On one corner we have Bush, when asked about if he heard gasoline could reach 4 dollars a gallon, you hear him say something like "oh, I had not heard that." Then a different day I read that Bush said "we want to maintain a strong dollar policy." Then I read comments online like does he think we're morons or is he talking about the Canadian dollar?
Then the democrats, they want to tax any business still working here in the US because they need to pay their fair share. Yep, if they hire people and want to expand business, forget that, they'll have to pay more taxes if they want to stay here. Forget the fact that businesses overseas pay a lot less tax and that all these extra regulations and taxes makes businesses want to locate overseas. Well the dumb have conveniently forgotten that little fact. So who are you going to vote for "Dumb or dumber"?
It would be nice if we had a candidate who wanted to make American business more competitive and lower the costs of business here in the US so that companies locate here and hire and employ people here because we would have cheaper costs here than overseas. I don't mean cheaper either because the value of the dollar has been hyperinflated so we all make less money. Expect interest rates to skyrocket after the November election. We have fools running our economy and fools running for office. If they prove me wrong, I'll be surprised.
By the way I know Bush isn't running for office, however he does represent the Republican party and how they have been handling things lately. Even though they aren't in charge and he's been off in Africa while the democrats have been in control since they now control Congress. So Bush has been partying away in Africa, and the democrats in control of this country can't wait to talk about how bad things have become. Just don't tell the stupid Americans that the democrats are currently in control of Congress and this country as a result.
my only comment is, what does this have to do with strip clubs? (Casualguy, no need to explain. Does anyone else see a bit of paradox discussing politicians on a website devoted to strippers and SCs?
Still waiting for that "strong dollar policy" myself...we've had too much of the opposite so far. It's killing tourism in Canada & increasing it here. Lower the costs to business? How about a single-payer health care plan? Then they won't have to worry about paying for their employee's health care...just like overseas.
Hillary Clinton '08. Bring BJs back to the White House! :)
Bill J Clinton was the big BJ guy. They tried to impeach him, now many want him back. Does this mean BJ's are coming back? Probably not, someone wants to put his wife in charge and fired the intern doing the BJ's. Plus she wants to fix everything else. She probably hasn't met a person making money instead of getting a government paycheck that she thought deserved to keep their money. I'm not opposed to the rich paying more taxes but I hear things like putting a 5 year freeze on adjustable rate mortgages and I think she's wants to destroy the US economy with nobody able to get a home loan anymore.
I guess that's the plan, if someone speculates but their speculation doesn't pay off, give them a government handout. Some people bought more house than they could afford and bought it with a zero interest adjustable rate loan and are crying that their speculation didn't pay off. Me, I spent extra money paying for a fixed rate. Been paying extra money more than all those adjustable rate loans for several years. Now that I'm paying less and my lack of speculation is finally paying off, the ones who lost money want a government hand out. I don't mind the government assisting banks to help loan money to those who can pay it. I am opposed to democrats or whomever helping those who gambled and lost money if it costs me extra money as a taxpayer.
Economics is of concern to most people who visit strip clubs if they are the least bit concerned with how much money they are spending. Politicians and politics are often involved in strip clubs as well. Just look at all the laws passed in the last decade restricting the operation of clubs nearby churches, schools etc. if they are less than 1/5 a mile away from such a place. It doesn't even matter if the two places don't ever operate at the same time. I know of one club that was closed down. There was a church a block over. No one was ever at that church when I was visiting the club. I bet no one was at the club when the church was busy. Closed down due to politics. End of another good strip club. I know I'm ranting. I view this board as a chance to occasionally rant. Been posting here for years and put up with all the trolls who chased almost everyone away at one time. The way I see it, if you don't want to read this, just don't click on it. If no one responds, I won't be posting that much anymore.
I understand part of the thinking is that subprime and having lots of houses for sale that aren't being sold affects everyone else. The credit crunch means banks have gone back to the old ways of loaning money after getting burned. Good credit, downpayments ,etc. required to get a loan or even to refinance now I believe. There is only one house for sale in my entire neighborhood and several hundred jobs are going to be added to the small town I live in within a year or two it sounds like. House prices increased 1 percent from the year before. I guess I'm the one not seeing how it is in the rest of America now. Me, I'm thinking if I ever want to move to a bigger house, it will cost more in my local area. I'm not currently thinking about moving though. Ok, I'll stop posting here if no one responds and go post on some economic web site.
BJs need to make a comeback! Is the home loan market doing well now? I think not. I don't think that we can just let a huge portion of the economy get flushed down the toilet (along with homeowners and banks/lenders).
What I really don't understand is when you guys post, and then post again right after that? What is up with that? It looks odd is all...
Probably not too many interested but I noticed Dow futures are down 94 points already.
I think Bernankie spooked a few people who didn't know too much when he said no large bank should fail. I think he is spooked more than most Americans realize. Well, except for the ones looking at getting their house foreclosed or don't have enough money to pay the bills. My brother said I am shorting the market. I rather think of it as buying a fund that expects the market to go down. I just wish I didn't have most of my retirement money locked up with very little options on what to put it in other than money market or 5 different fund choices.
Ahh, lots of people have problems and want to go to a fantasy world when they visit here I guess. I'll try to tone down the bad news and stick to the fantasy world.
Yep, I bet Monica said the dems left a bad taste in her mouth.
