
Comments by arbeeguy (page 22)

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    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Grammatical correction to previous post -- sorry, didn't proof read carefully enough. It should read "flipped me the bird" not "flipped me the bird day".
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    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Thanks Mr. Parodyman for starting this thread, and I am delighted that my suggestion led you to do it. Personally, I feel that CYBERBULLYING does not refer to the bullshit that we read in these discussion posts, because (with a few notable exceptions) we are all anonymous. I was a victim of BULLYING in high school -- I was the impudent nerd, and the bully was a C- student who clearly loved to intimidate the less muscular, more academic types. One day he kind of went nuts after I flipped him the bird day. A couple of days later he was lying in wait to surprise me as I walked to school. He had a buddy to help out, although he could have polished me off easily without any help. I suffered "loss of dignity" and a broken nose. This happened in 1951 or 1952. That is one example of BULLYING. I'm sure you all have first or second-hand experiences with BULLYING. Now -- what exactly is CYBERBULLYING and why do I think it almost never happens on this board? Because IMHO, the word BULLYING and therefore CYBERBULLYING refers to threat of personal harm. If you are anonymous and I am anonymous, you can insult me all you like and I can insult you all I like, but neither one of us is BULLYING. However, either or both of us may be insensitive jerks. There have been a couple of examples of CYBERBULLYING in the news recently (the term is probably still evolving.) One of them resulted in a death, the other in a bad beating, which was videotaped by one of the perpetrators. The whole affair got onto The Today Show, and I am betting I am not the only poster who saw it. It was pretty grim. Basically, CYBERBULLYING -- IMHO -- can only occur when some or all of the participants know each other personally, and use web pages (possibly mass emails as well) to scare people, or to insult them so bad they decide to scare you or harm you. One person's opinion. After seeing further comments on this topic, I may have more to say about the long-standing and stupid (IMHO) brouhaha between Shadowcat and Parodyman. Both of whom I happen to respect, because I have read numerous reviews by both. As I mentioned in an earlier post in another thread on this same general area, I was guilty of insulting Mr. NJSCFAN a few months ago, and later upon reflection, was sorry I did it and I apologized to him. (He had PM'ed me, justifiably castigating me for my intemperate remarks.) Since I have learned that NSCSFAN along with Shadowcat and Parodyman and many others was posting intereting and useful reviews. IMHO that is what this site is all about, and these discussion posts are all pretty much what I said earlier -- bullshit. But there are notable exceptions. Sometimes they are humorous, and sometimes they are informative, and therefore I willingly put up with the bullshit.
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    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Interesting reviews of the three clubs, but I can't see where the discussion is supposed to go, Mr. jablake. This is a discussion board, not a reviews board, right?
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    16 years ago
    Will the convention at the Columbia Platinum Plus be a bust?
    Let's start a wonderful thread on cyberbullying. I will have a few things to say once it gets going. But I'm not clever enough to start it myself. Personally, this is by far the stupidest thread I have ever read on TUSCL but I read em all, whether stupid, witty, informative, raucous, whatever. To the vast majority of Posters who provide original, funny, useful information -- my hat is off to you. And I can put up with the few exceptions, NO PROBLEM.
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    16 years ago
    This word "meretriculate" bugs me. It appears to be an adapted combination of "meretricious" and "matriculate". Meretricious is an adjective describing flashy deception as typically practiced by prostitutes. To matriculate is to enroll or register. Hard to see how pasting these two words together makes any sense for the meaning implied. If meretriculate were a REAL word it would be in a REAL dictionary.
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    16 years ago
    jealous stripers
    Leonard3, I hope you will go back to the club ASAP. Ozymandias has a point though. Assuming "Ms. X" is not a part-owner of the club, I think there is a simple strategy to pre-empt the risk that she will sic management/bouncer on you with a false accusation. Next time you go in, approach the first management person you see (bouncer, bracelet-apply-person, bartender, whatever). Tell that person in a very calm and pleasant way that you are there to spend some money and have a good time. That you are concerned about "Ms X" and that you really don't want to interact with her while you are there. That you are not asking for any intervention on your behalf by management -- no not at all. You just want management to be aware of the situation. A reasonable, friendly cash tip at this point would not hurt. Then you hold up your end of the deal. BTW, I would not use the strategy proposed by parodyman, to be confrontational with "Ms X". If she approaches you just calmly tell her you don't want to talk to her and let it go at that. SO... I think this will work. Try it out ASAP and let us all know what happens.
