
Road Trips?

Monday, November 16, 2009 10:22 PM
What's the farthest you have driven for the sole purpose of going to a specific SC? For me, it's three hours since the state I live in is notorious for having some of the worst SC laws which make it pretty much like going to the beach, nothing but bikinis, no stripping.


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    The most was an hour, but I had to research advance info to be sure it was worth the drive.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I wouldn't say my trip from here in Omaha to St. Louis was strictly to go to SC's, but a lot of the fun of that particular trip was going to the ones in Washington Park. As it turned out, I didn't even come close to going to all of them. As for something I can get to in a day and back, I've been down to Lawrence and Topeka, Kansas and over to Des Moines, Iowa just to go to strip clubs and I suppose those are 3 hour trips. Topeka isn't worth the time unless you get lucky and meet a dancer you like, because all their clubs suck there.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Downtown Detroit to DTW Metro Airport. Guys, just a reminder about watching the drinking and long distance driving. Don't want to lose anyone.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    8 years ago, I drove 6 hours to get to the Memphis Platinum Plus. Since it got busted and is now closed, I now drive 240 miles 3 1/2 hours (busting all the speed limits)to her sister club in Columbia SC. It has more than replaced the Memphis club. On the local scene. Atlanta,it is a 40 minute drive to the closet one. Most are over an hour.I only visit Atlanta clubs when I really need a fix.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I have to drive about an hour to get to my favorite strip club. The furthest I've gone is an hour and a half to Mons Venus.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    1.5 hours (no traffic) for the sole purpose of the club. Feel like a PL, but it's worth it! (SuperDude, *love* the pictures associated with your profile).
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    No longer than an hour. I have lived in areas with an abundance of good clubs within reasonable driving time.
  • RickWood
    15 years ago
    Almost 6 hours to the Memphis PP. Made that run a couple of times before it was shut down. That was my first REAL strip club visit. At the moment I drive about 2 hours for my usual club. Something tells me I'll be headed for the Carolinas in a few months.
  • gc144
    15 years ago
    6 hours to Sundowner in Niagara Falls. Well worth it. But not something I would do that often.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I live within 20-40 minutes of most of the strip clubs in Columbus depending on traffic and construction. I know a couple SC buddies from Columbus who will regularly travel to Dayton claiming 1. they want to protect their rep in the community and 2. the mileage is better in dayton. Also driving to Indy and Detroit are two thing I have in mind but have yet to actually do it.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    another interesting topic I think would be what is the farthest you have ever walked to a strip club? I once made over a 1 hour walk to a SC telling myself I needed the exercise... I felt great the next day afterwards but I now just don't have the free time or good weather to do that again.
  • Wow. Admitting traveling many miles to see a naked woman that you have no chance with. And she's talking shit about u in the dressing room as she counts her money. Good idea.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    walked to a strip club? I dont know anyone really wants to live within walking distance of some of these places!
  • brewerfan
    15 years ago
    samsung, weren't u hot and sweaty when u walk all that long ways? I mean the girls are not gonna wanna go up to a sweaty guy, lol!! How'd u make out that day? Now as for me, my favorite club is 7 minutes from my house. So, I would never drive outta my way and spend that much on gas when my favorite is close to home. Now, I have traveled and gone places like Vegas, Miami, Indy, etc; but, not just to go to a SC, like dandydan said earlier. It must be a disappointment for u guys who travel all those hours, only to find out that ur favorite girl isn't working today, or she's tied up with other patrons.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    58 miles.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    2 hr. drive. I guess you could count a 2.5 hr. flight to FL when club visit(s) was 1 of the top motivations for going there.
    15 years ago
    Sam, I had a walk that long in Reno. Had Googled up the club locales before heading there. One thing I learned out fast on my walk is Google Maps doesn't have a bad neighborhood indicator. I got a chance to see it firsthand. Good thing there was still about an hour of daylight left.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Never lived close enough to one where I could walk. And I wouldn't want to walk. Did stay at a motel and then walk to a club three times, but all of those you could see club from motel.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    I try to drive over to ESL a couple of times a year - from Kansas City that's around 4 hrs each way - always worth the time. Once I took a side trip from ESL to Memphis to visit PP when it was open - 2+ hrs each way - worth it! Another time I went ESL to Nashville - 3 hrs?? each way - NOT worth it. But I had never been to Nashville before - probably more fun to visit if ur in the music biz.
