I will be in Kansas City for the Big 12 basketball tournament in a few weeks. It looks like Bazooka's and Temptation's are within walking distance of the Sprint Center where the games will be played. Are there also hotels within walking distance? Is this a safe enough part of town to be walking around alone at night? Are these THE 2 clubs to check out in KC? The reviews seem to say that more mileage is allowed at Temptations, is that correct? Any other thoughts or recommendations? Thanks in advance!!
I think the two clubs you mentioned are the best in Kansas City, and yes there are hotels in the area but with a Big 12 Basketball Tournament underway you may find NO ROOM AT THE INN. Temptations has had more mileage in the past. I like it a lot better than Bazookas. But a recent review said they have cracked down on the high mileage girls at Temptations. Also, Bazookas is unquestionably the more elegant place. The girls at Bazookas tend to be more beautiful and the ambiance is more upscale. So go there, give it a try, and then write a review. If you find out anything you don't want to put in a "public" review please send me an email because I get to Kansas City occasionally. My email address is published.
Hmmm -- I should have read my comment a little more carefully before posting it. If you like high mileage I meant to say GO TO TEMPTATIONS. If you like more beautiful girls, go to Bazookas.
godfather, it is worth your while to drive a little bit west (about 25 miles) to Bonita Flats in Olathe. It is a non-pretentious little roadhouse out in the middle of nowhere, not much to look at on the outside, not a lot more on the inside, but the girls are a lot of fun and the beer is cold. (Disclaimer--I am not aware of any extras being offered or available. The dances are given in the open, as at Mons.).
If I could go to one club in the KC area, BF would be it.
Back when I was still travelling to KC I frequented Bazookas. Had some pretty good dancers there. The lap dance areas were cozy but hardly private. Good times though.
Based on this discussion, I went to Temptations tonite & had a great time! Posted a review of the club but will definitely go again whenever I come back to KC
Bazooka's & Temptations only nude clubs worth going to in KC. No alcohol at either club, but both have bar establishments in the same block, and both allow in/out passes, so you can shuttle back and forth if need be. Both clubs in ok part of town. Temp is only a couple of blocks south of Sprint on same side of the street, Baz is about 8 or 10 blocks from Sprint. Contact better at Temp, but girls generally better looking at Baz.
Might not be able to get a room downtown if you don't already have a reservation. Plenty of lodging in the metro area, so you will be able to get a room somewhere, but it might be out in the burbs. Downtown parking...$10-$20 per car where available.
I personally think of Kansas City as the flaming pit of hell, but if I were to go back there to any of their clubs, Bazooka's would be it. I personally would make a side trip to Lawrence and see the Out House. I have heard Paradise is also good in Lawrence, but I've never actually been there, and the last time I tried to go there, they were enforcing some membership policy, which I wasn't going for.
DanyDan, I have been thinking about staying in Lawrence one night to check out the clubs there. Hopefully I can survice RockChalk nation wearing my teams colors and car decals. Any recommendations for casino action?
My trip is getting closer. I cant wait. I think I will go to Bazookas in KC on Thursday during the day/evening. Go to the clubs in Lawrence, KS on Thursday night. Go to Temptations in KC on Friday during the day/evening and hit Bonita Flats Saloon in Olathe, KS on Friday night. I will save Saturday for a second visit to whatever club(s) I liked best during the previous 2 days. I may hit the casinos during the morning hours and oh yeah, go to a few basketball games as well. Should be a blast, I can't wait to write some reviews.
last commentIf I could go to one club in the KC area, BF would be it.
Might not be able to get a room downtown if you don't already have a reservation. Plenty of lodging in the metro area, so you will be able to get a room somewhere, but it might be out in the burbs. Downtown parking...$10-$20 per car where available.
Have fun, and rock chalk!