Dancers wearing Glasses?

avatar for steve229
Anyone else like dancers with glasses?

One day I saw a dancer walking into the club with her librarian glasses on and told her she looked cute. Now she wears her glasses when she dances for me (smart girl).


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avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
I remember one time a dancer had glasses but I did not even noticed until the end because I was so busy with her tits and ass.
avatar for samsung1
16 years ago
I wear glasses a lot of the time when I go to clubs and the one thing I HATE is when the dancer takes them off my face and wears them on herself. This happened once when a dancer was on stage. She teased me that she was not going to return them to me until I bought a dance. I could have demanded them back or reported her to management, but she was a 8, so I agreed to her deal. However, when I got them back I noticed them bent out of shape and the nose pieces crooked. and had to go to the optometrist to get them fixed the next day. Thankfully, Costco's optometry did this for free.
avatar for JerseyJack
16 years ago
I love the "sexy librarian" look!
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
16 years ago
I know a stripper that will put on glasses if no other strippers are wearing them. She claims guys with glasses like strippers with glasses.

I'm suppose to get glasses, wonder if I'll gravitate to strippers with glasses.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
I've only had one favorite that wore glasses. She swore that she was blind as a bat without them. I never saw her wearing contacts. But she did take them off when we went to the lap dance room. She had to resort to the Braille system. No complaints from me.
avatar for Dain
16 years ago
I find the right glasses on a girl to be very sexy. Besides, I like it when she can see ME.
avatar for snowtime
16 years ago
I love glasses on strippers. I also wear glasses but don't attribute my affection for strippers with glasses to that. I just think it makes girls, especially petite ones, more sexy.
I had one very bad experience with glasses in a strip club. Several years ago in a nude club in Charleston,SC I was at the tip rail and a dancer removed my glasses and rubbed them all over herself. When she returned them to me the side piece was broken. Because of the type of frame I have it was not repairable and it cost me $300 for a new frame. I will never again let a dancer remove my glasses at the stage and play with them.
avatar for DandyDan
16 years ago
I love girls with glasses and have had a number of favorites who wore them. They don't even have to pretend to be librarians when they choose them, either. I knew this one who had these big red frames and they would have looked wrong on most ladies but not her.
avatar for judyjudy
16 years ago
I have gone on stage with my reading glasses on and took them off during my routine. Once that was over and the LD's began it was requested that I put them on........go's all about your guys' fantasy and what you picture in your head.
avatar for joshc
16 years ago
There's a dancer who wears glasses that dances in a numebr of clubs in the Philly suburbs. Between her body, her moves and the glasses - very hot.
avatar for Player11
16 years ago
I recently had some dances with a dancer with glasses. They say girls with glasses don't get passes well this babe sure did. I enjoyed my dances with her and got a lot of mileage......
avatar for SuperDude
16 years ago
How long will the Sara Palin fad last?
avatar for wallanon
16 years ago
Drill, baby, drill!

Haven't really thought much about glasses vs. not, but I think it takes a certain kind of confidence to command the stage with them on. That kind of presence has a draw to it. Of course I'm talking about a stage show with more than walking back and forth and a two step plus lazy spin at the pole.

And now that it's on my mind, there is something visually interesting about a hot chick with nothing but glasses and stripper heels on. It can be sexy, yeah.
avatar for 59
16 years ago
Really like glasses on a stripper. I will almost always attempt to get a dance with a new girl with glasses. A couple of my faves over the years always wore glasses on stage. They didn't need them, just for show.
avatar for txtittyfan
16 years ago
I have not seen many w/glasses, but the ones I have seen were pretty hot in them. They had the good sense to have nice frames and an outfit to fit with the image.
avatar for snowtime
16 years ago
Glad to see so many guys on this site like a dancer with glasses. I thought I was in the minority on this one.
avatar for DoctorDarby
16 years ago
I agree with most of you that glasses work nicely on the right girls and are maybe not so hot on others. The librarian look is fine, but right now I am a big fan of a pale little goth girl who wears those trendy glasses with the rectangular black frames. YUM.
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
For you that like the goth look, with glasses, and like porn, check out Liz Vicious. She even has her own web site.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
IMO it can be sexy looking. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… I find the right glasses on a girl to be very sexy …”

Ditto – the “right” glasses.

I don’t necessarily have a thing for glasses but an attractive girl with glasses is appealing to me.

About 8 years ago while I lived in Dallas and visited Baby Dolls, there was a dancer that wore glasses but although she had a great body, she was not really that pretty nor were her frames nice looking. After some time she started wearing contacts and she looked much better/sexier and her confidence even seemed to improve.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I was looking at this thread again and noticed the OP was Steve229 and thought to myself – hey he’s back. Then I noticed this was a 2009 thread (gets me every time).
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
LOL - Got to look at dates.
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