ever traded services for sex with strippers? my lawyer friend says the best tail he ever got was in a deal handling a strippers' divorce. she did not have a lot of money so offered free sex once a week until divorce was final. i lost an ATF , cause she quit dancing to marry her lawyer after a particularly nasty divorce. guess accountants, doctors, dentists and other professionals would be the most likely to partake of these offers. i'm an IT professional so not a lot to offer for trade!!!
10, you could always repair and or upgrade their computers.
AS for me, I never have. I have a good product to barter with. I fly free to damn near any place in the world and can take a companion with me. There is only one that I would consider. Gridget.
I remember recently reading about Anna Nicole Smith and her attorney Howard K. Stern (not related to the radio host). I wonder if she was bartering with him for his services.
In many states sex with a client is unethical and may be grounds for a lawyer to be suspended, or worse, lose his law license. Consent by the client is not a defense. The presumption is that a woman going through a divorce is vulnerable and the lawyer is taking advantage of her weakness. I think I recall a post on this board a few months ago concerning a lawyer and stripper client having sex in his office and the trouble he got into when she reported it because he wouldn't pay up. He thought he was bartering for an exchange of services.
I remember reading about how doctors would sometimes sleep with some of their patients to help them overcome mental illness, etc. It was legal (this was a long time ago)
Today of course sleeping with patients is completely off limits although I'm sure it happens every once in a while. Just like teachers sleeping with students, lawyers sleeping with clients.
A stripper bartering with her professor/strip club customer for better grades would add a new meaning to "stripping to make my way through college" cliche
I own a flooring installation company ---and I am now negotiating with a local stripper to teach her to install ceramic tile which she wants to do in a house that she renta as an investment. I have already turned down her offer of my company doing the installation in exchange for her specialities! I wouldn't bite at that offer, so she wanted to learn how to do it herself
They like cold hard cash. A friend of mine has been storing the furniture of one recently evicted and been letting her live with him free room and board - His reward? Being cussed out by her - no free pussy! He was hoping for some free but she would rather spend time with ghetto guys and give it to them for free! He said one of those fuckers was so dumb he did not know his left from his right. I told him "sounds like natural selection in reverse." He said "It beats the hell outta me with all I did for her." I asked him how can they call us PL's when they have such loser BF / FB?
I had one who needed some plumbing at her house done (no not that kind-the real kind)It sounded so simple that I almost did it but the reality was I just didn't trust her to trade that pussy. I didn't want to get all sweaty and dirty and not get laid. She wasn't a real trustworthy type of girl.
I don't usually barter. However if I think a deal is good for me and legal or I won't get in trouble, I may be interested. Lots of time I guess I do barter 2 lapdances for two pieces of paper. While the paper is still deemed to be of some value, sounds like a good deal in some cases. The way the Fed keeps printing money, you wonder how long will it still be worth something?
I bartered sweat for sex once, and it worked out fine. All promises and expectations met.
I did some work for a dancer for cash also, and I charged her market rate for the work. It was a job that lasted for several weeks, and she paid promptly when I submitted an invoice. It turned out that she was getting the money from another one of her "regulars". I guess he was pretty pissed when he found out I was receiving his money. I did re-invested some of it in dances from her at the club.
Gator, with Christmas holidays coming up, you ought to try offering a toy shopping spree to a dancer with kids. I wonder whether such timeliness could spruce up the payoff?
last commentAS for me, I never have. I have a good product to barter with. I fly free to damn near any place in the world and can take a companion with me. There is only one that I would consider. Gridget.
Today of course sleeping with patients is completely off limits although I'm sure it happens every once in a while. Just like teachers sleeping with students, lawyers sleeping with clients.
A stripper bartering with her professor/strip club customer for better grades would add a new meaning to "stripping to make my way through college" cliche
I did some work for a dancer for cash also, and I charged her market rate for the work. It was a job that lasted for several weeks, and she paid promptly when I submitted an invoice. It turned out that she was getting the money from another one of her "regulars". I guess he was pretty pissed when he found out I was receiving his money. I did re-invested some of it in dances from her at the club.