Comments by 59 (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shave your dick?
    Dick and balls about once a week for maintenance. Disposable double or triple bladed razor with a pivot head, good quality shaving gel, right after I get out of the shower. Shave down the day of or day before a visit to a club. Never shave on back to back days. Girls have remarked that they like the smoothness when they have the dick in hand or in their mouth.
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    15 years ago
    Pants or Shorts
    Commando, shorts when the weather cooperates. Thin, soft material for shorts or pants. Some that I own are microfiber. Girls will often remark they like the softness. One girl often remarks she likes the way she can feel "everything". I also go with an expandable waistband. Girls that are inclined to reach in like the "easy access" as they call it. Course with shorts they have an alternate route of entry. In all my years of clubbing I only recall one girl "complaining". She made mention "your clothes are so thin". She was a somewhat uptight Russian chick, hot though. I didn't change a thing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
    Vegas topless pool closed due to prostitution arrests
    Wow, strippers and mug shots don't mix. Scary.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club after club, after club?
    I often will hit two in a day. For example a club in Philly on my way to Atlantic City then a club in Atlantic City. Or the other way around. I like to "break up the drive" ;-). I'm pretty sure I've been to three in the past but those were when strip clubs were closely spaced on "strip club row" and I was doing scouting. Checking out clubs or checking to see if I'd bump into MIA dancers. Each stop was generally short and there was no cover charge or maybe just at one club. I do far more visits than reviews. If I go to a new club or one I haven't been to in awhile I'll do a review. Other than that then just to keep my VIP membership active.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club "Injuries"
    I think I told this story in another thread. Girl on stage pinches my nipple hard to the point I thought she might have drawn blood. Painful. Got a lap dance from a hottie one time. At one point she bites one of my balls through my pants. Later she asked me to pinch her nipple HARD. Into S&M or something, needless to say last time I got a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your Strip Club Finances
    I estimate what I think I'll need for a given club for dances then add $100 for drinks, admission, tips, and contingency. If I run out of cash, that's it I'm done. I record my lap dance spending (not the drinks, etc.). Been doing this for about 3 years. I keep a running total for the year and quarterly totals. My goal is to spend less than prior years so I try to keep myself in check this way.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers wearing Glasses?
    Really like glasses on a stripper. I will almost always attempt to get a dance with a new girl with glasses. A couple of my faves over the years always wore glasses on stage. They didn't need them, just for show.
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    15 years ago
    2nd Chances?
    Nope. A leopard doesn't change her spots. A waste of time giving her a 2nd chance in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My current fave really enjoys DFK with me. She initiates it and keeps coming back for more.
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    15 years ago
    The SC Soundtrack
    One that comes to mind is "Bed of Roses" by BonJovi. My fave at the time and another girl made out and rolled around the stage to that song. It was hot and you didn't see that sort of thing back then much. I still remember that scene fondly, 15-20 years later!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Crazy Horse THREE
    I too agree that it's highly unlikely that anything illegal or shady is going to happen. My sources at OG (dancers) weren't too happy when a former CH2 manager became general manager at OG probably 9-12 months ago. The GM implemented some changes that weren't popular and whether coincidence or not, the visits by Vice seemed to increase. The GM was let go (or resigned, who knows) about 3 months ago and went to Penthouse. It sounds from the website that it's a former management team from CH2, not just the one guy. Not a good location, off the beaten path seemingly (Russell Road). SIN and Penthouse couldn't make it work, it'll be interesting to see if CH3 can do OK.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Talking dirty
    Every once in awhile I'll get a dance from a new girl and she'll talk dirty right off the bat. To hear it for the duration of a song gets a little monotonous to me. I often wonder if I were to give her repeat business how quickly it would get repetitive. I don't usually give these girls repeat business. Now with a long time fave it's different. I may whisper to her or she to me, given a different time/place, what we'd like to do to each other. That is always hot.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    In the Summertime, when the weather is fine...
    I don't have a problem with a sweaty girl. Of course I plan ahead and am in a strip club uniform so dry cleaning wouldn't be an issue. If she's in shape and sweaty it means she's working hard, not going through the motions. Last night in the champagne room as I sucked on my girl's nipple she moaned with pleasure and got slightly sweaty beneath her full head of hair. The same phenomena repeated itself later as she grinded her clit on me in cowgirl position with me holding onto her booty. Fun time, what's a little sweat. Regarding the original topic I increase my visits slightly. No nasty weather to deal with and shorts with easy access are feasible. Haven't really noticed the overall mileage to increase due to slowness.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shark study
    I've actually used the shark analogy in a club before. I was meeting up with a girl and she was running late. I texted her that "the sharks are circling..."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Average lapdance tip?