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    16 years ago
    Drama--are we getting bitchy like the women?
    Parodyman, why don't you tell us something about the strip club instead of whining about one ole guy who could care less? I don't remember shadowcat ever castigating another poster, do you?
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    16 years ago
    For those who travel to Mexico ...
    Thanks for the link. I read the Washington Post article and it is certainly chilling. I sometimes worry about safety when I visit Brooklyn ILL strip clubs -- rather isolated, and surrounded by poverty. But I've never heard much to indicate it is unsafe, so I would probably go back. I think Tijuana (location of Adelita Bar) is much safer than Puerto Palomas. That doesn't mean it's risk-free though. Far from it.
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    16 years ago
    Is It Wise?
    How many of you saw the beating some teenage girls administered to one of their "so-called girl-friends" after she posted some negative comments on the Internet (probably MySpace but I don't recall for sure.) Anyway it got on The Today Show about a week ago. Very shocking video footage. The girls were taken into custody. Imagine holding a camera to record your fellow felons as they commit a felony. Oh well... we're on the internet ... bad things happen on the internet... To answer Parodyman directly, "No I don't think it wise". I did it once and the results were positive. Both of us benefitted. But I was cautious, and only extended myself a little at a time. We ended up meeting for lunch, and have exchanged some interesting emails since. (It was a male, not a female.) Still, I was at risk. In retrospect, it may not have been wise, even though it turned out just fine this time.
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    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    MisterGuy is right. Customers are customers, lenders are lenders. No way would I want to get into the lending business, especially with strippers. ONE THING TO REMEMBER -- like any business, the lending business requires skills and guts. Fuggedaboudit. However, if you do NOT FORGET ABOUT IT I hope you will tell us how it all turns out. It will be a rolly coaster.
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    16 years ago
    Boring Conversation???
    jablake, i just posted a comment on your earlier thread concerning the sugar daddy and the gambling-addicted-stripper. I am with you on this conversational bizness. I enjoy visiting with strippers about trivial things -- as long as they are either cute, sexy, or funny. "Available" helps a lot too, but that would not be essential to me. Life is not not about intellectual matters and screwing. The possibilities are endless.... ENDLESS. I enjoy reading the threads you create. Keep up the good work. Like most PLs who post on this site, though, I don't care much for the line that starts out, "Gosh I have to make a rent payment (or a doctor payment, or a car payment) tomorrow and I really really need $XXX. That's a total turnoff. But - like enhanced tits, it must work a lot of the time, or the strippers wouldn't keep doing it.
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    16 years ago
    Interesting Stripper Conversation and Meeting the Her Generous Fiance/Client
    IMHO this may be the most insightful thread I have ever this board. This one really addresses the HUMAN CONDITION and points out how different people's needs/drives are. There is a physical and sexual relationship known as sadomasochism. I'm sure most of you are aware of it. One person enjoys inflicting pain and another needs to suffer -- a PERFECT MATCH. The situation jablake describes is not sadomasochism but you can see the similarity I am sure. Actually in a way it is just an extreme case of the whole strip club scene: some of us refer to ourselves as PLs (Pathetic Losers) or Perverts. We have an excess of cash and a shortage of attention/intimacy from sexy babes. WE FIT RIGHT IN. For NJSCFAN to blithely say, "guys should have more self-respect than that" is true enough, but is also extremely judgmental and ignores the reality that plenty of gals and guys have weaknesses that they just cannot control. I was especially moved by the story of how the cute female hustler gave in to her own weakness -- gambling -- the long walks back and forth to the car to get more gambling-cash until it is ALL GONE. If anything, her addiction is harsher than her sugar daddy's. I would bet that the Sugar Daddy has plenty of cash to waste the way he does, but it is SO SAD that he thinks he has a real relationship with this cute little scam artist. WHAT A FANTASY. Perhaps one day he will tell his story to an ethical counselor, and get his head straightened out a bit. But I kind of doubt it.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Shameless Shill or Lazy Slob?
