
Comments by 59 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fair Rate
    I would have tipped her $20. If she squawked at that, it would be our last session. Plenty 'o fish...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Has anybody ever learned anything from stripperweb?
    I do read some of the SW posts. It is interesting to me to get their viewpoint. Especially on topics such as the "Shelf life of a Regular". I've PM'd 3 strippers extensively. One I've gone to see her several times at her club and helped her with the scoop and auditioning at another club. Just saw her for 1st time in 1.5 years a couple of days ago. She lives near me but has made it pretty clear that ours is an ITC relationship. One other eventually disappeared from the board. Another I'm currently "working on", our schedules just haven't matched up yet (currently on her college break).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Hey, watch my stuff".
    Never had some random girl do it. Just a fave, typically when she got called on stage. Found it acted as good stripper repellent when another girl would swoop in while girl 1 was away.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Ridiculously Good BJ ?
    Most I recall paying was $260. That included room fee, drinks, hostess tip, etc. DFK. Good time but wouldn't repeat at that price. Least I can recall is $60. Would've paid more but that was all I had. Typically pay in the $100-$160 range.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Multiple Clubs Same Night
    I used to do the club hopping more years ago. Hit up 2-3 in a night in series. These days with better research on my part and more mileage available I rarely hit more than the one. As others have mentioned, when out of time I'll often try and research a back up club just in case.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Like VM, I'm partial to Asians and Latinas. Fan of the mixed girls too. Filipina/Spanish, Italian/Black, Trinidad/French are several of the many that I've enjoyed and found entertaining. Girl I met recently is Puerto Rican/Irish - yeah buddy!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Going to the club with the chick
    It's Dec 1. How did it go?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Who's job is it to keep the conversation going?
    It is her job. As others said if I have an interest I'll try and keep the conversation flowing. I'm in my early 50's and have no problems with discussion topics with MOST girls 30 years younger. Sometimes you do run into an airhead, whether it's real or just her schtick. If it's forced, move on. Plenty 'o fish...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have played a part in this disturbance. :)
    There was a recent parking lot incident at this club, maybe a month or so back, that I believe Shadowcat also posted. Guy threatened the cops or something. Looks like a trend. This is a club that I get to a couple of times a month as I have a regular girl there. I haven't experienced anything approaching these incidents. Course I'm never there past 9 or 10 pm.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    One dollar bid, now two, now two, will ya' give me two? Two dollar bid, now thre
    There was something somewhat similar in So Cal about 20 years ago. There were events at certain bars once or twice a week where they'd have Oil, Jello, or Shaving Cream wrestling. Put on by a promoter with a troup of hot girls. They'd get introduced one by one and if you held up a dollar you'd get a mini lap dance. Then the bidding began. Depending on the format you could bid to wrestle the girl or be her manager. I did the manager thing once or twice. Something like $35. Got to rub the shaving cream on a hard body. This was before they had lap dances in the clubs I frequented, so it was pretty fun for its time. There was 2-3 rounds and you would reapply the shaving cream as well as towel off what had got on the girl's face or wherever else she wanted it removed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    RAID !
    Pretty sure I've told this story before so will try to keep it somewhat brief. 10-12 years ago was at Mons Venus when the authorities were cracking down regarding the 6 foot rule. Saturday night and all of a sudden the music stops, lights go up, and girls scamper to the dressing room. Several cops with the dark blue jackets with Police on the back start giving orders. The undercovers had football jerseys on (Bucanneers game next day up the street). Tell us we have to stay. After 1/2 hour or so we're allowed to leave and most, including me, wait in the parking lot. Joe Redner showes up with his wife or girlfriend. Police march 3 girls and one customer out the front door in handcuffs and put them in squad cars. Then the club reopens. Interrupted the evening about an hour or so.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Blonde Black Girls
    Black girl with blonde hair. Asian girl witth blonde hair. Thumbs down, big time.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escorts turning to stripping or are strippers turning to escorting?
    My experience has been with strippers transitioning to escorts. Many will retain both jobs as been mentioned, to identify and channel a supply of clients.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Only Reason I Would Ever Go to a McDonald's
    Agree that most tend to be situated away from other businesses, with some off the beaten path in industrial parks. There are exceptions. Isnt' there a Taco Bell right next store to Mons Venus? (Actually I think it's another chain now, from my visit in April). Platinum Plus in Allentown has a State (liquor) store, Laundramat, and Family Dollar either next door or within 50 feet. Same parking lot.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strippers and your phone
    I use the lock code. Only person entering numbers or dialing is me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strippers and your phone
    I use the lock code. Only person entering numbers or dialing is me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The clubs that file patrons' personal information (in the DMV)
    I'd just turn around and walk out. Not going to give up the info, no matter how well reviewed the club.
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    12 years ago
    My REAL name is...
    I'd rather they didn't mention their "real name". Doesn't matter to me. And just leads to confusion. One name - stage or "real" - is sufficient.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Flakey?
    No idea who Luna Lovegood is...is it just me. Flakey is unreliable, changes mind at drop of a hat. I've had strippers refer to themselves as flakey (and I think to myself, you sure are).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Move With a Favorite
    I too in recent years have gotten more attached to the club than a particular girl. Before that it wasn't unusual for me to follow a girl and try out her new club. Found some good clubs that way. Found some bad clubs that way.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Amber Lynn - Deja Vu Stripper
    I was gonna guess 50+. Turns out I wasn't far off. Definitely a fave back in the day but that was a LONG time ago. Saw her in person like 20 years ago. Pretty hot.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Club everyday?
    Hanging at the same club daily for hours while getting very few dances? Hell no. It's all about the QUALITY of the visits, not the QUANTITY. I find I get more quality attention when I've been scarce and haven't been to a club in weeks or months.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How cool is this?
    SC, is that the one made by T.I.T.S? (Two in the Shirt). They have some neat t-shirts and the like.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Condom falling onto the floor
    I've had it happen a couple of times. One was many years ago when I was new to lap dances. I'd popped a couple of times and found it embarassing. So I read on a site like this about the condom thing. Tried it a couple of times and sure enough one girl made me pop but no mess! Until I went to walk to the rest room. Off it comes and falls to the floor (was wearing shorts, commando). Wouldn't you know it a guy comes by with a broom and sweeps it up like it was an everyday occurence! That was the last time I "prepared" in advance. I'm quite a bit older now, more seasoned, and take blood pressure medication so unintentional pops like that are a thing of the past. More recently I go to a club known for extras. We get in the booth and the girl asks me if I want a condom. I figure this is a good sign so say yes. She proceeds to hand me a lubed condom and instructs ME to put it on. I'm not even semi-hard at this point so let's just say it was a slow and messy challenge! It gets better. She proceeds to give me a hand job and makes me pop. Some sort of germophobe I guess. Then requests that I dispose of the evidence so she doesn't get in trouble. So I head to the rest room and you guessed it it falls off. Fortunately it was kind of quiet, don't think anyone noticed.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What Strippers look for in a potential client.
    DS said: "3. They all watch you to see if you are getting dancers or turning girls down - strippers like guy$ that spend Ca$h, not reject them" I think there's a lot of truth to this. Us customers will often look to see the girls heading to the dance rooms and courts most frequently, they're in demand and they are likely to be the most fun. I find that if I get a dance or two it's amazing how other girls will take note and stop by. If it's an extras type place and I go with with they know/suspect is a dirty girl they will sometimes say "I know you've just had a dance and might need some time to recover, let me know when you're ready."