
Comments by mmdv26 (page 58)

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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What do bouncers know?
    Have never considered asking the bouncer about who gives good dances because I assumed that multiple-choice questions confuse bouncers. Bouncers should hang out around the front door in case of a terrorist attack on the club.
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    15 years ago
    None of the SC's in my area are going to serve thanksgiving dinner, so I'm going to have mine at the Lost Soles Mission. I wish I had such a problem that would make me have to eat dinner at a SC - where there are other people - other people with clean clothes and money to burn. Fuck the turkey breast, I could nibble on girl breast. And the music...jeez what would T-Day be without some Tech9 right after punkin pye. Pye...notha piece o her pye...pye...
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    15 years ago
    stripper offended by asking for OTC?
    In unfamiliar locales,I think it's risky asking straight up about OTC opportunities before getting some kind of hint that there are other options available. It's up to you to pose a non-offensive question designed to elicit an answer that gives you the clue. With luck she might say, "hey, after I get off work let's go to your hotel room and I'll f**k you all night for $50 and breakfast in the morning".
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    15 years ago
    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
    I quit smoking five years ago. My city went smoke free last year. The air in the club is very enjoyable now. I think a few dancers who used to smoke may have quit as a result of the smoking ban. So now my clothes only smell of dancer perfume after a visit to the club!
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    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    lopaw, I did similar walk on similar hot day in Vegas. Not much fun when I got there. Took a cab back. Too hot to walk anymore! Have walked a great deal around SF. The MBOT, MSC, Nob Hill area is easy walk - stay away from recessed doorways. The trek downtown takes a while as I remember, but it's not a bad walk.
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    15 years ago
    Stripper Muscles
    Have seen dancers whose pole technique makes a case for pole dancing being an olympic gymnastic event. Fascinating to watch.
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    15 years ago
    Why the hangup about privacy in the VIP??
    Strangest thing in VIP. 7,8,9 years ago at the (now burned down) Chameleon Club in ESL, the furnace shot craps one winter, so they moved the "apartment" to a storage room that was about 8' x 10' with 2 couches facing each other. I was in there one night with 3 other couples all doing FS in that 8x10 cubicle on those 2 couches. Since I had been to the apartment there many times in the past when there was another couple in the bedroom or over by the big chair, it wasn't quite as intimidating as it might otherwise have been for me, but I certainly wouldn't call it a turn-on either. I might see it differently today...
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    15 years ago
    Videotaping in VIP/booths
    To crack down on dancers doing things that might violate city laws, owner installed video cameras that can see exceptional detail even in the dim light of VIP. Supposedly, the video was fed to a web site that the owner could access at home. Then he could fire girls who were breaking the rules. I guess watching this shit got pretty boring, because I heard he hired a guy to come to his house and watch recordings from the night before - looking for rule violations. Rumor mill goes further to claim that the guy watching the vids had his GF come over, and they got nasty while watching extra's occurring in VIP. I understand that the owner caught them and fired the guy - and then f**cked his GF. Apparently nobody watches anymore, since lately most extra's are done with little effort to be discreet, and no one's getting fired. All that technology wasted...damn!
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    15 years ago
    Road Trips?
    I try to drive over to ESL a couple of times a year - from Kansas City that's around 4 hrs each way - always worth the time. Once I took a side trip from ESL to Memphis to visit PP when it was open - 2+ hrs each way - worth it! Another time I went ESL to Nashville - 3 hrs?? each way - NOT worth it. But I had never been to Nashville before - probably more fun to visit if ur in the music biz.
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    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    I don't finish my own HJ's; I'm paying the dancer to do that. I don't care where she aims it, but I think her mouth is a great place.
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered if a dancer was on drugs and then asked her?
    At my club, we lost a dancer to the evil OD lord last week. A too potent assortment of pills and injectibles. I didn't know her well, but she never struck me as being strung out. Very sad. Several years ago, I got dances now and then from a girl who was very nice, pretty, smelled good, nice hair, and didn't break the rules... ...well, not very many dances... She quit dancing because she was put in a psychiatric hospital by her family as a result of her substantial heroin addiction. I never would have guessed that one.
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    15 years ago
    Mami, you bi?
    I know a lesbian couple (not dancers). They are monogamous in their relationship...well, maybe they swap with other lesbian couples for entertainment. But they would never have sex with a male. Dancers are mostly all about sex with something. Most of them live with a guy who has some amount of dysfunction. Some live with a girl other than their sister, and have sex with guys who are having sex with their sister also. I have had a few girls tell me that they have difficulty reaching the top of the mountain with a guy, so they like to have fun with girls. Maybe some dom/sub shit there...and others who tell me they haven't had sex in so long and are so horny that they want me right there in the VIP. I can't believe how many girls fall into that category.
