
Have you ever wondered if a dancer was on drugs and then asked her?

Sunday, November 15, 2009 10:34 AM
I did. I didn't get the best response back. However this was the second time she danced for me and asked for money up front before doing a table dance and then she had trouble remembering that I paid her already again. She couldn't even remember 5 minutes ago apparently. Then she asked for a tip. This was very unusual behavior for the club she did this in. I didn't care if she never asked to dance for me again if she acts that goofy. Oh in case you're wondering, her answer was she only had 4 hours of sleep. Then she pretended to almost start crying and said she was in a car accident but didn't want to talk about that. I didn't see any visible sign of injury but thought "maybe she had brain damage". I left her alone and got away from her.


  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I don't even bother asking..I either know they are or they are not.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I would never ask. I know who is using by their actions and by word from other dancers. Just yesterday, I was talking to a long time favorite (6+ years)She told me that she had been smoking pot since she was 13. She is now 30. That's her business. AS long as I am getting taken care of, I could care less what they spend my money on.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I frequntly ask them about drug use once I get to a comfort zone with them. Some truly amaze me with their pharmacological knowledge. Others do no drugs or are potheads. The clubs in my area allow drinking while they work, but a lot of them do not drink while on the job. The ones that are obviously impaired I avoid.
  • imnumnutz
    15 years ago
    i'm with samsung on this one. i presume most dancers to be drug or alcohol abusers unless they prove otherwise...
  • ArchiePitcar
    15 years ago
    Petite blonde dancer was one of my faves in a local club here. Very sexy moves in the VIP, bit of a southern drawl, and always made sure I left happy. She would recognize me and come over to me as soon as I walked in. Well one day she came over, looking kinda slow, and asked if I wanted a dance. I said "sure", and she proceeded to sort of grind in my lap for about 20 seconds and then seemed to nod off. This was VERY uncharacteristic. I asked if she was OK, and she sort of woke up toward the end of the song, but I declined offers of further dances that day. Next time I came in, she was her usual self. I asked her what had been up, and she said she had switched to new meds for her bipolar disorder, and they had really messed her up. Perhaps true? I'm still skeptical, I know several dancers in this club are heroin users, and I wonder if she has joined that crowd. I haven't seen her in the club for a while now.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Many of them are just plain batshit crazy even when they aren't on drugs.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I remember one time I was at the club my original ATF worked at and it was fairly obvious she was on something, so I asked if she was on the good stuff, whereupon she told me about her pot smoking. I don't know if she ever did anything else. Most of the time, if it's obvious, I don't bother, but that doesn't stop some of them from just sitting on your lap or something.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Yeah, I assume they're all on something. Pills are huge here, and lots are on oxys. Florida is the oxycontin capital of the world, apparently. Local strip club magazine(V2 Magazine) even carries ads for "pain management" clinics.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    "Now that the fun of having an iPhone has worn off I find that using screen as a coke tray is by far my favorite app"
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    At my club, we lost a dancer to the evil OD lord last week. A too potent assortment of pills and injectibles. I didn't know her well, but she never struck me as being strung out. Very sad. Several years ago, I got dances now and then from a girl who was very nice, pretty, smelled good, nice hair, and didn't break the rules... ...well, not very many dances... She quit dancing because she was put in a psychiatric hospital by her family as a result of her substantial heroin addiction. I never would have guessed that one.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Many dancers I know admit to smoking weed and can't seem to get through the day without iot. Some ared big on Percocets and Vicodins. Atg opne kparticular club there wad a big coke klphase a few years ago but the smarter ones wised u- and the dumber ones moved elsewhere with there habit. A combination of weed and alcohol makes for a very mellow and sometimes playful dancer. But I've found a couple who admit to using coke and they are unpredictable depending on what they've been doing. I don't like my dancers flying so high that they forget I'm there or they have lost tough with what is going on around them. When they cross the line between working and totally escaping reality, I try to avoid them.
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
    If i smoked weed .....omg..........i would be offering full service to all free of charge.......... I must be very careful to avoid that situation.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    jj, Want some weed little girl?
  • judyjudy
    15 years ago
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I know a dancer. Got a BBBJ from her last THU. I know that she was a heroine addict. I was fucking her girl friend that she was supplying. Miss her.She claims to be drug free now. But I have to wonder.I know that she does not drink alcohol but she is not the lest discreet when giving BJ's. Every body know it! Customers and other dancers. Also know that she is doing FS. It has been offered. I think that she is back on heroine. But no proof.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Most Strippers are on drugs probably supplied by sleazebo BF they are supporting. The one I have been seeing 15 months is not; one of reasons I have seen her so long.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I'm afraid to do it with a heroine adict--perhaps too desparate and indiscriminate. Anyone else?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If someone seems to have trouble remembering that they already asked for money and already got paid after only 5 minutes for a table dance, I certainly don't want to spend more money. Doesn't matter if she's drug free or not. I would stay away from serious drug users if I could spot them.
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