Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.

avatar for shadowcat
when ever I have heard these words, it has been a great experience. HJ, BBBJ, FS, GFE OTC.


last comment
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
ehh... Sometimes when they say that it is great, but I've had a lot more experiences where I just found it to be SS.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Sure thing Shadowrat. I'm sure a twenty-something's idea of fun is pressing up to a self admitted incontinent old man. Stay deluded it is only a short step to full blown senility.
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
Why is "incontinent" such a big deal to parodyman? In other words,parodyman, to quote a frequent poster on this board, "why is this important to you?"
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I agree with Jester, usually it's SS. But there clearly are girls, usually the young one who are new to the business, who are looking to have fun too. Those are the girls I try to find.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Some do it for fun for sure!!
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I agree with it being SS, but we also have the ability to see which ones are only in it for the money and avoid them. The ones who appear to be having fun do seem to actually have fun, at least with me. But I doubt that all dancers enjoy the company of every customer they encounter.
avatar for FinalLap
17 years ago
Ditto that you can tell in a NY minute who's NOT having fun. And usually they've been doing it too long--or they just started & won't be there the next time you stop by. Generalizing, the hot college coeds who are riding mostly on daddy's money & just want some extra spending money--or the early 20's "pros" (no other job) are the hottest dancers I encounter. After a couple of dances, you can sense whether they are having fun, too. And if so, it's a magic moment that doesn't end for at least another half dozen dances! Damn...those are good times when it happens.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I prefer fun over money but Im a freak so what can I say.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Excuse my ignorance, SS ?

I have oftened wondered how many of the girls actually enjoy the contact, sexually? Rubbing/grinding themselves on men and feeling a mans erection has to be a turn on to some dancers. Like you say, I guess after so many years of it they probably don't get the same pleasure from it as newbies.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
SS = Stripper Shit, a unique form of dysentery that flows from a stripper's mouth as she plies her trade. It comes in many forms. Examples:
"You smell really good!"
"Your dick is really big!"
"I give the best dances of any of the girls here!"
"No, I don't have a boyfriend!"
"Why do I do it? I guess I'm just horny!"
"VIP is so much better than out here!"

Etc, etc ad infinitum.
avatar for wildguydujour
17 years ago
It's not what they say, it's she does (you'll never know reality based on what she says)

Now, when you've got one so hot that she's willing to ignore the clubs rules, risk get canned, and grinds you for 10 extra minutes just to get off, that's a good sign.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Arbeeguy, Just stating the facts. By the old fool's own admission he has problems with both his asshole and his dick. Yet a lot of morons on here treat him like he is some kind of god. Guess we all can tell what catagory you fall into.

Being a diaper wearing, viagra popping, divorced man-baby may seem cool to some. Me I don't see the attraction.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
godfatherstill: Was that aimed at me? If so, Last Saturday, I was in my favorite club with TimboATL. I wanted to leave by 4:00 P.M. because I had to work the next day. Around 3:00 one of my top favorites came around and asked if I wanted a "Field trip?" "Of course" was my response. We went to the couch room. She told me that she was buzzed and had already made $700. She had agreed to do 2 for $20. The usual price she gives me. The first song started and she pulled my dick out. I went under the thong. She was sopping wet. She went down on my dick and got me rock hard and then asked "What do you want to do with this?" I said "You know" and with that she turned her back to me, pulled her thong aside, and shoved my dick into her pussy. Sans condom. I busted a nut and she said that she had been thinking about doing that for a long time. She told me that her boy friend of 5 years was doing 30 days in jail and that she was available for FS OTC with me. It cost me $40 but I think that I got cheated. I paid for 4 songs. $40 but only got 2 and 1/2. Yeah, they don't like to have fun and it's always about the money.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
I prefer to avoid the girls who only want the money. I'm willing to spend the cash, but if that's all the dancer wants, then they can get it from somebody else.

I frequent a half-dozen clubs in the area but the one I stop in most I know almost all of the girls and it takes awhile for a new girl to find a place in the dance rotation. I was in the place on Saturday and of the 10 girls working five were on the "A" list. Those are the girls willing to exchange a text message outside the club, don't pester me for drinks (I'll buy them on my terms) and will sit down and start talking instead of asking for a dance. I don't have an ATF and I rarely refuse a dancer from sitting down at my table (unless they have previously shown the money-hungry attitude).

All of this means that I have fun at the club because I usually spend time with the fun girls as well. I know they are there to make money (I have a deal with most of them that once we are done with dances, they don't have to sit with me if there is money to be made in the room but of course, they are welcome to sit with me) and I understand when they can't come over and see me right away (or sometimes at all). They know that I like a little variety when I go out and they aren't jealous when I stop in and might not get to them during a visit.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
ClevelandTom-See I just chat like you described and constantly get the stink eye from the other dancers for occupying a guy time and not letting them collect a $1 tip. So Im actually encouraged NOT to talk to people just hit them up for cash. Which sucks
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
Wondergrl. . .

I try to avoid monopolizing the time of the dancer. I'll spend maybe 15 minutes chatting with them and enjoying a drink before getting a couple of dances. Once we are done with the dances, the girls I usually favor all know that they are welcome to go and chase any money they see in the room (and they also know that they can sit with me some more if they like). They can always come back later if it is slow.

That's one of the reasons I tend to get along with most of the girls. I understand that they are working and they understand that I may have come to see them so as long as with both keep that in mind, then good things should follow. Yeh, there are occasions when I can't see a favorite because she is too busy but shit happens (there are times when they can't see me because I'm too busy with other girls).

I hate it when a girl sits with a guy for an hour or two. No dances. They just sit and drink together. At some point the guy needs to decide whether he is getting some dances and then move on so the girl is available for other people.

avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Clevlandtom- 15 mins is 13 to many at my club its a strictly dollar parade thing. The girls walk up you give em a dollar in the boobs, they show here hip another dollar then turn around and get another dollar. Then 1 min of "dont you wanna dance" and they move on. After they make the rounds most just go in the dressing room till there name is called again.
avatar for ClevelandTom
17 years ago
That's too bad. I would probably hate going to your club.

You should come to C-town for awhile.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
There's a name for a dancer that just sits at one table and takes up that customer's time...I can't remember it though & I didn't see it on a quick look at the glossary list. It is annoying, but I know that it happens sometimes because the dancer just likes the customer & she uses him as kind of a "home base" instead of the bar or the dressing room. I've gotten some evil stares from other dancers that have wanted to stop by on occasion when that's happening to me.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I too have been on both sides of that coin. Before I actually met Shekitout, he and I had the same ATF but when I was in town, he got the back seat. He used to put in his reviews that he went to the club to see her but she was "married to some guy" or she was with her "husband". I can't think of another name for it.

There is an unwritten rule that strippers do not approach a customer when he already has company. This is good when you are content to spend all of your time and money on just one dancer but this is bad when you want to spread it around and she won't get up and leave.
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
On the dancers who sit and take up your time, I know the other girls in our club and yep, they stay away if someone is sitting with me. But I just tell the one sitting with me in the first minute that I'm here for Sally or whatever and don't plan any dances. They usually get the hint. My time is too valuable.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Maybe the term for this type of dancer that sits at your table for a long time (mostly unwanted time) is "camper"...I'm still hazy on it all.
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