

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 1:43 PM
Just wondering if your clubs are running a T-day buffet, and if you're going? I recently had a break up, so I'll be alone for T-day. Like last year, I'll be going to Houston Dolls (free 4p-8p buffet). Last year, the turkey was awesome, but the caterers screwed up everything else. I'm going to take some scrumptious potatoes, dressing, corn, and cake. If you're in Houston and got nothing better to do, swing by.


  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    sorry to hear about your recent break up. I don't think any of the Columbus clubs are offering a T-day buffets and they probably won't open up until later in the day like around 8pm or 9pm like they do on Christmas. Maybe I will look into the Dayton, OH clubs. Cheeks advertises as being open 365 days of the year and recently made it in the top 10 on tuscl (coming from out of nowhere)
    15 years ago
    Sam, I'm sure The Centerfold Club will set up their card table and roll out the sandwich meat platter...
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I too will be alone on Thanksgiving.Divorce causes me to share time with my kids. I got them last year. We agreed to do it right the next day. A ham. Who wants turkey 2 days in a row? No strip club visit for me. I will probably just turn on the TV and pop a pizza in the oven.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Most in my area are closed.
  • I like to crack on y'all here....but for real this time. If you are eating thanksgiving dinner at a strip clubs u have problems
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Well, no way I'm getting out of the house on Thanksgiving. But I was thinking that Black Friday shopping would make a good cover story for a club visit...
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Divorced 15 years. First time I will not see the kids on Thanksgiving. Both away in college and the funds for air travel are not here. But we are going to do it come Christmas. Nothing could be lonlier than visiting a SC on Thanksgiving, the one truly American family holiday.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    steve229, cover story? shopping? you need a better cover story
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    Well, what I'd like to do is this; go to my parents house and have the big turkey dinner with all the works, and visit family during the afternoon. Then during the evening, leave and stop by my favorite SC, maybe have a turkey sandwich and visit the girls. After all, it's their Thanksgiving Day, too!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    steve229, I wonder if they are going to have black friday lap dance sales!?
    15 years ago
    Sam, don't count on it.
    15 years ago
    But then again, maybe if you get there at 4am....
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    None of the SC's in my area are going to serve thanksgiving dinner, so I'm going to have mine at the Lost Soles Mission. I wish I had such a problem that would make me have to eat dinner at a SC - where there are other people - other people with clean clothes and money to burn. Fuck the turkey breast, I could nibble on girl breast. And the music...jeez what would T-Day be without some Tech9 right after punkin pye. Pye...notha piece o her pye...pye...
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    I'll be working, so I might find a club to stop by around lunch time and see what is offered.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    May be slim pickings for dancers this week, a lot of girls are taking time off for the holiday. My baby worked a couple double shifts last week so she could have time off this week. Wow, working 14+ hours straight in a strip club has to be tough. I felt bad for her, so the day I dropped by I went all PL on her - brought in her favorite Starbucks & cigs, then later paid for her dinner (plus the usual dances). I hope she's thankful for having such a PL regular like me!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    no offense steve, she might assume you were just trying to get in her pants and not be thankful. Are you getting OTC from your baby or just doing the sugar daddy thing? She has probably already forgot about the nice things you have done and just wants more more more. You can never give these girls enough. CT, showing up at 4am to a strip club is not a good idea. The afterhour strip clubs like Vanity here will increase their cover charge because they figure they are about to close and won't be able to sell you as many dances, beverages, etc.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Sam - good points, especially since I AM trying to get in her pants, lol! I think CT was referring to the big stores and malls opening at 4 AM for Black Friday sales. Actually, one mall in this area is opening at midnight, so maybe you could make the case you need to go out shopping Thanksgiving night! Anyway, just one of my faves is working Thursday night, and only because she said she didn't realize it was Thanksgiving when she filled out her schedule (obviously not the brightest stripper of the bunch).
    15 years ago
    Steve, you are correct. I think it'd be worth a try though. Say you're there for $5 "Black Friday" dances.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "But I was thinking that Black Friday shopping would make a good cover story for a club visit" ...which is exactly what Di Carlo's in Albany, NY was thinking as well with their "Black Friday" promotion..."Tell her that you went shopping..." But, what happens when you come home with nothing & a much lighter wallet?
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