"Hey, watch my stuff".

avatar for shadowcat
Ever had a dancer ask you to watch her purse, cell phone, cigaretts, etc? Is it a sign that she trusts you? Or is she just marking her territory? Or as one cutomer put it, setting you up to claim you robbed her?

90% of the dancers that asked me to do this were dancers that knew me pretty well and trusted me. I think the other 10% were trying to put their mark on me.

So far I have never had to say no to such a request but wondered what some good excuses might be. "Hey I've gotta go to the little boy's room too"? If she has left to do a stage appearance and you want to tip her, Do you take her purse with you?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Yes. If it's somebody I trust, I do it, otherwise no. From an unknown answer, it's entirely too likely that it's a setup. IMO.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
"unknown dancer"
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I believe it is territory marking just like my two pussy cats mark me as theirs. LOL
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I think I have earned the trust the dancers that have asked me to do that.

Though I'm laughing at the "robbed" theory. Never thought of that one. And the "territory marking" seems plausible.

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
She want to see how whipped you are. Are you her bitch or not? Probably she won't come back for an hour either and wants to see if you will sit there the whole time. I would just say "I was actually have to get up in minute..." Then I don't.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
yeah I've gotten stuck with "watch my stuff " detail. It's a possession tactic, of course, but she obviously has to trust you to leave her money with you.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
I watched a dancer attempt to set up a customer one time. I was seated at the very next table when she asked him to watch her stuff. When she came back, she acted like she was looking for a cigarette and then accused him of stealing some money.

When the manager came over, I informed him that the guy hadn't even touched her purse when she was gone. I got dagger eyes, and she got booted. Apparently she'd done it before, and succeeded.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
^^^ wow that's cold. Poor bastard tries to do a good deed and that's the thanks he gets.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
I think it's fucking rude for a dancer to do that. Bitch, I'm not your errand boy. I'm here to have fun, and I'm not gonna sit there and watch your shit.

It's never happened to me, and if it did I'd say "no, I'm not gonna watch your stuff". No need to fall back on lame-ass excuses, just say NO.

avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
And by the way, "earned her trust"?? Who the fuck cares?? Is that important to you?

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Nah, I want to compound it for them by lying on top of it. They're only whores after all, and trying to test you or set you up for a scam like that? Lie to them to get them pissed and show you are onto them.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
The last dancer that did this to me was one I had known a few months but never have ever gotten dances from her. She is just cool to talk to and she has never even asked me for a dance. Sometumes she just stops by to say hi and watches people with me and asks who she should make her next victim. At the end of the night she was getting off stage and gathered up her tips and handed them to me. She told me she would be back and she was goung to find one more dance. She told me she was making everyone think I was her boyfriend or pimp... lol
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
I've done it many times, but since I am one that cultivates being the known and trusted customer, that doesn't surprise me. Someone I didn't know, in S. Florida, that dancer would be a fool to ask that!
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I have watched a dancers purse before. And then I fucked it.
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
Yeah, I've watched a dancers stuff a few times. From what I remember, it's only been their drink though. I don't think I've ever watched anything else. I'm surprised they would have the trust to leave their purse with a customer, or anything else valuable for that matter.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
I never, ever, let any customer of mine watch my stuff. They are my customers, not my friends.
avatar for samsung1
12 years ago
I had a dancer leave her stuff with me when she went to go on stage to do her stage set. Only 2 songs but it was annoying because it made it difficult to attract other dancers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… it was annoying because it made it difficult to attract other dancers …”

That is the purpose for her doing this; i.e. mark you as “hers”.

I’ve had the same thing happen to me with dancers I’ve just met - I always take it as a sign of marking their territory.

More than once, though not too often, as others, I’ll have dancers leave their drink w/ me while they go on stage – most likely to make sure I am still available when they get off stage, IMO.

This kind of pisses me off and I’ll take their drink to the stage if I want to make myself “available” or I’m just not interested in them coming back.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I've had dancers ask me to watch their purse many times. Always dancers I knew well. I hadn't considered how this could be a scam, and now I'll never watch the purse of a dancer I don't know.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
12 years ago
I've never thought about me needing to trust my regular/favorite while watching her purse, but the posters' point. I do trust her. And she trusts me not only with her purse with tip money but also with her open drink too. Since this particular club doesn't offer lap dances, it doesn't create a cockblocking issue.

