
Comments by arbeeguy (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Spitzer's best defense
    I do think the "high end provider" has a point. If a married guy "just gotta have strange pussy", buying it from a prostitute seems a lot less threatening to the marriage than entering into a sexual affair with secretary/social_friend/whatever. However, prostitution for some reason carries a worse stigma than the affair. Plus, it's illegal for most partakers. So, as usual, we have tradeoffs to consider. But there is still a strange irony -- according to the customs and mores of our civilization, a marriage is supposed to be based on monogamy. So how do we rationalize "just gotta have strange pussy" ???
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    We do know that Hillary stood behind/beside Bill and took lots of heat. She also pointed out that the REAL problem was the vast right-wing conspiracy. As for Silda it's way too soon to tell whether she has forgiven or will forgive Eliot. Maybe her lawyer is already telling him the terms of the divorce - who knows
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Husbands or boy friends in the club.
    I have a theory about why a lot of strippers pick guys we TUSCLrs call "losers". The stripping job is stressful, and in some ways degrading. If you are a stripper, making good money but not respecting yourself much for it, then having a loser boyfriend gives you something to feel good about -- he appreciates your money, and you can feel superior to him (because you are.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Google help needed (again)
    OK I will do it.
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    17 years ago
    Canada Question
    Just curious, radio86 -- have you studied the numerous reviews our loyal members have posted on Canadian clubs?
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    One strip club used female attendants to do pat-downs. It was pretty nice. Sort of a preview of what to expect inside - which was pretty nice too. Photocopying the Drivers License sucks. Lumberyard in Des Moines did that to me once. Never again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More proof women love cheaters
    Does this thread have something to do with Strip Clubs? I would hardly call an anecdote "PROOF". You can find an "anecdote" to support any viewpoint in the universe. One anecdote hardly constitutes "EVIDENCE" let alone proof. OK, if you want a strip-club connection here's one: A lot of wives (including mine) think we Strip Club Afficiandos are the cheaters, everytime we walk into one of these places. I don't agree with her, but she feels that whenever I show an interest in another woman, especially one without much clothes on, that may be breathing in my ear, I am breaking my marriage vows.
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    17 years ago
    Politicians running for office, an episode of dumb versus dumber?
    my only comment is, what does this have to do with strip clubs? (Casualguy, no need to explain. Does anyone else see a bit of paradox discussing politicians on a website devoted to strippers and SCs?
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    17 years ago
    Glossary Question
    NE = touching boobs. Wow. Just too too cute. Who the heck invented that one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lap dance or play?
    I think Shadowcat has plenty of time on his hands to dream up new topics and entertain us all with the responses we provide. And he has been very generous with Club evaluations, which I greatly appreciate.
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    17 years ago
    Club shills
    I noticed the Mile High reviews and thought, oh shit somebody has put somebody else up to a bunch of fake reviews. Part of the charm of this website is the Founders warning, on the bottom of the screen: All reviews and comments on this site shold be considered works of fiction. I always keep that in mind when I am reading reviews. However, I know that amongst the fiction (there's plenty of fiction) there are also many many gems of absolute truthfulness. Bones, Shadowcat, NJSCFan among many other colleagues, I would pretty much believe whatever they have to say. As I said the other day -- if the review is very positive, very general, and sounds like a paid ad, and especially if it is his/her only review, it is most likely a shill. Reading phony reviews is just part of the cost of doing business on this site.
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    17 years ago
    Help In Kansas City
    DandyDan tell us more about The Flaming Pit of Hell, and your idea of Heaven.
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    17 years ago
    Help In Kansas City
    Hmmm -- I should have read my comment a little more carefully before posting it. If you like high mileage I meant to say GO TO TEMPTATIONS. If you like more beautiful girls, go to Bazookas.
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    17 years ago
    Help In Kansas City
    I think the two clubs you mentioned are the best in Kansas City, and yes there are hotels in the area but with a Big 12 Basketball Tournament underway you may find NO ROOM AT THE INN. Temptations has had more mileage in the past. I like it a lot better than Bazookas. But a recent review said they have cracked down on the high mileage girls at Temptations. Also, Bazookas is unquestionably the more elegant place. The girls at Bazookas tend to be more beautiful and the ambiance is more upscale. So go there, give it a try, and then write a review. If you find out anything you don't want to put in a "public" review please send me an email because I get to Kansas City occasionally. My email address is published.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    question for al guys?
    do you spoze "al guys" is misspelling of "all guys" ?? Hopefully soldierswife will clear this up shortly. It is a burning question and I just can't get it out of my mind.
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    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Yeah, c-fav is proly "current favorite". Oh well, can't win 'em all. I used to think OTC meant "Over The Counter". I scratched my head a couple of times trying to relate that to the SC experience. Finally figgered it out.