I read a comic strip today. Bill Clinton said he would tone down his campaign rhetoric. Then he told Hillary he had scheduled appearances on the Tonight Show and with Jay Leno, and had scheduled press conferences with a number of major newspapers to discuss how he was going to tone down his rhetoric and speeches.
What we really need is a miracle worker for president. 55 trillion in debt or liabilities and we're going farther in the hole every year. Maybe we should all party like it's 2012 and the end is coming.
In case you haven't heard 2012 is like the new doomsday year among conspiracy people just like the end of 1999 used to be.
I feel a little bit better about the possibility of McCain now. He voted against Bush's tax cuts earlier. I really thought we just had a choice of 3 democratic candidates running for president since I heard McCain tried to or considered running with Kerry as a democrat earlier in years past. One of his advisors Phil Gramm I have faith in. He said when McCain said he didn't know much about the economy, he said he was just being honest. Now how many politicians actually are honest? We need to attract businesses and jobs to this country instead of making them all leave with higher taxes and higher costs like I keep hearing the democrats proposing. I don't know why they are proposing higher taxes but I guess that why it's called socialism. http://money.cnn.com/2008/02/1…
By the way no matter who wins, I agree with the democrats that the rich should pay more. Someone needs to because this country is going bankrupt. Warren Buffet said he didn't mind if a democrat won. Now it looks like we have 3 choices (I'm counting McCain as an unofficial democrat.)
I actually think the reason Bush wants to keep troops in Iraq is to keep the unemployment rate from going up in an election year. Nobody has said this in public but I think the last thing Bush wants is to have a bunch of unemployed vets. The economy is bad enough already. Ben won't be able to cut rates anymore without making inflation a whole lot worse but I think he's going to anyway. Then whoever is in office next year will have to deal with all this inflation and then we will have another economic slowdown in 2010. It all goes in cycles. This subprime crisis is just the little one compared to the 55 trillion the US owes in the near future but doesn't have the money for. Have a nice day, you never know how bad it may get in the future.
Now McCain has flip-flopped & wants to make the Bush tax cuts (which benefit mostly the rich) permanent...so much for the "Straight Talk Express". McCain was never seriously considered to run with any Democrat in the past. How about we raise taxes to pay for what the govt. wants to spend or we cut back on what the govt. wants to spend?
Bringing the troops home from Iraq has nothing to do with unemployment figures. Those soldiers will either still be employed by the military or they will go back to their old jobs if they are in the National Guard. Man you are weird...
last commentHillary Clinton '08. Bring BJs back to the White House! :)
I guess that's the plan, if someone speculates but their speculation doesn't pay off, give them a government handout. Some people bought more house than they could afford and bought it with a zero interest adjustable rate loan and are crying that their speculation didn't pay off. Me, I spent extra money paying for a fixed rate. Been paying extra money more than all those adjustable rate loans for several years. Now that I'm paying less and my lack of speculation is finally paying off, the ones who lost money want a government hand out. I don't mind the government assisting banks to help loan money to those who can pay it. I am opposed to democrats or whomever helping those who gambled and lost money if it costs me extra money as a taxpayer.
Economics is of concern to most people who visit strip clubs if they are the least bit concerned with how much money they are spending. Politicians and politics are often involved in strip clubs as well. Just look at all the laws passed in the last decade restricting the operation of clubs nearby churches, schools etc. if they are less than 1/5 a mile away from such a place. It doesn't even matter if the two places don't ever operate at the same time. I know of one club that was closed down. There was a church a block over. No one was ever at that church when I was visiting the club. I bet no one was at the club when the church was busy. Closed down due to politics. End of another good strip club. I know I'm ranting. I view this board as a chance to occasionally rant. Been posting here for years and put up with all the trolls who chased almost everyone away at one time. The way I see it, if you don't want to read this, just don't click on it. If no one responds, I won't be posting that much anymore.
What I really don't understand is when you guys post, and then post again right after that? What is up with that? It looks odd is all...
Probably not too many interested but I noticed Dow futures are down 94 points already.
I think Bernankie spooked a few people who didn't know too much when he said no large bank should fail. I think he is spooked more than most Americans realize. Well, except for the ones looking at getting their house foreclosed or don't have enough money to pay the bills. My brother said I am shorting the market. I rather think of it as buying a fund that expects the market to go down. I just wish I didn't have most of my retirement money locked up with very little options on what to put it in other than money market or 5 different fund choices.
Ahh, lots of people have problems and want to go to a fantasy world when they visit here I guess. I'll try to tone down the bad news and stick to the fantasy world.
Yep, I bet Monica said the dems left a bad taste in her mouth.
I read a comic strip today. Bill Clinton said he would tone down his campaign rhetoric. Then he told Hillary he had scheduled appearances on the Tonight Show and with Jay Leno, and had scheduled press conferences with a number of major newspapers to discuss how he was going to tone down his rhetoric and speeches.
What we really need is a miracle worker for president. 55 trillion in debt or liabilities and we're going farther in the hole every year. Maybe we should all party like it's 2012 and the end is coming.
In case you haven't heard 2012 is like the new doomsday year among conspiracy people just like the end of 1999 used to be.
By the way no matter who wins, I agree with the democrats that the rich should pay more. Someone needs to because this country is going bankrupt. Warren Buffet said he didn't mind if a democrat won. Now it looks like we have 3 choices (I'm counting McCain as an unofficial democrat.)
Bringing the troops home from Iraq has nothing to do with unemployment figures. Those soldiers will either still be employed by the military or they will go back to their old jobs if they are in the National Guard. Man you are weird...