
Comments by arbeeguy (page 24)

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    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    njsc, i just don't get it. Are you FOR REAL? I don't think so. GET REAL or GET LOST. You post one ridiculous request for secret information about illegal activities, and naturally you get some factual feedback which you naturally don't like. You still haven't posted a single review of a club or shared any information in this thread. Why should we trust you???? For all I know you are a 13 year old looking for jollies, or Law Enforcement looking for information on the next place to bust. Not that i really BELIEVE that is the case, but I am just trying to help you see how things work, and encouraging you to establish some CREDIBILITY. Some people visit this website to get their jollies, and some do it to get useful information. You have not really convinced me whether you belong to one of these groups. If you are so experienced where are your posts? After you have published a couple of decent club reviews on this club site, I will humbly apologize to you for my "previous cynicism."
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    17 years ago
    Look At what I found!
    why should i trust a review from a person who does not know how to spell the word "forward" ??
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    17 years ago
    North New Jersey Extras and Take Out?
    My advice is to post a few reviews and perhaps offer a comment or two to other people's discussion topics. You ask for "secret information" on your first day? Get a life.
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    17 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Great strip clubs......for me to poop on!
    Book Guy, regarding Cafe Risque in Micopany -- Hard to believe the story you told. If true, a sting operation by LE is long overdue. But if true, why no postings by you for this club? And why no alarm bells - or even little warning buzzers from the many others who have posted. I totally agree with you regarding SHILLS but to name just two, I am highly confident that ASIANLAPPER and STAGLIONO are not shills. You can spot a shill pretty easy simply by clicking on their name and seeing what kinds of reviews they have written over a period of time. Sounds like an URBAN LEGEND to me.
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    17 years ago
    New ROB Listing ! ! !
    Agree with the above comments but urge Wondergirl to use discretion and common sense. Keep in mind that some of the ROBs will see their names in this blog and will probably change their names. Happens all the time. Even so, if we can save a few PLs from serious loss of cash and a miserable experience it is worth the effort. NAMING NAMES IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL FOR THIS TO WORK
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    High Maintenance Strippers
    David, there is just no accounting for taste - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one man's meat is another man's poison. How do you explain that Mr. A wants to go out into the wilds, confront frostbite and broken bones, while climbing tall mountains, while Mr. B is never happier than when watching a true or fictional adventure story on TV. I have had one "high maintenance" stripper in my life that I really cared for. She used several different names, had spent time in jail, could be incredible rude when she felt like it, but SHE WAS GORGEOUS AND SEXY and she really "floated my boat." I was never happier than when she was in the club, no matter whether she paid any attention to me or not (thankfully, she usually did, but not when there were BIGGER spenders present than me. But I normally don't seek out these kinds of girls. As you indicate, the waiting line is often long, and the risk of rejection is much higher. The one thing I cannot stand is a stripper that takes a PL for granted - whether me or some other guy. But a stripper who really knows how to tease, cajole, entice, and stimulate fantasies -- WOWEEE -- she can dump on a guy (occasionally) and that only heightens the appeal. Maybe it is the risk, combined with high-sexuality, that is so tantalizing to a lot of us PLs, I dunno.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers need to prepare for an economic shock
    I do think that successful stripping is an entrepreneurial business and as we all know there are many ways to run a business. The ones who have an entrepreneurial attitude will adjust. A few will suffer, but a lot more will just leave the business because they didn't really care for it that much in the first place. They will hook up with a man to support them or they will graduate from college and get into the profession that they were headed for while they were stripping. However I really don't know what I'm talking about and I admit it.
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    17 years ago
    For whatever it is worth, the name of the movie is "The Devil In Miss Jones", starring Georgina Spelvin and Harry Reems, came out in 1973. Would love to see that movie again. Gosh it has been 35 years. It was right at the beginning of the "Open Porn Movie Revolution" in this country. I think watching a porn movie is a lot more fun than fiddling around with a vibrator.
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    17 years ago
    Wedgewood Inn
    what evidence do you have that such a place even exists. Wedgewood Inn is the name of several B&B's in different parts of the country.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fore play, the whole enchilada or none of the above?
