
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:42 AM
Saw a statistic that only 1 in 5 women are smokers. Ha – they obviously didn't take that survey in a strip club. All my various favorites from different clubs smoke (5 of 5). Maybe more evidence of short term thinking, addictive personality, boredom, etc.? So, of the strippers you know, how many smoke?


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    About half. Same with the customers.When in comes to drinking, I can only think of one dancer that does not drink. I suspect she is back on Heroine.Of my buddies, none are heavy drinkers. A couple are non drinkers.Period. I think this due to our old age. Alcohol and erections don't mix and we are mature enough to be concerned about DUI's.I think the younger customers just came off the "Animal House" movie set. I am a heavy smoker. So the smoke does not bother me. Except for cigar smoke. I always take plenty in with me. The reported price is now up to $6. in the machines. In case you are interested (PALL MALL)is now about the cheapest. Around $30/carton at the places I shop.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    It certainly seems like most strippers smoke. My two favorites don't. I like really fit women, and women who work out hard enough to have fit bodies don't smoke----usually. If a non-smoking club opened in the area I usually visit, I would go there exclusively. When I visited Mons Venus and 2001 I was happy that I left for the night not smelling of smoke.
  • It fits with the lifestyle
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    It's no smoking in clubs or bars in New Jersey. What a difference it's made inside some of these small, poorly ventilated clubs.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Houston clubs are now smoke free. Clubbing is much more enjoyable as a result.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Two out of 16 faves/former faves smoke. I'd say 30% or so of the dancers and female employees of the clubs I frequent smoke. For whatever reason I seem to gravitate to the non-smokers.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Columbus, OH clubs are suppose to be smoke free but they thumb their nose to the law by installing smoker's patios which are directly connected to the club. So you still get the smoker smell on you when you leave. And still plenty of smoking going on.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Also one generalization I have found is that a dancer will either be overweight or a smoker. Which do I prefer? smoker. My legs get too damn sore with a porker sitting on me.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Of my current top 10, I believe only half of them smoke, but then again, my favorites are the exception, probably. I know at my favorite club, the majority of the girls have to go outside to the smoker's patio every once in awhile. It's easier to name the non-smokers there.
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    In my two favorite clubs I suspect a large majority of the dancers smoke, but I don't keep count. I do not smoke but you better get used to it if you frequent strip clubs and casinos in the South. It doesn't bother me as long as the smoker is not blowing the smoke my way. Also agree with Samsung1 that I will gladly put up with a cute smoking dancer and avoid the heavy non smoker.
  • ShotDisc
    15 years ago
    ATF did not smoke, but most dancers do. I hate it. I will ignore an obvious chain smoker. Would love it if all clubs went smoke free.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    I quit smoking five years ago. My city went smoke free last year. The air in the club is very enjoyable now. I think a few dancers who used to smoke may have quit as a result of the smoking ban. So now my clothes only smell of dancer perfume after a visit to the club!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I believe that there is truth in the statement that smokers are thinner. They, including myself would rather smoke than eat. If we had to choose. There is less tenancy for a smoker to snack. We would rather lite em up. No M.D. would say smoking or being obese is better for you but I sure would like like to see some stats. I have been smoking since I was 13. Will be 68 in Jan. My weight has stayed steady at 150-160 lbs. Throw a pack in my coffin.Btw I am 5'10 1/2".
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I just did a mental checkup. Only one other of my pack is a smoker. TUSCL_Brother. He'll never quit either.For the rest of my buddies. I will try to blow it the other way. Get on my ass, If I forget. I don't worry about the dancers. Most of them smoke anyhow and besides I am paying them.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    All of my dancer favs are smokers. In fact, I don't know any dancers who don't smoke. They all seem to need it. Bars/clubs in Ohio are all smoke-free by law. It really hurts bar business overall but makes it easier on the eyes for non-smokers like me. Most of my close buddies are non-smokers too. One only smokes, when he drinks too much.
  • Drippy
    15 years ago
    My fave at a particular club is a smoker. She knows I'm a non-smoker and doesn't light-up when she sits with me.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I seem to gravitate towards non smokers or dancers that don't seem to smoke around me. When asked by a dancer if I mind if she smokes I usually say I don't care as long as the smoke doesn't blow in my face. However if she lights up and the smoke blows straight at me, I'll probably be ready for her to leave asap. If there were any smoking bans on strip clubs here in South Carolina, it would not bother me. The only drawback I would see is that if someone wanted to hook up with you, it might be hard to tell if she smoked or not. Sometimes I don't want to hook up with a smoker. That is not usually the first thing I'm thinking about though when a dancer starts asking for contact information.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    If a dancer wishes to smoke while with me, I ask her if I may drink my beer as she smokes. They always say of course, so I suck the beer into my mouth then spit it out in her face. They never ask again.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    About 50% of the Detroit dancers smoke. Some clubs, Penthouse for example, now have cigar nights. The legislature is considering a law to ban smoking in all public places, but the casinos are fighting that. Have you ever seen the cloud of smoke around a slot machine? WHEW!
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