
Husbands or boy friends in the club.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, March 10, 2008 11:10 PM
One of the clubs that I frequent has a sign on the entrance. "No husbands or boy friends allowed". I think that the management here is wise. My favorite club has no such signs. I have had 3 experiences there with this. The first one was with a guy (husband, boy friend or pimp).He always brought her to the club and stayed there the whole time that she worked. One day he burst into the ladies dressing room and told his SO to get her ass out there because there was a big spender waiting for her. He has since been 86'd from the club. The second one was more recent. Very nice looking young dancer and I had heard tales that she gave very high mileage lap dances. I wanted to give her a try but when I saw her handing over her earnings to some guy, it was a complete turn off. Number 3 was one of my favs. 80% of the time her husband escorted her to and from the club. I liked that because he was the designated driver. So she drank more and the more she drank the better her dances got. I wonder if he had a clue as to how far she was going or did he really care? She gave me and I still have it, her name and cell number and below it was her husbands name and cell number. She said that if I ever need help to call her and if I could not get hold of her to call him. Other dancers told me that if I ever needed help, to call him. I hope that I never need help that bad.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Sounds like a helpful guy. Maybe you can give him a ring if you run out of polygrip or if you need your diaper changed.
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    Well, my SO works in a club in Phoenix about once a week, and I sometimes stop by. Originally, she asked me to because the club was slow and she wanted some moral (immoral?) support. Now, she is just used to it, and who am I to complain? But we are discreet. I know what she is doing. Phoenix clubs don't tend to have extras. She does use me as a banker, instead of carrying around her earnings. It's safer. Less chance of getting ripped off by one of the other girls.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    This is a bad idea all around. PLs get distressed if they see any one guy getting more attention from a dancer. You'd be amazed how many "regulars" think that they are actually dating a particular dancer when they're not.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    It just makes me feel awkward. Especially if theres some two way contact going on. Just doesn't sit well with me.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Yeah, I dislike meeting the dancers' "real life" love interests. Usually the dudes are lozer scum-bags, driving pathetic beater cars, white guys wearing ghetto rap style clothing, never well dressed or classy looking. (Except in Vegas, where, of course, the girls are dating multi-millionaire impresarios whom they met when they were working a showgirl revue.) It's often a surprise to me, just how lame the guys are. Not verbal at all, not rich, not charming, often dirty with poor manners, generally a bad soft unathletic body, too. I guess I've been spending too much time in honky tonks and dives in Jackson and Mobile ... heh ... I don't want to see it. One hottie I was kind of "after" for real-life interaction showed me a tattoo on her tit. The tit is nice. But the tattoo is one of two hearts interlinked, and inside each one is a "female" symbol -- that circle with the plus sign attached. OK, I get it, this is a lesbian tattoo. She just goes on about how hot I am, how she hates other men, how she got knocked up when she was too young, how I'm different from other men, how she is pissed off about getting knocked up. And I see this lesbian tattoo and I think, you can't fool me girlie, you have a girlfriend who is a butch-dyke in a dog collar with studs on it, sporting a mullet on the left half of her head and a one-inch crop-shaved military buzz cut on the other half, wearing camo-pants and a men's arm-less undershirt. You're a man-hating dyke and not the sexy lipstick kind. Her "real world" self was definitely not giving me good fantasies.
  • MIDancer
    16 years ago
    My boyfriend generally won't lay foot in a strip club. He's only been in a strip club three times (twice with me, and once seven years ago when he turned 18). Sometimes I wish he'd come in when it's slow just to keep me company, but I know strip clubs make him uncomfortable, so I never push the issue.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago
    Bookguy: Agree. I know we have been over this topic many times, but why are dancers so attracted to the guys most of us would portray as losers? It's far too common to be coincidence. There must be some reason. My ATF's boyfriend is not allowed in the club, but I have seen him in the parking lot and met him once.....except for the part about the beater car, you describe him accurately. He is a ghetto white boy trying to look like a black rapper....there is a name for that, but I won't mention it. He's the product of a 9th grade education, sits at home all day drinking and smoking, has no job, lets his stripper girlfriend support him - how else can he be described except as a loser. Get a fucking job.....even if it's at Wal Mart. Please, someone explain this to me.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Some girls just like the bad boy look...no doubt about that & strippers sometimes make really bad choices is all. From his persepctive, why work when you can get someone else to do it for you?
