In the Summertime, when the weather is fine...

avatar for steve229
Had dancers at couple clubs say things have been very slow lately. Typical for summer? Do your club visits go down during the summer months due to vacations, outdoor activities, etc.?

More importantly, does club + slow = increased mileage?


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avatar for wallanon
16 years ago
From what I've seen club business usually picks up in Summer. As for the second question, it depends.
Dancers always bitch about how bad business is. I will agree that day shift during the warm weather months is slower because those customers that do outside work are busy. I agree that family vacations may slow some customers down for lack of funds. Competition for your buck usually increases mileage.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
I tend to go to clubs more in the warm months. I like to wear shorts year round, and if it is too cold for shorts I do not go to the club.

Most dancers I have talked with say summer business is always less than the rest of the year.
avatar for robofan
16 years ago
I usually go more often in the summer. I don't have to battle the weather to get there - only road construction. I also like the fact the the club is less crowded.
avatar for imnumnutz
16 years ago
vegas clubs are slower weekdays from Memorial Day til start of football big conventions during the summer. Weekends still pretty good.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
One thing I don't like going to clubs during the summer is how sweaty some of the dancers can get.

One club (X Club) here in Columbus, OH has candlelights on every table and on every table in the dance room so it gets very hot inside and some of the dancers are very sweaty.
avatar for steve229
16 years ago
samsung1 – Good point on the sweaty girls, ran into that the other night. Saw this young, cute dancer I usually get dances from, she has a little baby fat, but really works it during her stage set. She danced on the main stage and then came down to the satellite stage near where I was sitting. When the spotlight hit her you could see a sheen of sweat over her entire body.

Under different circumstances, I have no objection to having a hot, sweaty body on top of mine, but in this case I had come to the club straight from work, and didn’t want to spring for a dry cleaning bill. I was glad I was already sitting with a dancer when she came by to say hi.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
As for myself, I don't go any more or less in summer than the rest of the time. But it always seems less crowded, in general. On the other hand, I can go to my favorite club two Fridays in a row, and it can be crowded one time, and slow the next for no obvious reason, and that phenomenon is probably true for all clubs.

I've never really noticed the sweaty girl phenomenon, unless they were giving a really physical lap dance. I've even heard some complain that they have the air conditioning too low.
avatar for 59
16 years ago
I don't have a problem with a sweaty girl. Of course I plan ahead and am in a strip club uniform so dry cleaning wouldn't be an issue. If she's in shape and sweaty it means she's working hard, not going through the motions.

Last night in the champagne room as I sucked on my girl's nipple she moaned with pleasure and got slightly sweaty beneath her full head of hair. The same phenomena repeated itself later as she grinded her clit on me in cowgirl position with me holding onto her booty. Fun time, what's a little sweat.

Regarding the original topic I increase my visits slightly. No nasty weather to deal with and shorts with easy access are feasible. Haven't really noticed the overall mileage to increase due to slowness.
avatar for gk
16 years ago
I'm trying to cut back across the board. But, as to the question, would I cut back because it's summer and business is slow. No. Because SC Business is slow in the summer that's the time to go, they will appreciate you more. Also, they may be more open to after work drinking/dining get-acquainted parties.
avatar for wallanon
16 years ago
Are we talking days or nights? Most of the complaining I've heard about crowds has been about the U.S. economy tanking. Regulars show up less, spend less. Those girls w/o regulars being essentially screwed, etc. But that angle came up in relatively less prosperous towns. It could be a regional thing or time of day.

Or maybe there's a hierarchy of whining, like that whole Maslow thing. Where strippers that can afford to complain about more sophisticated reasons (they're not making the money they want) are the ones that will.
avatar for steve229
16 years ago
Days for me. On the plus side, mileage does seem to have increased. On the minus side, it is all with dancers I am already familiar with, since they latch onto me as soon as I get inside the door.
avatar for Tucker40
16 years ago
Here in the Tampa area it always slows in the summer as winter residents leave. In that sense the clubs are like the rest of the local economy.
A long hard Detroit winter makes guys hungry for golf, boating, driving with the top down, family cook-outs. This cuts into day shift money, but once the sun goes down, the clubs get some customers, but not the same level as fall and winter. If gas spikes in the summer, club activity will drop. No coat check. Parking on the street and avoiding valet. Taking a dancer out to dinner after the day shift. Consider the possiblilites
avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I haven't really noticed any change in mileage but I have noticed dancers I'm not familar with trying harder to get dances and offering the same dance prices sometimes less than what my favorites may charge. I just noticed I spent a lot more than normal recently. I'm going to have to cut out some favorites. That is if I still remember all this the next time I go back to a strip club. It's the holidays coming up and I'm going to be visiting with relatives, going to movies, etc. If I didn't go to strip clubs, I would be half a millionaire. (I think I could have lost half of it last year). Warren Buffett lost 43 percent in 2008. I actually outperformed Warren Buffett last year. I think I have a ways to go before my cash flow catches up. Until then, I need to take breaks from the strip clubs.
"I actually outperformed Warren Buffett last year."

Don't worry, he's still way ahead of you...LOL!
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