stripper offended by asking for OTC?

Well tonight I was at the bar and a dancer comes storming out of the lap dance room pissed yelling the bouncer's name. The bouncer comes over and she talks to him. The guy who followed her out of the dance room half way through the song is confronted by the manager and told to leave. I later find out that the dancer got pissed at him because he asked about meeting her outside the club for sex. I'm thinking "wtf..don't you get that all the time?"
This is the first time I have seen a customer get thrown out for solicitation. Columbus clubs keep getting more and more uptight. It is no wonder they have so few customers. The dancer did look hot but there is no way I am going to buy a lap dance from her with that bitchy attitude.
last commentI am repeating this story.So many girls are doing HJ's that management turns a blind eye to it. BBBJ's and FS will get a girl suspended. I have never seen a customer get ejected for solicitation or for that matter any thing else excepted for being disorderly (none of my pack). A few months ago a buddy got caught while putting on a condom. The bouncer took her to the dressing room, had her clean out her locker and escorted her to the front door.They didn't say shit to him. We partied on.
sam. I feel for you guys up there.
SS, seems your buddy found one of the more uptight dancers around. If she was not interested, she should have thanked him for the complement and simply declined (dancers reading, take note), but no, she had to play offended, as if she's not aware of that going on or because she is so self righteous--well like I always say, it's adult entertainment, you should expect things like this to happen. If she can't handle it, she should find another job.
Shadowcate, certain powers that be in OH would like to see all SCs close and they are applying a legal choke hold that's almost, but not quite, succeeding. There seems to be a core group of customers that refuses to have our rights trampled on by the state. So, we party on!
I hope there's more to the story than a customer simply inquiring about OTC politely. It's a sexual situation. Most strippers need longer fuses than that if they are going to survive, especially in clubs where extras are common.
Last January I was in a club where I had extras on numerous occasions. I asled the dancer for FSITC or OTC. She became deeply offended and told me to go elsewhere, adding none of the girls do extras.
I haven't been back. I guess money isn't important to her, or the others.
I've never had a hand job at a club, and I have gotten dances at ShadowCat's club. Is asking for it a good strategy? Are there certain number of dances required before they will do it?
Girls who know that they are offering LESS than the "norm" at their clubs, will often hint that they "aren't that kind of girl." The problem comes when a priss assumes that her prissiness is the proper level of prissiness for all humans, and then gets pissed off when someone acts on the basis of the perfectly reasonable observation that the context might actually be different from her assumptions.
What we don't know, in this anecdote, is the definition of what was "the normal level" of service available at that club. Was the dancer, or the patron, right to assume that what they thought everyone else was doing, was indeed what everyone else was doing?
From a practical standpoint, I suppose one could do a bit of research: Ask the guy next to you at the bar; if he tells you to beat it, ask whoever is behind the bar to tell you the 'official' rules, then ask if there are any 'unofficial' rules. Or, be direct and ask if solicitation is a problem in this town. Sometimes a reaction to the question tells you more than the answer itself. If you're action rather than talk oriented, a discrete touch will often tell you how uptight both the dancers and the management are about rules in the private areas, and their meaning. a dancer friend of mine told me a guy whispered to her 'there's a 50 behind zipper #1 if you can get it out and use it towards 'whatever extra was on the menu'. Her reply was that if she were to go get it, she hoped he had left bail money with his wife with instructions to 'get me out and leave you to fiddle with whatever's behind zipper #2'.
We sometimes forget the pressure from LE on clubs. Undercover cops, nars, state liquor agency spies, etc. Managers will adopt a zero tolerance policy on some activities to appease LE and require the dancers to report anything that crosses the line. They do this to be able to produce sworn testimony, if needed, that there is a zero tolerance policy and it is strictly enforced. "We don't allow that at XXX club and we toss dancers or customers who try that stuff." And the jury nods in agreement.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and suggest that in most cities where it is legal to watch a naked or semi naked person dance on stage, the legality comes with a book, at least two inches thick, describing how easy it is to have the legality become an illegality. Given all the different ways that employees could interpret that book, versus how the club owner would interpret it, and more importantly, knowing exactly how LE and the courts will interpret it; I will further suggest that it is highly unlikely that all those people are going to be in agreement on a particularly correct way to bend even one rule in that two inch thick book. Keeping all of this in mind, my final suggestion is that you will find no one willing to risk their job, or their club because you are absolutely certain that the first time your eyes met with hers you fell instantly and irrevocably in love and you are independently wealthy with the ways and the means to give the owner ten times the value of his establishment. I can think of only a couple of circumstances which would make make bending the rules worth it for the club management. Those would be the legalization of prostitution, or the fact that the city just made all clubs illegal, effective tomorrow. Admittedly, there are several more circumstances under which the employee may bend, or break those rules, but unless the two thousand you just handed her is just the tip of the iceberg to your limitless funding, or you have her signed statement that she is in love with you, along with a filed pre-nup, I would guess that the other reasons won't amount to a hill of beans when she's off negotiating for her release and you're fiddling with zipper#1 and #2.