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    17 years ago
    The Dancer's a Lesbian--Does it Matter
    Parodyman, you are a real riot. I love all your posts. What is wrong with Shadowcat he don't 'preciate ya? But didn't your sixth grade english teacher teach you that you can't put double quotes " inside double quotes ". Ya gotta use single quotes ' or it ain't grammatical. Sorry about pointing the finger at a stranger her, but ya had it comin.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fake reviews of Hot Lap Dance, NYC
    The best way to spot fake reviews is to look at the string of other reviews by the same reviewer. Often there are none. That, and the "copy-edited style" and vague positive generalities indicate a fake review. It is possible, of course, for a shill to post fake reviews for many different clubs, and with a little training the faker could even learn to fake the bad grammar, misspellings, and acrid sarcasm that us "real" reviewers use. It is a damn shame that a club might get up among the top-rated clubs based on fake reviews. If I get to New York my number one priority will be to do a highly scientific study of the Hot Lap Dance Club. I have posted enough reviews by now I think you can trust me to be honest. But of course the ambiance of any club can vary from one day to another or even different times of the same day. I can only report on what I see and here when I am there, and I encourage others who can get to New York City to do likewise. Warning: once you get there, the high entry fee of Hot Lap Dance Club will not be the only high priced item you encounter. Very expensive town.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    PL is Pathetic Loser. ATF is All Time Favorite. C-fav is Club Favorite. DATY is Dining at the Y aka pussy-licking. I don't think that "dive" is an abbreviation -- I think it is just low-class place, like Dollie's Playhouse in ESL. That would be a dive. I love the dives. But Shadowcat's suggestion is very good. After all, if you can find out for yourself without having to ask anybody you can Stand Tall and Be Proud.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I noticed some reviews with the handle "ThisOldManPlayed1" . Also that handle is at the top of the reviewer list. That's Bones OK.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Suggestions for Tampa?
    Scarlett's is a good idea. For a change-of-pace lowbrow place try Seven Seas. For a brothel consider Lipstixx. With 2001 right across the street, it's tempting, but I would not do that. Cuz 2001 is - IMHO - just a knockoff of Mons
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    if you want a good time go commando.
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    17 years ago
    What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?
    The Singing Lizards spot was promoting a product called "SoBe Life Water". I assume it is an energy drink. Here's what an advertising professional had to say about that ad in the Chicago Sun Times "Big, big mistake for SoBe to bring on the dancing lizards. Especially when a certain insurance behemoth called Geico has absolutely cornered the market on lizard imagery in the advertising world. And with so little product on view in the SoBe commercial, it was all too easy to keep thinking Geico instead of Sobe Life Water as the spot unspooled. Not at all a smart use of an expensive Super Bowl ad buy." *** this is an amusing subject (Super Bowl Commercials) for a Strip Club List -- almost as amusing as listing a brothel on a Strip Club List
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    WHAT is going on with the "Top Ten"?
    MIDancer raises some interesting points, and remember that FOUNDER has a standard disclaimer -- everything you read on this site should be regarded as FICTION. We know that isn't strictly true but it is good to keep in mind there is a lot of BS posted. I don't know how many of the HOT LAP DANCE postings are fake to boost the ratings but anybody who scrolls through the reviews can reasonably surmise that a lot of DIFFERENT people who review DIFFERENT clubs have rated it high. Still it does seem odd. All I can say is that I hope people we know and trust like FONDL, Bones, Shadowcat, etc., find an excuse to go to Manhattan and spring for the stiff admission fee and then give it tous straight. The reputation of the reviewer is very important when the review is exceptional. THAT BRINGS ME TO ADELITA. I have never been there but I've been to several places that operate by the same rules. To me it is totally legit to rate it as a strip club. The limited experiences I had with true brothels was that the emphasis was on finding the girl and getting into the locked room. That is NOT the case and that is why it is just fine to be listed. After all, a guy can go to Adelitas and have a good time - chat with pretty, scantilly dressed girls; swig a few beers, just hang out. You are not FORCED to go upstairs. Be that is it may, there are plenty of brothels - look at Houston for example - the AMPs - that are listed on this site, but they get very VERY few high-point reviews so it never becomes visible. I say, congratulations and commendations to FOUNDER for keeping places like Adelitas, Lipstixx, etc. on this site. As long as my fellow mongers are interested in visiting these places and reviewing them I am interested in reading their opinions.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I met a new dancer...
    Well I am a little slow. At first I thought Chandler was a stripper. So I read Chandler's posts. No, Chandler is obviously a red-blooded horny male. So I read a little more carefully and now I think I get it. As a matter of fact the stripper's name has absolutely nothing to do with the idea of this thread - so why even bring it up. In contrast to some of the other posts, I would go for a closer, and mutually beneficial, relationship with the stripper named Chandler. Both she and her hubby are fully mature adults (that is, assuming a stripper by definition can be mature.) If I were in Shadowcat's position I would approach "Chandler" with kindness and respect.