
Comments by mmdv26 (page 59)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever fucked a pregnant stripper?
    I have had FS ITC with several dancers who were pregnant. Until they show, it's not an issue at all. Had an OTC adventure with one when she was at 6 or 7 months. Not an issue particularly, but not very enjoyable either. Reminded me too much of my wife when she was in 3rd period. I don't know if I have ever been responsible for a stripper pregnancy. Have had a couple of close calls. With one of those, I really don't think she could know who was responsible...DNA would have been the only way. She held fast to her claim that it was her loser bf, but I think she secretly hoped it was me so the kid would have come from a fairly decent gene pool...:).
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    15 years ago
    How old is the oldest dancer you have ever had?
    In the mid-nineties, I "had" a 50+ OTC in ESL. She looked old and worn out. Closed my eyes and did her doggie style. No, I'm not proud.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "Are you going to San Fransisco...?"
    chandler, ALS, DougLee, Saxbeat, Z Bone & LapMeRich are very familiar names. Bob Smyth.. I was fortunate to have visited Chez Paree several times in the 95-98 period. Seems like it closed shortly after that. To me it would have to be listed in a SC Hall of Fame. Maybe for different reasons than Mons Venus or Treasures, but it was definitely ground zero for where the internet and SC's got together. And they had some fine dancers who gave very satisfying dances!! Might have gotten a dance from Edie. That was too long ago. LOL
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    15 years ago
    They're not employees... or are they?
    The IRS sees dancers as being employees and therefore subject to at least social security being withheld from....something. The feds also want the social security numbers of persons working in an industry where under-reporting of taxable income is common. The "contractor" and "rent" arguments are a matter of form over substance...in tax man speak. At my fav club, the dancers pay a portion each dance they do (up to a maximum number) to the house. They clock in and out using a timeclock. At the end of the week, they get a fairly small paycheck based on the number of hours they work. That check has social security and perhaps federal and state income tax withheld also. The gross amount of the check appears to have no relationship to how many dances she did during that pay period. I suspect the dancer must file a tax return and include the rest of her earnings as "tips" in order to be in compliance with the law This practice does seem to vary from club-to-club, and my assumption is that many clubs probably are doing it wrong, because they haven't been shown how to do it right by their tax adviser or as the result of a tax audit. The settlement provisions of a compliance matter might include changing the way dancers are treated at that club for employment purposes. I am speaking from the position of having been a CPA/auditor 25 years ago, and an employer in an unrelated field today. While my comments are reasonably accurate, perhaps some of our lawyers (or tax accountants) could shed additional light on this topic.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Circle of trust.
    dngv, Many of these guys don't have wives, don't surround themselves with anything more illegal than dancers who are nuttier than you, don't do drugs, but do drink responsibly. Your gross generalizations demonstrate your poor grasp of reality, and logical thought processes. I wonder if the other members of your circle of trust include you in THEIR circles of trust?
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    15 years ago
    "Are you going to San Fransisco...?"
    Chandler brings back some old memories with mention of Chez Paree and ASSC. I don't even remember the names of the ASSC major players anymore. I haven't had an opportunity to hit the clubs in SF for over 10 years, but the reviews make it sound like I haven't missed a thing. There was a time when MSC was actually honest dancers, cordial person at entrance to back area, and lots of fun...wall dances...great!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you have any routine strip club lies?
    Try telling them that you don't work. Let them guess that you inherited a couple of million last year. I'm sure you will get some interesting proposals/requests to share here.
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    15 years ago
    Dancer Sucking on her Thumb
    She heard that _____________ was on his way to the club, so she was practicing on her petite little thumb.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Twenty years ago, I re-plumbed an old house that dancer and her hubby bought for a thousand dollars through an urban renewal program. He reimbursed me for the materials with money from his weed selling business, and she swapped favors for my labor. He understood what was going on, and made sure to stay away each day for several hours so I could get paid!
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    15 years ago
    Went to Mons Venus last night
    No sacrilege intended here, but a visit to Mons Venus could be compared to the pilgrimage to Mecca. Never will you see so many genuinely beautiful, stark naked women strutting around in such a small, confined area. The dances are lap dances; nothing more. There isn't time to fall in love, and I've never heard of anyone getting extra's. All SC hobbyists must go there. You will earn a merit badge or something!
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    15 years ago
    Dancer feels old at 24
    And them dang b'days just keep comin' around! Of course, life is better when they are happening...That dancer has another 10 years before she needs to even think about worrying about her age as a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    why are some woman at clubs full service and others are not?