    This is one of the big problems of an anonymous rating service. Shills pretending to be honest customers. I would guess he is a shill. And a lazy shill to boot. Founder has done a lot of amazing things with this site. Maybe he can figure out a way to spot shills. It would be nice if there were a way for reviewers to make "announcements". Like, "This club just opened," "this club just closed", "this club did a remodel" without having to do an actual review and rating. I hate to see a "10" on the summary page, and then when I read the review I discover it was just the owner making an announcement. But in such cases, as least the owner is up front. A shill is basically a form of deception, but what else is new -- most of the stripping is a form of deception anyway. (Deception is not all bad, right? Look at movies, politicians, religions, advertising in general....)
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    17 years ago
    She moved...
    I have a short comment for jablake -- shadowcat is clearly not an idiot and neither are you. But expressing anger does no good. Neither your personal reputation nor the joy of participating in this discussion board is helped by unnecessary insults like the one you delivered to shadowcat. You can give useful advice and opinion without insults. And since you are on shadowcat's "Ignore" list he doesn't see your insults anyway. So what is the point? And a longer comment for njscfan -- i do apologize for having dissed you at the time you first posted on this discussion board. That occurred several months ago. I was out of line. Your posts since then have varied from excellent to outstanding. I think the one that is six posts above is outstanding. I'm sure that gatorjoe2 benefited from reading it. Finally -- anybody who gets confused between a positive business relationship and a romance could benefit from reading njscfan's post. Due to the very nature of the strip club business it is easy to get confused, especially when alcohol is present. It is true that once in a LONG time, a positive business relationship leads to romance, but we all know that if "true" romance is what we are looking for, strip clubs and strippers are not the best places to look.
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    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    The worst part of the proposed law is the six-foot rule. Taken literally it totally destroys the lap dance, hugs, fondling, etc. Obviously it does not apply to people who are fully clothed but to interaction between the dancer exercising her "free speech right" to be nude, and the customer. I think the six-foot rule is an artifice. It is obviously intended to counteract the "Nude Dancing is an expression of Free Speech and Therefore Protected by the Constitution". The six-foot rule is trying to say, "OK she can dance naked on stage, but she can exercise her free-speech right to nudity from six feet away, just as well as on the guy's lap." After all, nobody objects to being six feet or more away from stage acts and public speakers. So it is just a way to change the subject of the conversation. When I first started going to strip clubs, the girls danced on a stage, and us guys were all six feet or more away from them. It was considered very daring and risque to walk up to the stage and insert a dollar bill in their garter (forget about the g-string.) Things have changed a lot since then. In today's environment, I would not consider going into a strip club that ENFORCED a six-foot rule. But the good news is, I have heard there are places where a six foot rule is the LAW, but LE refuses to ENFORCE it. So there is always hope. Also we can hope that South Carolina defeats this bill. BUt look what happened recently in Ohio.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is my favorite club doomed?
    I think the six-foot rule is an artifice. It is obviously intended to counteract the "Nude Dancing is an expression of Free Speech and Therefore Protected by the Constitution". The six-foot rule is trying to say, "OK she can dance naked on stage, but she can exercise her free-speech right to nudity from six feet away, just as well as on the guy's lap." After all, nobody objects to being six feet or more away from stage acts and public speakers. So it is just a way to change the subject of the conversation. When I first started going to strip clubs, the girls danced on a stage, and us guys were all six feet or more away from them. It was considered very daring and risque to walk up to the stage and insert a dollar bill in their garter (forget about the g-string.) Things have changed a lot since then. In today's environment, I would not consider going into a strip club that ENFORCED a six-foot rule. But the good news is, I have heard there are places where a six foot rule is the LAW, but LE refuses to ENFORCE it. So there is always hope. Also we can hope that South Carolina defeats this bill. BUt look what happened recently in Ohio.
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    17 years ago
    spliting dancers
    Splitting up the dancers -- easy. Next time you go in, do NOT SIT DOWN before you have had a heart to heart talk with them. While standing, put your arms around both of them, tell them how much you care for both of them, give both of them a nice cash tip right then and there. Tell them it has just become too stressful to have both of them entertaining you at the same time, that you need to slow down, and that from now on you will have to enjoy their delights one girl at a time. Then stick to your guns. I can't believe either of them will get mad as long as you don't show any favoritism, and you are careful to keep giving them money. (That is why they are there --- the money.) If this seems a bit scary, you might modify the scenario a little, and run through a "dress rehearsal" all by yourself before you go into the SC. Note: I have heard other guys say to the contrary, but I feel you ALWAYS get more value for your money, when you spend it on one girl at a time. If you were in a locked hotel room it could be different but I am talking about the realities of a relatively open strip-club room.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What a way to GO!
    correction: scraped off the ceiling but scrapped has it's own humorous angle i guess
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    17 years ago
    illinois clubs going up in smoke
    Sandyman is right of course. We go for the girls. Smoke is good for some guys, alcohol is good for some guys. If the girls are "RIGHT" the smoke & the alcohol are sort of just side issues. I do wonder just how the real heavy smoking girls get by if they work in clubs where no-smoke is strictly enforced. Speak up, girls.