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    15 years ago
    Anyone know when bestgfe.com will be back "up"?
    Jag1, Stop being so defensive about the whole thing. If anybody knows anything about it, they'll reply. What's bestgfe.com about? I don't think I've ever heard of that site.
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    15 years ago
    Glory Holes
    how. Did similar thing with a dancer many years ago. We are in a "double wide" video booth watchin' the vids and sorta' attempting to copy what we're seeing. Suddenly she freezes and points to the hole in the wall where an eyeball was pressed right up to it. That was it. Party over. We're outta there. Didn't really bother me that much, but really freaked her out. jj, I've never heard of money changing hands at GH establishments ...I think it's usually just body fluids between males. You don't want to know any more than that. They are very creepy places. In my city, they were outlawed several years ago, and with the large amount of free porn on the internet, even the video booths with their patched-up glory holes are disappearing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    why do YOU go to a strip club?
    Twenty years ago, I started going to strip clubs because I enjoyed feeling-up girls half my age. I still go because I like to feel-up girls who are twenty years younger than I am. When it gets old, I don't go for a while. It is easier than a real girl in short bursts. SC is spontaneous, varied and "no strings attached" which is appealing to me. Dancers usually lack the genuine affection and intimacy that a "real" girl can offer. I have a "real" girl on the side just in case I want something more out of life. Years ago, I wasn't very good at pointless discussion. I couldn't use conversation to fill "the void" and that inability caused me to be labeled "quiet" - shy to some. Now, after going to strip clubs for many years, I have learned how to babble aimlessly and continuously for about five minutes. I have even learned how to do that OTC with complete strangers, which is a bad habit that I need to unlearn. I have had ATF's who really did like me for who I was. And I have known dancers for whom I had a great deal of respect. Either of these conditions has been very rare. Thanks dngv for your straight forward question(s). I hope I have been equally as straight forward with my answers.
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    15 years ago
    Shooter advised Obama transition
    Dude,that poem's heavy!
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    What you did was fine. It made her happy to get a gift from you, and it probably made you happy to give it. I had a disappointment once when I took an dancer shopping, and later found out she was trying to sell the gifts (clothes) to other dancers in he club. I confronted her about it, and of course she denied it. Maybe the girls who told me she was offering the stuff were lying...SS. I don't buy gifts anymore, and I don't tip generously either. I tell 'em they're lucky to have a regular who does 4 or 5 dances each visit, and pay scale. Of course extra's usually involve "merit pay".
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    15 years ago
    "The real reasons strippers strip"
    I know that my current ATF dances mostly because of the sexual satisfaction she obtains from doing dances with me. She told me so.
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    15 years ago
    I bartered sweat for sex once, and it worked out fine. All promises and expectations met. I did some work for a dancer for cash also, and I charged her market rate for the work. It was a job that lasted for several weeks, and she paid promptly when I submitted an invoice. It turned out that she was getting the money from another one of her "regulars". I guess he was pretty pissed when he found out I was receiving his money. I did re-invested some of it in dances from her at the club.
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    15 years ago
    When I went to Adelita's, what I got upstairs was not an extra in my mind - it was what was 'customary and expected' in that case. I think that test would be the criteria for calling a certain act an "extra". That example probably works best when contrasting clubs in places where penetrative activities is legal to clubs where we have to abide by sex-has-a-much-deeper-meaning based mores. Based on that test, I think I am getting fewer extra's these days!
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    15 years ago
    Pretty Girl with a Crooked Smile
    When her head is buried in my lap, I can't see her teeth.
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    15 years ago
    Is Player11 One Weird Fuck or What?
    I noticed that "log book" approach as well, and I assumed that Player might have been pulling our collective chain with that detail. I gave it no further thought....I got distracted when I read that jj gets off giving HJ's when size apparently does matter.... I tell you what Dougie, it bothers me when members here start calling each other names and become very insulting....over nothing. It isn't worth writing it, and it has even less value as reading material. Sometimes it's better not do drink that second six-pack before writing stuff here.
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    15 years ago
    My Baby got the Swine Flu
    My club now has a one-gallon, pump-top jug of hand sanitizer sitting on the bar. Hands, nipples, johnsons....lots of places to use that nowadays.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Will this Tech Fund allow Strip Clubs in Muslim nations to get computerized dance music download service...or will they have to continue to use a live singer??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest song at a SC
    Leonard Cohen songs in a strip club....did anybody commit suicide? NIN "....I wanna fuck you like an animal..." (help me out..can't remember the name of it) or how about the song that goes "...my neck, my back; lick my pussy an' my crack..." (don't know the name of the song or the artist?). I have heard both of these songs several times in SC's. I guess these aren't really strange songs for SC's, but they are certainly not ones that are normally played. Heard Nat King Cole's Unforgettable recently, but I don't think that's weird - it's real sexy to dance to.