

At the moment, I'm having some nice times with a couple mid-20 somethings at a favorite club, both ITC and OTC. And then there's an ongoing thing I have with an older "retired" dancer who's really great fun to be with in many ways--I'm talking conversation, going out as well as sex. With the younger ones, I might have the latter, but not always the best of the former.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
what is this about pineapple juice that I am reading?

also dudester is not the only one to be suckered by a dancer into overpaying. I spent close to $300 on one dancer and got nothing out of it besides really good grinding and empty promises of what would happen in the champagne room. The dancer also was Russian in her 20s!
I thought about buying a russian wife off the internet until meeting several russian women working as strippers and realized what ROBs they were.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
I go for what I feel like at the moment. Most of the time, it's mature dancers, but there is a time and place for the young hardbody.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I tend to prefer the younger dancers, one reason is because most of them have danced for women before & are very comfortable with it. They seem to enjoy exploring their bi-side with me (which I whole-heartedly endorse!)

Although I've gotten some satisfying dances from older dancers too, some aren't quite as "free" with their bi-curious side, so they can sometimes seem too reserved during our dances. If it weren't for that, I would probably seek out older dancers more often than I do now.

So.....young, hard-bodies win.
avatar for FinalLap
15 years ago
Younger "coed" types who are doing it for fun money and the thrill. They almost always are more fun than the "serious" dancer who's trying to make a living & support a couple of kids by herself. Sometimes it's harder to get the conversation going with the younger dancer, due to age difference, but once we connect, the result is usually better.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
The general rule is the longer they have been working the worse the attitude. As for age, it all depends if they have done anything with their lives other than stripping. Lifers are absolutely the worst thing possible to spend money on.
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
Hardbodies are great. Just because they are a hardbody does not mean they do not know how to please. The stereotypes here are amusing, they are young, therefore clumsy. Older dancers can still be hardbodies, there is basically no reason to be a plump dancer at any age.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
"talked me into a 300.00 HJ"

Impressive. The dancers I know would be stalking you 24/7.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
I prefer the pretty young things. Only drawback, half my "materiel" goes over their heads.
avatar for dallas702
15 years ago
I would like to say "older, more experienced - always!" But the truth is, I walk into a club and my eyes always lock onto a tight, hot young thing. Sometimes I have even found 20 yo girls with the ability to talk and the talent to make me feel young again (for a few minutes at least). Usually, the younger ones can't speak in complete sentences and don't know how to dance (stage or lap). If I can get my eyes unlocked from a young hottie I DO look for a more mature dancer, for exactly the reasons you laid out.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Thanks, Judy! I'll hit the CostCo for a few barrels...

$300 for a HJ?!? That's more than the gals at Micthell Bros. O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco charge ($240), and they have to payout a $1,000 to the house a shift!
jj- All of the above. Most dancers are a compromise of the 2 extremes. I appreciate both traits in their place. I don't want a 40 yo, 200lb. welfare mom dancer with 3 kids & 3 fathers, but neither do I want a 18 yo hardbody that just isn't into her time with me. For the record, one of the best dancers I've met was in her mid 30's, claimed/admitted to having 3 kids, was 99% as good as many hardbodies 15 yrs her junior, yet very solidly a jj Category #1 mature instinctive/intuitive pleaser.
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
EDOG65- you are right...for most it is a game.
avatar for EDOG65
15 years ago
Seems to me that the more "seasoned" a dancer is, the better she is at her craft. Craft could refer to dancing skills or her hustle. I prefer "experience" as long as I don't feel like I'm being hustled. I know it's all a game, but I like it to feel as thought we establish at least some type of connection.
$300.00 for a HJ. I am surprised that you would even admit to paying that. I get them all the time for $20-40. BBBJ's for $60-80. FS ITC for $120. OTC for $150 or less.But these girls know and trust me.And they are not 10's.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
A young hardbody will catch my attention first and I'll give them an "audition" dance or two to see if there's an 18-19 year old who has moves, but....

