What was your favorite Super Bowl commercial?

avatar for casualguy
I liked the one with the lizards singing. I also liked the fire breathing Bud Light drinker.


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avatar for bigdawg_1
17 years ago
I enjoyed the Lizzards and the Fedex pigeon commercial.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Oh yeah, the pigeon Fed Ex commercial was great too. Funny.
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
OMG-I thought they all pretty much sucked, especially the Bud Light ones. They tried WAY too hard to be cutesy-funny. The only one I thought was good was the one with the talking shirt stain. That one was pretty funny. Too bad I couldn't tell you what product the ad was for...stain remover? (I am an advertisers worst nightmare - I can remember the commercial but not the product!)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I didn't like the lizard beer commercial...that supermodel does nothing for me. The Will Farrell movie ad and the beer ad with the Clydesdale horse training like Rocky was pretty cool though. The outcome of the game I did *not* like...congrats wondergrl...grrrrrr...
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
I didn't get the lizard commercial (and isn't it for an energy drink? If we don't remember, it sure as hell didn't do its job). Why lizards? Why Naomi Campbell? Did she throw a telephone at one of the lizards?

The worst, by far, was the one with the panda bears for Sales Genie. Not funny and borderline racist. And I actually thought their first one was OK.

The best:

1) Bridgestone with Alice Cooper and Richard Simmons. It tried to show why I should buy it (something that's kind of a bugaboo for me, even if others think the commercial should just be funny). Speeding up before swerving around Simmons was funny. Simmons screaming was funny. And something about having Simmons and Cooper in the same ad is funny, too.

2) Bridgestone with all the screaming woodland creatures. It was OK when the squirrel that was about to get hit was screaming, but then all the others were in various pitches. I liked it a lot. Bridestone had an awesome Super Bowl.

3) The Tide commercial with the talking stain. It slowly dawned on me that the ad was supposed to remind me that when you have a stain on your shirt, it kind attract much more attention than you. Very clever. In fact, I might just by that stain pain.

4) Justin Timberlake's Pepsi commercial. It was a nifty way to show that you can have Timberlake's, uh, downloads(?) if you drink enough Pepsi. I've seen him on Saturday Night Live; dude's funny, and he was cool enough here. Andy Samberg wearing a blonde wig scared the hell out of me, but I'm better now. And the girl sucking Timberlake to her backyard (heh-heh, "sucking") was stripper material. Nice ending with the dad throwing something at J-Tim. But I forget what product it was selling.

5) The amateur Doritos commercial. Best over-the-top joke with the guy in the mouse costume beating the hell out of the guy. But it pales in comparison to last year's winner, where it showed a very creative way to note the best things about the Doritos, and they only did that spot for twelve bucks(!).

By the way, Adriana Lima: hot? Stripper material? Of course and of course, right? But I didn't give a damn about the ad because she didn't do anything.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I don't watch the games. No interest. But my company did provide the Pats with 3 B767-300 charters to get them to phoenix.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
The first Bud Light one. Can't go wrong with a fried cat!
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
If you haven't, go take a look at the Godaddy commercial that FOX wouldn't allow. THAT would have been the best one!
avatar for rikk
17 years ago
Without a doubt, the funniest was the Bud Light ad with Will Ferrell. You gotta love the line: "Bud Light--Refreshes the palette ... and the loins." Or "Bud Light ... Suck one."

Hilarious stuff.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
The E-trade baby.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
None of them came close to Mean Joe Green tossing his jersey to the kid. My second choice would be TO with the lady from Desparate Housewives, but maybe that wasn't on a Superbowl.

I never did figure out what the lizards were advertising - can't be a very good ad if you can't even figure out what they're trying to promote. One of the ladies at our party thought it was a GEICO ad.

Good game though. I like to see good defense.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I am proud to say I watched none of them. I am actually a bit miffed at a society which thinks that passively observing an advertisement constitutes an adequate pastime. The real question is, which product did you buy because of its Superbowl ad, and ideally, which product did you buy because of the ad but didn't even know that's why you bought it?

As a New Orleanian, I must point out that the Patriots have now been bookended by Mannings. Great team, the Pats. Really, coulda shoulda ... :) ...
avatar for arbeeguy
17 years ago
The Singing Lizards spot was promoting a product called "SoBe Life Water". I assume it is an energy drink. Here's what an advertising professional had to say about that ad in the Chicago Sun Times "Big, big mistake for SoBe to bring on the dancing lizards. Especially when a certain insurance behemoth called Geico has absolutely cornered the market on lizard imagery in the advertising world. And with so little product on view in the SoBe commercial, it was all too easy to keep thinking Geico instead of Sobe Life Water as the spot unspooled. Not at all a smart use of an expensive Super Bowl ad buy."
*** this is an amusing subject (Super Bowl Commercials) for a Strip Club List -- almost as amusing as listing a brothel on a Strip Club List
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Given the audiance, it might make sense to advertise beer on the Super Bowl but I doubt if it's worth it for any other product. Especially when nearly everyone is off taking a leak or getting another beer while the ads are running.

I actually thought the highlight of the evening was Jordan Sparks singing the national anthem. I thought she did a fantastic job. But then I really like her.

But the real question is were strip clubs more crowded or less crowded than usual yesterday? Are strip club fans also football fans, or are most of them like Shadowcat and Book Guy? I probably log more TV hours watching football games than for all other programs combined. You could discontinue TV until next September and I wouldn't much care.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
The cavemen were pretty good, especially the last line...

"Beer opener sucks!"
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
That trading commerical with the baby was disturbing IMO.
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I didn't care if the commercials were effective. I don't buy any of the products advertised because I see them on tv. I was more interested in the entertainment value and how funny it seemed to me. $90,000 a second for those commercials.

The lizard commercial was one where I thought it was an energy drink but I couldn't remember the name of it. The model in it didn't get my attention too well. I must not have been the primary target. Now if the lizards got big red eyes and got big and ate her at the end, that might have been funnier. Then do a Matrix thing and she transforms the lizard back to her body after a drink. Oh well, I didn't write it. I think I'll go check out GoDaddy. Didn't see it yet.

The Bud Light commercial with fire breath seemed tame but then I thought the fried cat was funny. The Fed Ex pigeons were funny too. I thought last years Fed Ex commercial was funnier.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I still recall the "cat herding" one during the dot-com boom, just before the bust that killed that company. That's about the only Superbowl commercial I know about.
avatar for 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever
Favorite commercial? You can't be serious
avatar for AbbieNormal
17 years ago
For a change this year the game was actually, you know, good (who says D is boring) and the commercials weren't the most memorable part of an otherwise mediocre snoozefest that was over by the second half.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Thanx again for contributing absolutely nothing to the ongoing discussion Mr. 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever. What exactly *are* you good for anyway?
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