    I resent the comments about strippers being whores. What the f**ck is a whore, anyway? Book Guy is pretty close. All girls are capable of FS, but not all girls will do FS ITC for a whole bunch of reasons. Take a girl out on a first date, buy her dinner, take her to movie. Then take her home, go upstairs and f**ck...or NOT. Maybe on the 2nd or 3rd date. Same thing with a stripper, except it all happens in a much shorter time frame. No need to feed her and entertain her - cut to the chase and just give her money. Not much romance involved (I guess that's where the whore thing comes in), but who cares, the club transaction can be based on a fairly low-level friendship and be very satisfying to both the girl and the boy. After sex this afternoon with one of my regular dancers, she told me she likes doing that with me because she feels totally relaxed afterwords. She should be relaxed - she doesn't have to worry quite so much about how she's going to pay for this evening's fix.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever had a threesome??
    Have done OTC with two different pairs of strippers. 1st time, the girls weren't "into each other", so one gets cut out of the action for a period of time while I'm focused on the other one. That makes things awkward. Finally got HJ from one while the other sat on my face. 2nd time there was some luke-warm g-g action - tit and puss licking, but no real attempt to stimulate each other. Really a bummer having to change raincoats between girls, so ended up just doing various oral things with the 2nd pair. I'm sure that this threesome thing COULD be very enjoyable, but overall my experiences were not that great. Probably tried to do too much.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fall is here. Time to change strip club attire?
    Hey Scat I was just thinking about that this morning when I went out to get the paper and it was low 50's chilly. Need to think about putting the sweat pants under the passenger seat, gonna be too cold for shorts before long.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do it Again ... Most Lap Dances in a Row?
    Usually 5 or 6 max. A couple of months ago I did 12 with a new dancer who turned out to be lots of fun. I fell in love, we got married, had kids, I asked "how many was that". We had to get divorced. Slow-ass judge - that took 2 dances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe when it comes to reviews?
    I use reviews and club info to decide whether to even visit that club. Usually, I can get an idea of the mileage that might be attained at a club from reading a few reviews. I'm not gonna read a lot of reviews, because if there isn't a remark that alludes to higher mileage in a half-dozen reviews, then mileage probably isn't noteworthy at that club. I am not usually seeking out a dancer mentioned in a review. I don't care what is to the left after I walk in the door. I do care if the reviewer says the club is very dark.
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    15 years ago
    favorite move she does
    My favorite move is when she pulls Johnson out and puts her lips around him. Either lips.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    visiting in November
    Hi derek, I know what you mean, and the answer is no.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club chains vs. independents?
    Indies are best for mileage. Chains are best for dancer looks, decor, clean restrooms, high rollers and bolt-on's.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club season coming soon...
    April is tax time,so money might be tight if you owe. Then go into summer - kids out of school, softball, golf, family vacations - lots of distractions. I would think the holidays (Nov & Dec)would be slower. At my club, I think May thru Oct is busier than Dec thru Apr.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Present club has dancer who is 6', and must weigh over 200. She's not fat, she's just BIG. I'm told she does extras. None for me, thank you; she might hurt me!
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    15 years ago
    How often do you tip the bathroom attendant?
    I'm with TARP on this one!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help out the n00b in atlanta
    Yeah, fuck that $125 for HJ in Atlanta. Gas up your damn car and drive to wherever they have $25 HJ's; you'll need to get a room that night because the $25 places are too far to drive both ways in a day. Better yet, save the cost of a room, sleep in your car and give yourself a HJ. Do all that drivin, gas, etc and get 2 HJ's for $150 total cost! Then you can post here about the stupid things you've done in search of cheap extras.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    unban me you coward
    ngv, When I read your first posts last week, I assumed that you were young, childish, drunk and high all at the same time. As I read more of your posts, I realized that you were probably brain-damaged as well. Personally, I think this board can use a little nonsense now and then, but, to me, you were just NOsense. I probably would have put you on IGNORE before much longer anyway, but editor beat me to it. P.S. Ed. I'm OK with leaving him on for a while, but not to exceed 200 words per day. This guy reminds me of Don Rickles.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My friends embarrassed me tonight
    Your acquaintances didn't know how to act around other people. They did all their freaky stuff at home by themselves, or in the darkness of a movie theater when nobody was watching. At the club, they ran for the hiding place that getting drunk provides in social situations. I bet the club will forgive you. They know you still "spread the money around" and that's all that really counts anyway.