I was in a club in NW Ohio a while back and was sitting with a friendly dancer and in walks a girl that is 6 or 7 months pregnant. I ask the girl on my lap ??? and she told me that she is a dancer at the club but now only cums in for private dances for a couple of her regulars. This club is/was a dive but had very private rooms and very willing dancers. Ever run into over-the-hump lap dances anywhere else? I guess you would not have to worry about knocking her up LOL.
Right before Thanksgiving I went to the Flamingo in Anaheim, most of the dancers work the floor wearing small bras and thongs. This one dancer came up to me wearing a top more like what you would see at a regular dance club, very loose covering most of her front but not the back. I thought it was a little odd but whatever. After chatting with her a bit I took her for an LD where she started a very enthusiastic grind then proceed to spin around and pull her tits out for me and show me her very large nipples. At this point I had my hands on her hips and as she turned around again I realized why she had the loose top on, she was very pregnant.
You really couldn't tell she was just from looking at her, she had a very petite build. Anyway, I've never had that happen before. It didn't turn me off in a sexual way but it made me feel bad because she was having to work so late into her pregnancy which made it a turn off. She really did give a good LD though.
I don’t recall getting dances from a pregnant dancer, that I knew off.
But I do recall at least in two occasions getting dances from girls that had recently given birth.
One of them I knew and had gotten dances from prior to her getting pregnant – she was very well endowed with natural D’s on a 5â€2 frame. When I got dances from her shortly post child birth – she was shy about being nude and would dance with a short negligee type of outfit that was very loose and showed off her chest – man, her naturally large full breasts looked even bigger and fuller post child birth – they went from BIG to really BIG – which was a-ok w/ me.
The 2nd dancer I recall being w/ shortly post child birth also had very nice full breasts. I recall being with her in a private LD area and squeezing her boobs and seeing milk come out of them – I gotta say those full breasts did look spectacular.
Hey, you guys should not feel bad for those of us who choose to dance while pregnant. I danced until my 16th week of pregnancy (had to take three weeks off during 1st trimester but resume on week 14th) and I hated those customers who would say they feel bad for me doing that. If we dance during our pregnancies, is more because it keeps us active and not out of necessity; well, at least not for me since I have someone that could provide for me and I saved money before the pregnancy (it was planned) but choose to do it because I wanted to. It's very condescending from y'all when you "feel sorry" for pregnant dancers. Again, don't do it.
Dancing is an awesome workout. While I wasn't allowed to do inverts in the pole (only climb it and spins), I was able to keep dancing and stay active. I loved how toned my arms and how sexy my collarbones looked during my pregnancy, and how easy was labor because of my strong leg/thigh muscles (all that ass-shaking while squatting works wonders) Plus, there were several dudes who dig the whole pregnancy thing and loved it...and made tons from them.
I'm officially hitting back the stages around the 23rd or 24th of this month.
I have seen dozens over the years, including a few who got pregnant several different times. Some clubs let the dancers dance until their belly gets too big, or they lose their shape, while others will let them dance up until the day they give birth. One or two were back working a week after giving birth.
Some of the best dances I ever had came from dancers I had been getting dances from before they got pregnant. Once they got pregnant their dances got a lot more risque. Especially this one. She was quite hot looking, with awesome looking natural C-cup breasts, but her dances were at most average for the club before her pregnancy.
She started pushing the limits around her third month a little more each time. Her breasts jumped to a large DD-cup about halfway through her pregnancy, and she was a bit self-conscious of them. She kept saying they didn't look as pretty, and she didn't like how large her nipples were getting. I kept complementing her, and by the middle of her fourth month she started really going all out on her dances and was giving lots of extras. Her dances stayed very good for several months after giving birth then they went back to being as tame as before.
I've seen my fair share of pregnant dancers over the years, but I've never seen one who danced right up to the day she gave birth. Usually, if it is a bar, they let them be waitresses or bartenders.