    The question is idiotic. The answers are necessarily variable and subjective to the extreme, and do not "advance the cause" in any way. My answer is just as worthless as all the others that may appear in this thread. Just grouchy today I spoze.
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    17 years ago
    Has a dancer ever "mind-fu..cked" you?
    "Mind-f**k" will necessarily mean different things to different people. There's no precise definition, so all the above posters are not necessarily discussing the same idea. Take a look at the definitions for this term in "Urban Dictionary" In general we probably agree that it involves deception but not necessarily. It could also involve truthful contradictions and paradoxes meant to bewilder more than deceive. When you use the term with the less "evil" connotation, then I think it is fair to say that any well-informed SC patron expects to encounter some mind-f**king as a matter of course, and just take it in stride -- part of the game.
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    17 years ago
    ATF can't be categorized by mileage or looks. It is chemistry. Person X really pleases person Y, so person X becomes person Y's ATF. There are as many different reasons why this happens as there are persons.
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    17 years ago
    Most of the girls at Outer Limits in Des Moines Iowa will let you play with their boobs at the stage for a $1 or $2 tip. All the rest will let you play with them in the Private Dance area (which isn't especially private.) Occasionally you will find one that will allow you to play with their pussy, but that is illegal, so much discretion/deception is called for. I realize that Des Moines Iowa is a long ways from Baltimore but what the heck.
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    17 years ago
    Stripper fees and the idiot premium
    OK I just want to tease Book Guy a little bit cuz over the many posts he has provided, I have gotten to respect him as smart, well-informed, articulate, etc. but his post a few frames up from here was well below his usual standard. First of all, $100,00.oo - what kind of nonsense is that. I assume he meant one hundred thousand dollars. But that ain't what he wrote. Secondly, it is ridiculous to compare an average law firm associate with an average Walmart employee and draw ANY meaningful comparison. To become an associate in a law firm requires around seven years of college, thousands of dollars of tuition etc., self discipline, brains, etc. Even with all that, it ain't at all easy to snare a one hundred thousand dollar job at a law firm. Probly 10 qualified applicants for each opening. Walmart obviously is a different story. What does this have to do with Strippers? Nothing. I am just suggesting that Book Guy being one of the most articulate posters should think through what he has to say and make sure it makes sense before he writes it down. That's all, and have a nice day, everybody.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A long unanswered sex problem...
    Shadowcat, CFM Skirt? Huh?
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    17 years ago
    Anyone ever had a hot dancer moving around on you so fast that you wondered...
    In 35 years of SC-ing I have had this happen a couple of times. I consider it the nearest thing to being in heaven becuz the stripper is breaking the rules of her own profession. In one of the two cases, the girl wasn't even interested in my tip. She just wanted to give me, and herself, the maximum erotic joy in the shortest possible time. Yayyy. All the questions that David9999 posed are totally irrelevant. The best explanation that I can offer is when a couple of different moods or existential conditions coincide with the dancer to get her into an exalted state of eroticism. I agree about the importance of the menstrual cycle, and it can also be prompted by a recent breakup with an SO giving the dancer a temporary "what the hell, go for it" attitude. Another factor could be a sense of joy and sharing -- something wonderful just happened in the dancer's life and she is celebrating. In fact these two conditions could even be the same thing -- dumping an abusive SO could be a great cause for celebration. Whatever the explanation, it is probably a very fleeting condition, to be savored at the time and then fondly remembered forever. It is not something one dancer can sustain over an extended period of time.
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    17 years ago
    Romanticism is for dreamers. Successful SC addicts are cold-eyed realists. Leave romanticism to the dewy-eyed teenagers and the so-called "adults" who never grew up.
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    17 years ago
    What do you do to stay awake on long drives at night?
    To me, nothing beats a good book-on-tape or on CD. (Don't think they put books on DVD, contrary to Driver01) The trick is to find a good one. And that is a big challenge IMHO. I usually check out four sets at a time, and generally at least one of them is engaging. Once I am interested in the story, I don't feel sleepy. The other thing is to take naps when you feel drowsy & see a good spot to rest. That is a no-brainer, or as my teenager likes to say, "Duh!"
