
Comments by mmdv26 (page 57)

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    15 years ago
    7 charged in suburban prostitution sting
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Well Shadowcat, my experience doesn't even come close to your uncanny ability to get free sexual favors from dancers in strip clubs, but I used to have a dancer that would sit next to me at the stage and give me a HJ. She never wanted money, and I didn't even reward her with dances because she was zero mileage in the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    "Standers" get no play
    I don't like guys who are just standing there...blocking my view.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    We know you are sick and need psychological help, and it sounds like your wife is in the same boat. Since you seem to be trying to impress us with your shit, have you ever asked her "how you measure up" - you know, down there?? Seems like with her past experience, you'd be wasting a valuable situation if you didn't just ask her.
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    15 years ago
    Breaking all the Rules
    I too was confused about Topspin57's post at first. But, what he meant was that he took her outside the club where the owner was working on the A/C and fucked her on top of the A/C while the owner pleasured himself. That's why it took so long. Then the owner made it a lifetime experience for 57. Not so confusing after all.
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    15 years ago
    'How stupid do you think the American public is?'
    I'll bet Haskell is a Republican with an ambulance to chase.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    strip club busts.
    Mega ditto's, (sorry) complain to your Elected Officials - that's what they are for. Clubber's right, SC issues aren't a "vote getting" platform in most places.
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    15 years ago
    Top US States For Online Pornography
    A quick review of how many SC's are in each of those states (listed by TUSCL)indicates that there could be a slight correlation between the lack of SC's and the results of this report. Six of the ten states shown in this report fall within the lowest third of the U.S. states in number of SC's. But FL is 2nd in number of SC's, and OK, LA & WV are all solidly in the middle third.
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    15 years ago
    Ebony & Ivory
    Whitey here been to 3 predominately black clubs in ESL. Like arbeeguy sez, Soft Touch is usually a good time. I've also been to Pink Slip which is fine during the day, but I wouldn't go over on that block at night - maybe it would be fine, but sure feels like it could be bad. Most of the girls want to leave the club for some OTC action during the afternoon. Have had a couple of pretty enjoyable field trips with Slip babes. Years ago Bottoms Up was a lot of fun, but the attitude seems to have changed there in the last few years. Maybe it's better late at night. I've never felt threatened at AA clubs, but always need to know what's going on around you - especially out in the parking lot!
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    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    Golfing or Strip Clubbing. Neither one leaves you with any marketable skills. I guess learning how to bullshit with a variety of personality types would be common to both. Addiction or foolish. I understand chemical dependency. I don't subscribe to the notion of behavioral addictions. OCD comes to mind there. Foolish to spend money and time you don't have. Hiltonhead or ESL. Looks like I'll be making the trip around the end of January. Hope it don't snow.
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    15 years ago
    I keep the actual amount a secret, because when I think about how much I spend at strip clubs, I have trouble getting an erection.
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    15 years ago
    How long does it take you, and do you finish every time?
    My Mileage Does Vary, and so does my ability to finish the job. My ability depends a lot on my mental state at the time and the dancer. I have had favs that make me very relaxed and allow me to remain "in firing position" for an extended period of time with some good foreplay. I know that I will finish no matter what we are doing to get there. Recently had a spinner(fav)who has a great body, and any sane guy would want to do her every chance he got. But, for me she is a box full of distractions. Including persistent reminders of how much this is going to cost me. No GFE, HJ or BJ foreplay. Does allow finger and sometimes DATY or rim. A bit of a nagger, but if you have dance money plus $200, a rubber and can get in the mood and stay that way for a while, she's a good hose. I've stopped wasting money on her because without FS her dances aren't that great, and she waits until we're already doing dances before informing me that her aunt Flo is in town. Very much a mental thing for me....probably because I have come to realize that with most dancers it is all fake. I still have one who makes it as real as she can. Except for her time-to-be-redone bolt-on's, she's perfect.
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    15 years ago
    Have a Merry Christmas
    Happy holidays to all!
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    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever thought about therapy?
    So if you're getting some pills, I assume from your "clinician", then I would further assume that your clinician is a Psychiatrist. Good place to start - get any brain chemistry issues into repair/management mode. Mid-to-longer-term evaluation, and corresponding resolution, needs to take place with a Psychologist. Might take a couple of years and cost some $$, but you've got lots of years ahead of you. They should be enjoyable and you should be the person you strive to be.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Even the most experienced SC aficionado is subject to a bad investment - especially at an unfamiliar club. Live and learn; it's part of the cost of this hobby. 1 hr gets the cameras turned off...LOL. That should be right after "I'll swallow" on the all time list of BS.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's alcohol arrest.
