
TUSCL North Meeting Redux

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 4:47 AM
Back in January and February there was an attempt to set up a meeting of the TUSCL North Chapter members. I recall the thread went on for a couple of weeks while arrangements were made to try and accommate everyone's schedule. Since I am a junior member, I didn't feel "experienced" enought to attend (besides the weather here sucked during the whole month of February). I was anxious to hear the results of the outing -- several frequent contributors were going to try and make it. Did it ever happen? Any interesting stories?


  • DougS
    17 years ago
    The meeting never materialized. I was already going to be in Indy for an OTC rendezvous with my ATF, and MY plan was to meet up with whomever could at either BBF or HH. Several said they might be able to make it, but when it came down to it, it just didn't fit any anone's schedule. I would've been disappointed, but heck, after nine hours with Miss ATF, I was on cloud nine. Besides, after having dined on filet mignon (being with my ATF), even the best candy shop (strip club) isn't that tempting.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I think the way these things usually go is, one dude says, "I'll be at Club X on Y date, c'mon by!" and either other people do, or don't. But the first dude still goes, why wouldn't he?
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    BG: I agree with you. When we had the south chapter meeting and 5 of us met up, it was because I was gonna be there anyway. I always try and let the guys know when I am going to be there (favorite club). This month Pop showed up and I missed with messaround.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    david 120 - You are correct in the attempt for a North Chapter meeting. It was my idea at first and DougS joined in. However, due to unexpected scheduled events later on, forced me to cancel. I would like to make another attempt for a North Chapter TUSCL meeting next month (May) for the Indy & Kokomo, Indiana area. Keep in mind these are not official meetings, rather gatherings of TUSCL brothers & sisters to hit a club for one night, party, and exchange war stories of our strip club adventures. Anyone who would like to consider attending in May, are welcome to add to this thread of their interest. Maybe with this much of an advance notice, we can gather half a dozen of us together for a fun night.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Cool... let me toss out a date... How about May 24th. I have that penciled in already. That's Memorial Day weekend, and should be hopping with THE race coming up. Also, it's the night before Carburetion Day. I plan to meet up with some friends on the 24th, and visit my ATF ITC for a few hours. (planning OTC for the next day)
  • FinalLap
    17 years ago
    Sounds interesting. Might this group ever get together anywhere near Chicago???
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    DougS - Just marked my calendar for May 24th! Hope we can work it out this time. Sure want to get back to them cute young lovely and lively girls at the Hip Hugger! Cheap dances, good grindage (although low mileage - you can get everything you wish for). I'll keep abreast (.) (.) of this thread! :-)~
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