Ultimately I appreciate her trust. It makes the fantasy seem a bit more real.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
yes I have had the happen many times.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I get stuck with this babysitting crap all the time. It's not too bad if they only leave their stuff with you for a few minutes, but when they disappear for what seems like forever that I start getting annoyed. Only once did I get so pissed that I walked into the dressing room and dropped her stuff on a table and stormed out.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
With a long delay that you are speaking about lopaw, why not ask the Manager to relieve you of the long absent dancers belongings?
avatar for joey2002
12 years ago
I kind of think it's that they trust you. However I think it's cockblocking. I think that if you been a customer for a while at the club, they don't want other dancers get you to dance, so they ask you to watch their things. Marking their territory
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
To be honest Alucard even if I could find the ever-elusive manager, it would just wind up getting her in trouble, and I'd rather it stay between her and I. The next time I visited her club she was very apologetic, so no harm, no foul. But I advised her to never pull that shit again.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"Only once did I get so pissed that I walked into the dressing room and dropped her stuff on a table and stormed out."

So, exactly how does that work, being that you're a girl and all? Do chicks like it when you act all masculine like that?

Now if they're gay, you'd think they'd be attracted to chicks, not guys, and therefore wouldn't be attracted when you do masculine stuff. So do just the straight chicks like it when you're all tough like that? Or don't they give a shit cuz your a chick?
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I've had the same experience as Jackslash. And I too, won't do it for a strange dancer, now that that potential scam has been unveiled. That was good to learn.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I see your point lopaw. :))
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago

Actually it wasn't very masculine at all. AAMOF I did it in a girly-snit kind of way. I couldn't really tell you what the dancers that were back there thought because I left so quickly. My dancer told me later on that I did surprise the shit out of everybody, tho.

If I suspect that a hot dancer prefers butchier women, I'll sometimes butch it up. If a dancer says that she likes girly women, I can girly it up too. I'll do whatever it takes to get me some.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I used to do it for my 4th ATF all the time. It's essentially a cockblocking technique. I think what it was is she didn't like the other dancer I would routinely get dances from when I went to her club. Hell, I'd even buy cigarettes for her and I don't even smoke. That's PLdom right there.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
How come your shit is "stuff", and other people's stuff is "shit"?

-George Carlin
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
It's her marking you as hers so no-one will sit there. I will not watch the purse of a dancer I do not know and I certainly will not touch it. I had a dancer leave her purse on the table to go to "freshen up" and was then called onto stage. I flagged a bouncer and under his eye put her purse on the stage and left.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
I've done it several times, usually with a dancer who I've known for a while.

As far as the "he stole from me" routine, there are cameras. My response if someone tries that will be check the videos now, I didn't touch anything.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
It has happened rarely. If I wasn't going anywhere and I wanted her to come back, I'd agree to it. One time I agreed to watch the stuff and she took off to do a lapper for a regular and another girl came by. I pushed girl 1's stuff aside and had girl 2 sit down. When girl 1 came back, I handed her the stuff and she wasn't happy, but that's how it goes. I do think that it is comfort and trust with a dancer you know well. And some marking territory. But it also might be a feeler to see if you want to be marked yourself, if you want to be exclusive with her. You can always say no, and you can make the decision on a case-by-case basis.
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Never had some random girl do it. Just a fave, typically when she got called on stage. Found it acted as good stripper repellent when another girl would swoop in while girl 1 was away.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"If I suspect that a hot dancer prefers butchier women, I'll sometimes butch it up."

Interesting. I've never really understood that whole dynamic going on there.

If a girl prefers butchier women, is it because they actually, deep down, really prefer a masculine man, but for whatever reason can't stand guys because they're gross or whatever? But if the guys weren't so gross, or didn't treat them so bad, they'd actually be dating guys instead?
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
I think it means the girl knows and trusts you. I also believe there is some territory marking here.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I haven't had anyone do it for any great amount of time, maybe while they went up on stage or to the restroom and then they were back quick. Except one time when a dancer asked me to order a drink and then she didn't show up for a long time. I went ahead and drank the drink since I already paid for it and then ignored her for a while. A while for me could be several other visits to the club.
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