
I met a new dancer...

Atlanta suburb
2 Weeks ago in my favorite club, I met a dancer new to me. Actually I have seen her at the club for a long time but this was the first time that I can remember talking to her. She uses the stage name of one of our most noted posters. She is also a spinner. She told me that she had 4 kids. Later I told one of my favorites that, that was hard to believe. She said that it was true. "She just spits them out and then inflates them". Her husband is in the army in Iraq. My company flew him there(Kuwait City). She said that she had been working at the club for 7 years. I asked if she remembered certain dancers including my 2 ATFs. She replied with enough information that I knew that she was for real. I asked "So why have I never gotten a lap dance from you?" She said because I was always too busy with other dancers. Well, she knew my price and agreed to it. We went to the couch room and did 3 2 fers @ $20 each. By the 2nd dance my hand was under her thong and it did not feel like 4 babies had come out of there. She told me that she masturbates 3 times a day. Morning, noon and night. I offered to help but she said that she couldn't count on me to be there at the right time. SS? She made it to the bottom of my favorites list and like I said on another thread, mileage gets better when they know you better. I support the troops in Iraq and elsewhere but I cannot help but feel that we should also give their wives support. I am going to try to help this little spinner out. Would you?


    17 years ago
    When my ATF was waitressing at a strip club/restaurant, I once made a remark that I thought this one dancer who I'd never seen before was very attractive and my type. Next thing I know she brings this girl over, introduces her, and the dancer sits down and we begin talking (which was all you could do at this particular club.) This dancer turns out to be kinda funny but she's also dumber than a fence post. It also turns our that she's 20 years old and has 4 kids. After that I couldn't get rid of this girl, every time I came in (which was weekly) she'd join me. My ATF thought it was very funny. What a smart ass.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    A spinnner going by the stage name FONDL? Book Guy? Chitownlawyer?
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I wouldn't help her out...I have too much respect for the troops that are sacrificing needlessly for our country in Iraq.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    You are getting warmer. Try your own back yard.lol...
  • jester214
    17 years ago
    I think you gotta leave that one alone man. Just doesn't seem right.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    You should SEE my new sequined thong ...
  • chitownlawyer
    17 years ago
    She better stop using my name, which is a registered trademark of Chitown Enterprises, Inc. Perhaps I need to get a cease and desist order.
  • chasman
    17 years ago
    Am I the only one who thinks she calls herself Shadowcat?
  • mr.munchie
    17 years ago
    Me too. I can't think of another "well known" poster with a name that would work for a dancer.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    You guys are so dumb. I don't like to mention dancers names but I will mention one. Chandler Got it dumbies?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Hehe. I had a feeling. I still say Chitownlawyer would be an awesome stage name.
  • Philip A. Stein
    17 years ago
    Is it Bones? Wondergirl?

    Sorry, I couldn't lay off. I thought the backyard comment pretty much gave it away.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    While we are on the subject of stage names. My ATF went by Carter, which was her mothers maiden name.
  • arbeeguy
    17 years ago
    Well I am a little slow. At first I thought Chandler was a stripper. So I read Chandler's posts. No, Chandler is obviously a red-blooded horny male. So I read a little more carefully and now I think I get it. As a matter of fact the stripper's name has absolutely nothing to do with the idea of this thread - so why even bring it up. In contrast to some of the other posts, I would go for a closer, and mutually beneficial, relationship with the stripper named Chandler. Both she and her hubby are fully mature adults (that is, assuming a stripper by definition can be mature.) If I were in Shadowcat's position I would approach "Chandler" with kindness and respect.

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    arbeeguy: I am a Vietnam Vet and support our troops any time and any way. If LBJ would have had any balls we could have won that one. I have a personal involvement in 9/11. I support Mr. Bush and hope that who ever takes over will continue the fight on terrorism. Take it to Iran if necessary. Now as to the little spinner. Respect is hard to handle when she has your dick wrapped around her hands.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    This spinner must have a talent for extending its length while keeping it flexible. That plus really small hands.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    Sorry, but that's a load of baloney cat. I agree that the way the Vietnam War was fought by the politicans of the day was fubar, but there was no way to win what was really a civil war between a bunch of fanatical commies and a brutal, puppet regime of the USA. Kind of like Iraq actually IMO. If we "take it to Iran", you can kiss our oil-fed economy goodbye IMO. We need to be smarter than that.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    We're not actually THINKING of "taking it to Iran" are we? Oh dear oh dear ... this can't be true ...

  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    No, we're really not...so you can calm down now...he's either there or in our buddy Pakistan BTW. :)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Bookguy: you are the IDIOT. His physical where abouts, if he is still alive, has nothing to do with it. It is his hate of anyone that does not believe in his GOD that we must fear and they are everywhere.