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    17 years ago
    Warning about City of Houston clubs
    Well if Houston changes the rules, TUSCL readers should be among the first to know -- but we will probably get more information from the club reviews than from this discussion thread. The thread is only 2 days old so it still has a few days of life in it, but if there HAD BEEN AN OBSERVABLE CHANGE in the Houston rules, I would think at least a couple of people would have said so in this thread. So I surmise that even if Houston LE has won a legal victory they have not yet implemented their new powers. If they do it gradually (my guess) there will be low-level crackdowns and lots of rumors, and most of the club owners and dancers will start tightening up on their own. If they do it in a dramatic public way, it could go well beyond TUSCL and could even appear on CNN, USAToday, Newser, etc. I live in a town that used to have whorehouses, nude juice-bars and alcoholic topless bars. The "City Fathers" finally decided that was unacceptable, and they clamped down in a quiet but determined fashion. Now this town has none of the above three types of establishments, but no headlines were generated.
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    17 years ago
    The spending question again
    Strip club habit isn't much different from car habit or any other hobby -- the cost just varies all over the map. If you're strapped, you have to settle for a beater. If you won the lottery you might be choosing between Lexus and Mercedes. There's everything in between. I can say that among my SC-going friends, $100 per week amounts to over $5000 per year and none of my friends approach that level. We might go for a $500 "SC binge" once or twice a year, at most. I guess we would be more in the "beater" category. IMHO if you are spending $300 per week, I would say you are in the top 1% of all strip club attendees -- but not necessarily very high up on the scale of people who post on this site, because I get the impression that a few of your fellow posters blow over $1000 a week on this hobby. In my own case, SC spending probably averages $200 per month. Yes, I'm a cheapskate. Mostly tip-at-the-rail and occasionally buy a girl a drink. Speaking of buying a girl a drink, I am trying to learn to REFUSE to do that, and instead just offer to give her the cash equivalent of a drink. But try to stall for a little while to see if she considers me more of a human being to visit with, or a walking ATM. Her free choice, my free choice.
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    17 years ago
    This just in -- NJ is officially the horniest state
    I think njscfan is onto something here, satire and all. I love (LOVE) it. But Jester214 does have a point - which is that let's talk about the horny New Jersey strip clubs, instead of (or at least in addition to) the horny New Jersey politicians and their "friends". Like, what is the horniest NJ strip clubs. This is actually a question njscfan asked (more or less) in his debut post and got some unkind responses (including from me -- I apologize, njscfan) - now that we all know njscfan is for real I think we ought to sit up and take notice to what he has to offer - such as a quick overview of the best of the best of the horny NJ strip clubs please.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: Yes I do it for the money but I like to have fun too.
    Why is "incontinent" such a big deal to parodyman? In other words,parodyman, to quote a frequent poster on this board, "why is this important to you?"
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If your SO catches you....
    Spread versus "Spreading" Interesting word confusion. Two totally different ideas, but easy to get mixed up. "Spread" is an amazing word when you look into it. Dictionary.com gives 41 different definitions (true, some are only slight variations on others.) Still, very few words get more than five definitions in dictionary.com One thing that attracts me to TUSCL is the ingenious word usage I see here. ROB, FS, DATY for starters. And it goes on and on and on. Keep up the good work guys (and Wondergrl5)
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    17 years ago
    How long do ATF's last?
    Shadowcat has the right idea. Don't know what more a person could say. About 4 years ago I had an ATF for a few months. However we both knew that it was not MUTUAL. She eventually moved away and I adjusted. It never has happened again. If I were Rootman I would either (a) enjoy the status quo, or (b) up the ante -- but I guess that was his question - how to up the ante. Take more risks? Probably not a good idea. Probably option (a) is best, and just let nature take its course. But above all, if you are a strip club afficiando, you have to keep going to strip clubs, keep checking out the merchandise, testing the water.