    $0. I give them multiple dances, repeat business, and will buy them a drink. But no tipping. If a girl asks for a tip I'll give her a small one reluctantly, then I scratch her off my list.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrities at strip clubs
    Gretzky played for the Blues? Somehow I don't remember that...Oilers, Kings, Rangers. Maybe he was on the opposing team playing the Blues? Pauly Shore gets around. Saw him at Delilah's Den in Atlantic City 10-12 years ago. He kind of plopped down in the lap dance area at that time which was out in the open. No one asked him to move or bothered him. I've seen porn star Gina Lynn hanging at Delilah's in Philly. She was with 4-5 guys. With that rack and platinum blond hair she stands out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Rejecting a dancer asking for a LD
    Dancers HATE "maybe later" if you're not intending to buy a dance. It's an insincere brush-off and gives the impression that you are triing to lead us on..."No thanks" is honest and direct and we appreciate that-no offense will be taken. Chanel, thanks for weighing in from a dancer's perspective.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Rejecting a dancer asking for a LD
    Sometimes when I've said no thanks the girl will come back with maybe later? I've got to admit I don't have the heart to tell them "not gonna happen" at that point so will come back with we'll see or something like that. When they do come back and ask how about now it can be awkward. Ideally it doesn't become an issue because by that point I should have my "stripper repellant" in place, a fave or a new interesting girl sitting with me and hanging.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Short Dancers
    I prefer short. Of my current faves two are 5' and two are 5'2". One of my past faves was 4'10", an exotic Hawaiian girl, half Japanese and half Chinese in descent. That being said one of my past long time faves was 5'9", a current one is 5'7", and another girl I enjoy dances from is 6' (my height). As others have stated when a girl takes her shoes off, particularly at clubs where they "aren't supposed to", it's usually a good sign.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Unwritten rule at the tip rail?
    Depends on the club. At some it is the rule that girls don't approach. That being said some will try a sneak attack when the dancer is preoccupied with another customer across the way. At others it's a free for all, the Palomino in North Las Vegas was that way years ago (I haven't been back since). My faves will sometimes linger within eyesight but won't actually approach me. As wallanon said, I leave a tip and meet up with my girl.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Rejecting a dancer asking for a LD
    I say no thanks. I used to say maybe later at times but I've gotten away from it because it's not sincere, I have no intention on getting a dance from them later. I try to be pretty direct, I don't want to waste their time and don't want my time wasted while I'm trying to hook up with a girl more to my liking or one of my faves.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls dancing on stage
    Never seen girl on girl in Vegas. 5 clubs over the years. Multiple trips per year the last 10 years. Now that I think of it VERY minor interaction on main stage at Rhino. For the most part the clubs have multiple, small stages with only one girl up a time. Not saying it doesn't happen but not in my experience.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Girls dancing on stage
    I think I know the club Gatorfan is referring too. They often have two girls on the main stage. It's a large stage so the girls can choose whether they want to interact or keep their distance. Some interact, feel each other up a bit, act like they're going down on the other girl. Not raunchy or illegal but with the right girls it can be sexy and grab your attention. There are a couple of Philly nude clubs that advertise sex shows. I've got the current ad for Show & Tel and it says 2 girl sex shows every midnight, 4 girl show Fri midnight, 6 girl show Sat midnight. I've never been but if I recall from the reviews on TUSCL they use sex toys.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Asking for LD'S
    One thing I've learned is that if you see something you like, ask for it. If I see a new hottie that interests me on stage, especially if I've seen her before and she hasn't stopped by for whatever reason, I'll get out of my chair and tip her. I then let her make her move, or not. If she still hasn't stopped by on my 2nd visit I'll be more direct: "please stop by when you get a chance". If no visit, I move on, but that rarely happens in this economy. As has been mentioned in another thread some of these hotties are actually shy and will not ask you for a dance. One of my ATFs was like that. Smoking hot, could dance rings around most of the girls, and a lot of fun. Had all kinds of guys asking her for dances. Once I made my interest clear she put me on her "waiting list". Stopped by several customers later and the rest was history. She told me several times, in nearly 10 years of dancing she'd never asked a guy for a dance - too timid!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers spanking themselves
    I don't care for the thunderous slap but a moderate slap during a private dance is sexy. Some girls enjoy it and really enjoy it when the customer does it to them. Anything that turns them on!