    The cops got the impression that you were planning to drive. They thought you needed to "rest" for a while, and you indicated that as well. Hospital or jail...either way it kept you off the road until your head could clear. Shadowcat, I'm not going to get preachy here, but I have been through what you are in the midst of now. Somehow, I did manage to quit and I haven't had a drink in 23 years. We all know that drinking has caused you enough problems to land you in rehab at the beginning of this year. There is no shame in falling off the wagon, but it would be wise to consider getting back on that slow mover before you take a chemically-induced nap at 70mph and don't have the choice anymore.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club activities, who knows about them.
    I don't discuss my SC activities with anyone. I am a loner in the sense that I don't go to strip clubs with my pals. I do chat briefly with a couple of other regulars ITC, and sometimes we give each other tips about new dancers. The lap dance clubs in my area don't serve booze, they serve cups of juice and naked girls. Most guys don't go there to pay $20 bucks to get in the door and knock back a few Dasani's. They go there to get lap dances with semi-naked women. I do see groups of guys come into the club now and then, but I think they are attending the ACE Hardware convention. They don't tip very well at the stage, and they have to chide the un-married guy into getting a lap dance. Hope he don't get a wet spot on those tan pants. I have never met another TUSCL member at a club. One girl thinks she has done dances for another guy who is a member of such a site. In golf, what is the penalty for playing a hole other than the one you are expected to be playing?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Need a new career?
    It's a job. It's not necessarily for your pleasure. Focus on making that repulsive chick have an orgasm. Collect your fee plus a tip, and move on to the next one. Uhmm, kind of like girl strippers... Having said that, I do see a problem with the male whore thing. The guy may be out of commission for some length of time during the refractory period. This, of course, could really cut into his earnings potential. The little blue pill might help, but otherwise it's pretty hard to fake an erection and definitely hard to fake filling the reservoir tip after a couple of rounds in the sack. Female whores can fake all day long. Uhmm, kind of like girl strippers...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Favorite clubs
    With the recent tightening of the rules at my favorite club, this very question came to mind!! I have already started cutting back on my visits - I'll try the slow withdrawal approach so I don't get the DT's. If the club becomes zero mileage maybe I'll have to resume OTC.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Why can't the U.S. be more progressive?
    I agree with jester.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the discussion board becoming more ranchy?
    I agree with jamie1 re increased "raunch" (aka mileage) in the clubs. The board is a reflection of reality as far as the range of topics and the depth of the related comments. So, if there is more "raunch" going on in the clubs, it follows that there will likely be greater description of said "raunch" in the comments. Scat's right, ten years ago there wasn't much comment about HJ, BBBJ and FS because it might tip off LE...it probably still does or can, but I doubt it's a mystery to them anymore. I have no objection to a poster describing, in reasonably good taste, the details of of his/her latest big adventure at the club. There is no justification for personal attacks. It isn't entertaining, and it provides no useful information. This site isn't about political beliefs and conspiracy theories either. Most posters treat each other with an amazing amount of respect. A little ribbing now and then, but overall a very cordial bunch. Sometimes I expect you to step out of the screen for a moment to introduce yourself and shake my hand... Are the racier stories offensive? We're big kids we can deal with an occasional R rating.
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    15 years ago
    What's the craziest private session you've had?
    Numerous BBFS & BBBJ over the years, but there was only one BBBF. It was probably the hottest sex I have ever had. She was totally in to it; slow and deliberate at first, then wild animal by the end...ooooh, I gotta quit thinking about it!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Song You Hate
    I don't think I "hate" any song. I've been going to SC's for so many years that I hear a popular SC song outside of the club, and I nearly blurt out, "that's a strip club song!" I bot the best of ZZ Top CD a couple of years ago (don't ask me why it took so long - and I even lived in TX for quite a few years)I knew the words to nearly every song because I had heard them in SC's over and over for the past 25 years. Most of the time, I'm oblivious to the music; paying more attention instead to the visual and tactile aspects of the SC experience.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Would no smoking rule hurt strip club business?
    The argument against enacting a smoking ban is that business will decline as a result of the ban. This might have been true earlier in the ban movement since these bans were enacted by cities, and if your fav bar in city A couldn't smoke anymore then you went up the road to a bar in City B were there was no ban yet. That is becoming less true now since many, maybe most, cities are enacting bans. What really levels the playing field is for the State to enact a ban...except in border towns where there might be some state line crossing to smoke indoors at an establishment. Even in areas without a smoking ban, I notice a decline in the number of patrons who smoke indoors. My fav club is located in a city that passed a smoking ban - except for casinos, because the city gets a cut of the gate. Chickenshit lawmakers! Anyway, the club has ashtrays available behind the bar, and allows patrons to smoke if they want to. But, very few do. A few dancers smoke in the dressing room, but not on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Bitches and their self-entitlement to beating up men
    "You look like a raccoon"?