  • slickpeter
    15 years ago
    Sam --- I think the results in Detroit would be a pleasant surprise, even considering the economic conditions and fate of the Detroit Lions - come on up to Detroit ----- we should have a city of the week for all to visit!
  • Digitech
    15 years ago
    About an hour and a half, to a well-regarded club out in the boondocks in the Midwest. It was well worth it and the drive home seemed short. I've made several trips back since. I've also researched good places to stop along the way during road trips. As mmdv26 mentioned, Saint Louis is about 4 hours from KC and I stopped in on the east side on a road trip last summer. My experience wasn't worth a return trip, but I may try again if I am passing through that area again.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Speaking of walking - once walked from the Stratosphere down to the Deja Vu in Vegas during July, in the middle of the afternoon. Not a wise decision. When I finally arrived 45 minutes later, I was a hot, sweaty, babbling mess. Spent a good 15 minutes apologizing to the 2 girls working the afternoon shift. Next time I'll take the bus or a cab.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Longest walk: From Lafayette Park to Bouzuki Club, about ten blocks, but the club was not worth it. (All of this is in downtown Detroit.)
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    i was talking to rob0411 about this on last Friday. He drives 210 miles to get to the club. I drive 240. He said that I could club my way home. Wrong. I have been to 1 club in Agusta GA that was not worth a shit. Even talked to a dancer on Sat that started out her career at the club I went to. Between Agusta and Atlanta (140 miles)you can get gas or McDonalds every 15-20 miles but enjoy looking at the trees.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    I've done 4 hours to Sundowner and Seductions in Niagara Falls, Canada, both well worth it. for a change of pace road trip. I've heard Seductions is now closed. Haven't been in a few years. I've also started making the 3 hour road trip to Detroit for occasional change of pace/sure thing.
  • gk
    15 years ago
    Walking--I've walked to the MBOT in San Fran from the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill, that's several blocks and I think it took me 20 minutes. Once thought about walking to MBOT from a Fisherman's Wharf hotel, but decided it would take away fromn the fun to have so much of a workout before getting there, so I took a taxi!
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Two hours to a club in Jersey where I knew a fave for many years. Hot girls, fun club. Nothing like it between here and there. Did the trip many, many times until the fave retired. Longest these days is 1 hr 15 minutes. Go to places further at times but that is combined with gambling.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    lopaw, I did similar walk on similar hot day in Vegas. Not much fun when I got there. Took a cab back. Too hot to walk anymore! Have walked a great deal around SF. The MBOT, MSC, Nob Hill area is easy walk - stay away from recessed doorways. The trek downtown takes a while as I remember, but it's not a bad walk.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    In Ohio, I walked about two blocks to one close to my hotel. Was in the evening and fall, so heat wasn't a problem. Not having a jacket for my return walk was.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    15 years ago
    Good question. I am sitting here debating going to a club that is an hour and a half away. Hard to decide. Would need to leave in 2 hours to catch the beginning of the night shift, which means driving in the rain and dark on the way back. Decisions, decisions.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    About an hour and a half for me. However I'm used to living in the boondocks where I have to drive an hour to get to any big size club. Longest drive to get to a dancers house, about 2 hours. I did that twice I believe many years ago. I decided that's too far if I'm not spending the night.
  • jabthehut
    15 years ago
    Six hours to Harper's in Winston-Salem, NC. I'll be heading that way next week to see Kendall.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    driving time for columbus to: detroit 4 hours Indy 3 hours Dayton 1 hour Toledo 3 hours Cleveland 2 hours The only places I would consider driving to for pure strip club reasons would be Dayton (cheeks and living room) or Indy (Brad's).
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