If she fails, I'll move on to a 20ish and "audition" her if she has good marketing skills. A Russian (20ish) gal at Centerfolds talked me into a 300.00 HJ with really great marketing technique. She has a day job and if she put that kind of technique into her day job, she's most likely very successful.
I guess I am a middle of the roader. My favorites are in the 25-35 age range.Younger ones are just too inexperienced/dumb.Older ones tend to be less attractive. Fat/sagging.There are exceptions on either side.
Conversation with young,inexperienced dancers is a lot of work for little enjoyment. Few have read or experienced anything that helps them understand how to please men or even how to be interesting people. Older guys don't require a Mensa I.Q., but the ability to hold a conversation is attractive. Yes, young hardbodies are fun to look at, for a quick glance, but give me a real woman any day.
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
CTQWERTY- i would give it a couple of days.....reccomend you empty out a few times and them start the pineapple juice therapy and test after 3 days.
#1 please for me personally. But isn't this relative (as the good Dr. Einstein might say). Because what's "mature" or "experienced" for one age, might not be for another. I suspect if you're asking a younger dude, then the more mature dancer may approach his mom's age and that might be creepy for him. And then there's Otto22's comment (which I agree with) about older guys getting nervous about bordering on pedophilia.

I again point out my own simple calculation for the most appropriate age for a girl/lady- Half the man's age plus seven.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
JJ, how long for the pineapple juice to have it's desired affect?
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
I am increasingly finding dancers age 40+ to be my favorites. Younger girls have their place and can be fun but those below 25 give a codger like me the creeps and smack of pedophilia. Give me a seasoned girl like our JJ and I am in heaven.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
Young hard bodies 100% always. Don't care about their education or lack of experience.
avatar for imnumnutz
15 years ago
I vote #2, 'cuz if they stay in the biz, they can always be taught.
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
How- you are way to kind!!!!!
avatar for how
15 years ago
Good attitude and knows how to please

You, judyjudy, are a fine example to prove that point.
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
It depends on what point in the evening it happens to be. Early on, when I am jut ogling the goods, and maybe copping a quick feel during tipping, the hard bodies make me feel young and vibrant again.
If I am at the point where I want to have a conversation, I prefer older and more experienced, as I am older and experienced.
When it comes to the contact, I want a girl who knows how to listen. Usually, it is the older one, but not always.
The beauty of getting older is that the age range of women that I fidn attractive gets larger.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I usually prefer experienced dancers but if she doesn't turn me on with her looks to start with, I might not want to get any dances. However I look younger and am younger than many of the posters on here. I consider a dancer in her 20's to be experienced. A dancer in her 30's to be very well experienced unless she just returned to dancing.

I don't think the age is a deciding factor. What I look for is an attitude that says "I am sexy and I damn well know what to do to turn you on." I've gotten that from 20s, 30 and 40s....

My last set of dances was with a woman who was easily in her 40s. BUT, she knew how to sell the dance up front and DEFINITELY knew how to deliver on the marketing in the back. She was just about the hottest and sexiest thing going.

The last set before that was with a 20 something that also just knew what to do right. (I've been lucky twice in a row..good deal)

I think the moral of the story is that you read each girl as she stops by. I've known some young'uns that could handle themselves well and some mature, experienced dancers that I wouldn't give the time of day to let alone $20....

avatar for curiousgeorgefun
15 years ago
young and willing to learn :)
avatar for runnoft
15 years ago
Well, with my favorite I get the best of both worlds. My GFE girl is 42 years old and knows all the tricks. She can please me like no one else. AAANNNNNNNDDDD..... she is a body builder and has the body of a 20 year old; actually her body is better than most 20 year olds.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
haha she sounds like a personal trainer I know that works at a gym. She is in her young forties but has a better body than most 20 year olds.
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