I've seen lots of them over the years, and it seems to be pretty common here in Louisville. It doesn't really bother me that much.
I still remember the girl whose water broke while she was working in the club. What a trip that was.
@JayJayDancer: While that may be true for you, far too many of the dancers I've see working while pregnant are doing it because they *have* to. Based on my experience, you are the exception, not the rule.
Years ago I went to the Mons in Tampa on a football sunday afternoon. Very few dancers or customers in the club (during the game if I recall).
Girl in a football jersey comes by and I agree to a dance. Jersey comes off and only then do I realize that she's quite pregnant. Kind of a turnoff for me.
Chatted with another dancer later and dancer 2 told me dancer 1 was like 5 months. Dancer 2 also said that some guys were "mean" to dancer 1.
I'd never be mean but was a little annoyed, kind of like a bait and switch. Why not sport your baby bump and own it and give the propective customers full disclosure?
Me and an ATF were watching another fav of mine stage dancing and I say, "she's gained a little weight, think she's preggers?" My ATF starts laughing to bust a gut, and I'm thinking OK funny but not that funny. A couple weeks later, my ATF quits out of the blue, and I hear through the grapevine she's the one who's preggers.
last commentYou really couldn't tell she was just from looking at her, she had a very petite build. Anyway, I've never had that happen before. It didn't turn me off in a sexual way but it made me feel bad because she was having to work so late into her pregnancy which made it a turn off. She really did give a good LD though.
I also feel bad for them having to do that. Guess they should have used a cover.
But I do recall at least in two occasions getting dances from girls that had recently given birth.
One of them I knew and had gotten dances from prior to her getting pregnant – she was very well endowed with natural D’s on a 5â€2 frame. When I got dances from her shortly post child birth – she was shy about being nude and would dance with a short negligee type of outfit that was very loose and showed off her chest – man, her naturally large full breasts looked even bigger and fuller post child birth – they went from BIG to really BIG – which was a-ok w/ me.
The 2nd dancer I recall being w/ shortly post child birth also had very nice full breasts. I recall being with her in a private LD area and squeezing her boobs and seeing milk come out of them – I gotta say those full breasts did look spectacular.
Dancing is an awesome workout. While I wasn't allowed to do inverts in the pole (only climb it and spins), I was able to keep dancing and stay active. I loved how toned my arms and how sexy my collarbones looked during my pregnancy, and how easy was labor because of my strong leg/thigh muscles (all that ass-shaking while squatting works wonders) Plus, there were several dudes who dig the whole pregnancy thing and loved it...and made tons from them.
I'm officially hitting back the stages around the 23rd or 24th of this month.
Some of the best dances I ever had came from dancers I had been getting dances from before they got pregnant. Once they got pregnant their dances got a lot more risque. Especially this one. She was quite hot looking, with awesome looking natural C-cup breasts, but her dances were at most average for the club before her pregnancy.
She started pushing the limits around her third month a little more each time. Her breasts jumped to a large DD-cup about halfway through her pregnancy, and she was a bit self-conscious of them. She kept saying they didn't look as pretty, and she didn't like how large her nipples were getting. I kept complementing her, and by the middle of her fourth month she started really going all out on her dances and was giving lots of extras. Her dances stayed very good for several months after giving birth then they went back to being as tame as before.
I still remember the girl whose water broke while she was working in the club. What a trip that was.
@JayJayDancer: While that may be true for you, far too many of the dancers I've see working while pregnant are doing it because they *have* to. Based on my experience, you are the exception, not the rule.
Girl in a football jersey comes by and I agree to a dance. Jersey comes off and only then do I realize that she's quite pregnant. Kind of a turnoff for me.
Chatted with another dancer later and dancer 2 told me dancer 1 was like 5 months. Dancer 2 also said that some guys were "mean" to dancer 1.
I'd never be mean but was a little annoyed, kind of like a bait and switch. Why not sport your baby bump and own it and give the propective customers full disclosure?