    MisterGuy: I agree that we must be smarter and I think that our dependence on foreign oil is going to end sooner than you think. Look at Dubai UAE. They know it and are gearing up for it.

    Enough politics. Lets all go to a strip club.
  • I was against the war from day 1. Americans have a choice to go to Iraq or not. Even military people can refuse. I know of someone who told his superiors he used marijuana, and received a dishonorable discharge. The stripper in question will be compensated very well if God forbid her husband is killed. Taxpayers are providing $250,000!

    Misterguy thinks he's the moral authority; he would be on that dancer like white on rice!
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Wait, so bombing Iran is going to ... help somehow? Umm ... OK then.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    I know she didn't use my name.
    17 years ago
    I've been trying to wade through this thread and figure out what, aside from all the BS, people are saying relative to strip clubs. Are some of you saying that you wouldn't play with this girl because her husband is away fighting a war? Even if she wants to and needs the money? Do you ask strippers if she's married and what her husband does before asking her to go to the LD room?
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    "It is his hate of anyone that does not believe in his GOD that we must fear and they are everywhere."

    Unfortunately, this applies to the wing-nuts in this country too. Don't be afraid though...that's the way that *both* the terrorists and our own govt. wins.

    "Even military people can refuse."

    Yea, and then go to jail. A quarter of million dollars and no more loved one...I'd take the loved one back myself. No Mr. 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever...I just think you're an idiot. I like fried rice better too...lol...
  • pop
    17 years ago
    SC, it's very hard to believe that she has 4 kids. A close examination made it tougher to believe. But, she's a fun dancer and I like her.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I always thought that detrimental bodily things happened to young women when they had kids: their tits (if they breast-fed) eventually "deflated" and therefore sagged; their bellies got looser, and perhaps showed caesarian scars; and they gained more weight.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    A lot of that sounds like what happens to guys after they get married. ;)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    pop: Thanks for backing up my story. BTW, the one you walk your dog with has gone back to school and is only working part time but when she is. Watch out. She has become a sex starved animal. Just buy her a drink and then hang on.
  • pop
    17 years ago
    That animal stuff is just bubbling to the surface. As for Chandler, I think another close inspection is required.
    17 years ago
    I've met several dancers who claimed that their husbands were in the military. And while that could sometimes be stripper shit, I knew for a fact that at least one of them was telling the truth. And frankly that doesn't surprise me. Given the low pay of young enlisted men, I'd also guess it's fairly common especially if there are military bases nearby. Anyone else see much of that? Isn't there a big base in Charleston, SC?
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    It's a shame the way we pay our military people. There's big naval base down there in SC.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    POP: just remember that she has a husband in Iraq fighting for your right to feel her up. All LBJ offered us in Vietnam was pot to keep us happy and quiet.

    FONDL: How do you think that most of the foreign dancers got here? They married GI's. The dumb ones. And military pay is not as bad as it used to be. I had no trouble living on it, 30+ years ago. And the food was good and plentyfull. I know that I am too old to reinlist but for a shot at" Mr.B", barehanded and in person, I would give it All Up.
  • ClevelandTom
    17 years ago
    Here is an interesting thing that happened to me the other night.

    I found a couple of free minutes to stop by one of my favorite night spots and one of the girls who had worked there for awhile but I'd never gotten a dance from was working. She's a cute girl, probably an 8, but she is a little tall and skinny with a massive set of fake boobs which just kind of turned me off because they were too big for her body.

    So I am talking with one of the girls when a the cocktail waitress comes over and mentions another dancers boobs as being really nice. The girl I am sitting with mentions "fake boobs" as having the best rack in the place and I questioned if they were real or not, being assured by both parties that they were real (and for you Seinfeld fans, and fantastic).

    So. . . now I've got to get a dance to see for myself (actually, 4 dances). Oh my god!! They were real and amazing and whatever other words you want to use to describe them. In short, they are the nicest pair of real tits that I have ever seen. (so much so that on no less than five occasions since, I have said out loud to my self, "Wow, she has some nice tits."

  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    So, where did all this happen at Tom?
    17 years ago
    Shadowcat, I was in the military too, probably at the same time you were (1962-1966 for me.) I had no problem living on the pay either because of free food and lodging. But I wasn't trying to support a family, just my alcohol habit. I think it's still pretty hard for a young enlisted man to support a wife and kid, even if they live on base.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    FONDL: I was in 63 to 67. I don't regret a minute of it. It changed my life. I had 2 years of college in(accounting)but I changed to aviation. No degree is required to do my job but you do have to pass a written and oral exam to get a license. 80% of my coworkers have some kind of degree but I have found that, that has no bearing on job performance. Some are over educated idiots.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    Shadow, thanks for mentioning Carter, the love of your life. It brought back a great mental pics. She was a stunning beauty who I personally never had the opportunity to spend time with. Definitely my loss.
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