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I have a theory about why a lot of strippers pick guys we TUSCLrs call "losers". The stripping job is stressful, and in some ways degrading. If you are a stripper, making good money but not respecting yourself much for it, then having a loser boyfriend gives you something to feel good about -- he appreciates your money, and you can feel superior to him (because you are.)
    16 years ago
    Arbee, I think they pick losers because that's the only type of guy that they're exposed to. Girls from the kind of background that a lot of strippers come from rarely know anone we wouldn't consider a loser. I never knowingly saw a husband or BF in the club but 've seen a lot of them drop the girls off at the door. My ATF's brother used to come see her fairly often and sit with her when she wasn't busy. The first time I saw her sitting with him I knew exactly who he was because they looked like twins. She even introduced us and we all sat together a couple of times. I thought it was a little weird because this was a nude club. She also said that one of her uncles used to come in the club but I never saw him that I know of. She had a couple of cousins who also worked there (her mother did at one time too) so it was sort of a family thing.
  • twbird44
    16 years ago
    I have been dating seriously for two years a dancer. I rarely stay in the club when she is working because it just makes me uneasy to watch her working. I never paid much attention if there were other boyfriends of other dancers also in the club, but I would have never noticed them unless my girlfriend pointed them out to me -- one clue is that dancers avoid them. I wouldn't call myself a loser, in that I made a few million on stock tradings in the 1990s and have now retired in my late 40s, and I never went to strip clubs until my wife died.
  • harrydave
    16 years ago
    Th emajority opinion seems to be that allowing stripper boyfriends or husbands in clubs is wrong. So, I guess I will no longer go to my girlfriend's club when she is there. ;-)
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    You can't always tell by their appearance. In my first example, He looked like and acted like a black pimp. Case number 2, He looked so clean cut that I wondered why either one of them was in a strip club. Number 3 looked like any other strip club customer.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    One of my former ATFs had her Dad actually drop her off and pick her up at the club...sometimes with her 2 kids in the car...it was weird & awkward. She also had two of her sisters working with her in the club at different times, and one or two of her cousins showed up to have a "look" at her while she was dancing...it was very odd...
    16 years ago
    MisterGuy, I don't think that's particularly unusual. Stripping often runs in families. I've met lots of dancers who claimed that their mothers had been dancers, and I've often seen sisters working together. My ATF started dancing partly because her family encouraged her to do so, and they were upset when she quit because she was sharing the wealth with them. I think that's pretty common.
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    Well, I thought it was particularly disturbing myself, whether it's common or not. How would you feel dropping your lil girl off at a strip club, or showing up to get a peek at how one of your relatives looked in the buff? No thanx there...
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Remember that dancer that I was going to invite over to my house for Christmas? I never got to ask her because she got herself into a real financial bind and had a useless boyfriend. She told some of the dancers that she was going to Tampa to visit her mother for 3 months. She told me that both her mother and aunt were strippers before her. Her brother was also useless. I met him on two occasions when he drove up to visit her. Maybe leach would be a better description. She would not go on stage or do lap dances while he was in the club. She had divorced her useless husband before moving out of Tampa. Got nothing out of the divorce. I doubt that she will be back. For what? And there are plenty of highly rated strip clubs in Tampa and she has 2 free baby sitters.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I never considered myself to be any dancers boyfriend even though I once had someone ask if I was in a club. I never thought of any time I spent with a dancer as a date either. Even though I was hanging out or visiting different dancers at different times away from the clubs in their off time. Most of the time, I think they talked me into it as well. Some dancers can be persuasive when they look good and aren't wearing much. In some clubs you do wonder if someone is either a dancers boyfriend or is he a big spending regular of hers? The way I see it, dancers boyfriends or SO's can have a lot of say or influence over whether or not the dancer works in a club. I think it's ok for them to visit but as a customer, I would feel better if they weren't watching.
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