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    17 years ago
    Austin, TX Clubs
    gosh darn it if you guys have something to say about the Austin Clubs why don't you post it on the club site. Then everybody will know the same stuff.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Swing Club?
    Yoda, do you delight in taking stupid pot shots at other posters???? I would love it if you had something interesting/useful to contribute. There is a Swing Club in Gary Indiana and one in Washington Park Illinois. I'm sure there are many others. In a Swing Club, you will find couples, both hetero and homo, of both sexes, who don't mind fooling around with other customers and/or letting them watch. I learned about this genre of public entertainment in the 70s when there was a famous Swing Club operating on the west side of Midtown Manhattan called Plato's Retreat, I believe. It got very positive reviews in Screw Magazine. A prostitute invited me to accompany her there and I've always regretted not taking her up on the offer. LE closed the place down about 4 years later.
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    17 years ago
    Bikini Clubs
    FONDL, I guarantee a club that "requires pasties" is NOT a bikini bar. Use your common sense, man. A bikini is an outfit a girl can wear at a public swimming pool or a beach and not have to worry about getting arrested for indecent exposure. I went to a bikini club one block north of Mons in Tampa. I was bored out of my skull. Complete waste of time. I went to a bikini club in Iowa where the girls would allow you to fondle their tits and the INTERIOR CAVITY of their pussy during STAGE DANCES - yes, $1 tip stage dances (but I always tipped $5 or $10 for the pleasure of it). That's no longer allowed, but it was fun while it lasted. The bikini bar is still there, but now they have cameras and strict indoctrination of all the girls. Not so much fun any more. Still, if a bikini bar is nearby and it's a 45 minute drive to topless or nude place, well some PLs like myself will go for the bikini. It can be fun to feel the nipples through the bra especially if she is wearing a bra made out of flimsy, sleazy cloth. I agree with the previous poster who said there is little or no correlation between the amount of clothing the lapper is wearing and the amount of pleasure she imparts to the PL whose lap she is sitting on.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    Wow - I had no idea so many PLs were interested in the political scene. I shudda known better cuz when I stop to think about it, I realize a lot of intelligent and caring people regularly post to this board. ANYWAY Fred Thompson is a joke. He wouldn't even be a contender if it weren't for "Law and Order" What does that say about the American Electorate? I am personally for Mitt Romney, but I doubt that he can overcome the prejudices against his Mormonism, which is a darned shame. I think Mitt Romney would be a fine president. But I predict the Republicans will end up nominating Rudy Giulani, who will then go down in vitriolic, glorious, and boisterous defeat at the hands of Ms Hillary Clinton. I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton but I disagree with FONDL that she will be divisive. Her hardcore opponents consist mostly of extreme right-wing males with too much testosterone for their own good.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers in HEAT
    In paragraph 6 of his scholarly treatise, David9999 says "it is illegal to pay for sex in New Mexico". That is actually the case in 49 of the 50 states (fellow Tusclers, correct me if I am wrong.) However, lap dances are NOT sex, so whether you are paying, or "tipping" is irrelevant. No baby has ever EVER been conceived by performing a lap dance. What might happen IN CONJUNCTION WITH a lap dance is another matter entirely. Some places have bouncers, "housemothers", cameras and even hidden microphones to try to prevent anything remotely resembling "sex" from occuring during a lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any strip clubs in Aruba?
    If there is one, every Aruba cab driver will know about it. My guess is that there are NOT any, or they would have a presence on the Web. I hope you will post another message on this board after you get back from Aruba and give us your thoughts about the experience, whatever it may be. Aruba sounds like a really nice place to go -- SC or no SC.
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    17 years ago
    Making Demands to Dancers
    Odd choice of word -- DEMAND. Other words include -- Ask. Indicate. Request. Suggest. Hint. Imply... Am I being too picky? (I have been called a grammar Nazi) Certainly if a girl is GRINDING TOO HARD you are doing her a favor by letting her know how you feel, if possible, in a polite and lighthearted way. Demanding more sexuality than she really wants to give, however, is at the opposite end of the scale and could cause trouble for you in more ways than one. That would never be a good idea.