Sam Sung - What happened? Did that guy proposition that Avalon gal (Dancers Wealth)?
Never seen that happen in a SC. That gal getting the bouncer just bc someone propositioned her sounds like she had a ROB mentality and was insulted someone might think otherwise.
IMO it really depends on the club and how extras friendly they are and what kinda gals dance there. At the club where I am VIP, since mgt turns a blind eye towards what goes on itc in VIP or CR, non extras gals the exception rather than the rule. Irregardless of the club, if I am interested in a gal otc I will ask her if she likes to play (does extras), works outside the club, or simply make her an offer. If she is too dumb to know what "likes to play" means then there is probably no point in going further with her. One will be surprised how many dancers work otc. Of course the ones who don't are in a state of denial bc they know they can't compete with the gals who do. Here in Houston, many guys are shunning SC's all together and simply going to
mitciv, Since you have NO reviews. I don't know if you have ever been in a strip club. Much less my favorite. I and my wolves have no problems. At least on day shift.
In unfamiliar locales,I think it's risky asking straight up about OTC opportunities before getting some kind of hint that there are other options available. It's up to you to pose a non-offensive question designed to elicit an answer that gives you the clue.
With luck she might say, "hey, after I get off work let's go to your hotel room and I'll f**k you all night for $50 and breakfast in the morning".
Hey Sam, if only it were close for you... then I would suggest you trying Market Street Cinema in San Fran. I would think it impossible for you to offend a dancer there!
[Weird how I have the last review of the place and it's from 4/28. Not one review since?!?]
Surely the dude who got bounced was doing more than just asking about OTC opportunities? Surely the dancer used that as an excuse to exact her revenge on the guy for some other offense? Otherwise, that dancer was being a raving witch. For a man to express interest in more than a dance is not inherently offensive, I would think.
How, Columbus clubs are a different breed. A hot no-no dance at Centerfold's (by the airport) was the dancer flashing a nipple. A nipple! And that was when dances were discounted to "2 for $40". Anyone in Columbus should just go to a regular bar...
The other night a dancer was on stage when her pastie fall off. Everyone in the club stopped to stare. Another dancer rushed over, picked the dancer's top off the stage and helped her put it on. This is what passes for excitement in Virginia!
Thank God I live in Michigan and not a town like Belleville that requires pasties!
Steve, you ought to road trip to join Shadowcat down South. Even if you don't go for the extras, I'm sure the freer atmosphere would be worth checking out one time.
SP: Try Columbus. It's really conservative. Guys should really just forget the strip clubs there and go to a regular bar -- pig out on food and have a lot of money left over!
SP, I hear ya, I haven't been in that place since long before "the fire". From the reports I had heard before then, downstairs in the basement, anything and everything went on. I never went downstairs, I got my jollies watching the lack of talent upstairs.
I'm going to Columbus OH on business next week. Does anybody have a suggestion? LOL!
VM there is no need to even go to the Hot Spot ----- the club is an absolute joke ------ you got it rights about what went on downstairs ----- there was no attempt to cover up any activities ------ that is why Van Buren Township gave them the real hassle when they tried to re-open
But if you must, hit High Street (just north of downtown) for the regular bars, etc. If, by chance, you have a couple of strokes and find yourself at The House of Babes (just south of downtown), then see how many $1 bags of chips you can down. I think I had five, one of each flavor, while I went through my lone beer. The dancing "talent" there hustles for you to buy them $20 dollar drinks or more (the most expensive is $500 to you, but the dancer may well find her share going to the hospital to get her stomach pumped.) I thought the business model was crap, hence my purchase of bag of chips, after bag of chips, after bag of chips, etc.
PM Samsung1, as he lives there and knows the clubs well.
Possibly she just thought he was a cop and was putting on a show. For some reason several bouncers and a few girls have been very worried about me being a cop... I must just have that "cop look", lol.
Reminds me of the Halloween party at Bogarts last year. There was a guy in a really realistic cop uniform there drinking. It was hilarious to see how many guys and even dancers did a double take when they saw him.