ever got kicked out of a club?

avatar for dalex
Kinda curious about this, I always hear about the possibility of getting kicked out, but never did I actually hear about anyone getting kicked out, outside of celebrity stories about getting stupid drunk & shitting on the floor (or something to that effect).

Had few situations that were cleared up after talking to a bouncer, but that's about it.

However I been only doing this for few months, so what do you OG members have to say on the subject?


last comment
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
Ok, maybe I'm too drunk to understand...... what does 'OG members' mean9
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
Someone who's been doing this for relatively long time.

avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
crap..... stupid fat fingers...... the '9' should be '?'.....
avatar for igloo9999
12 years ago
ooohhh.... as in 'Old Guard'...... that's what I thought but wanted to make sure....
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Dude all the fuckin time....Shit I've even been baned now at a few clubs lol
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
@juice for what? Can you share some stories & things you've actually done to get kicked out?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
One time I decided to share txtittyfan's financial advice with some of the dancers in this one particular town. They threw me out and told me never to come back spreading that non-sense again.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
care to share those?
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
never been kicked out
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I've never been kicked out, but once at my regular club a table of young guys began saying harassing things to me. I complained to my waitress, and the manager and a couple bouncers came over and kicked the guys out. Being a regular has its privileges.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Hell yeah !!! It's a badge of honor !!
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Yes, I have. Not lately.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Kicked out, no. Not allowed in, yes.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Relax69 I went to a non extras club and like a boss got my fat cock up in that tight little pussy then the bounced tossed my ass out....
avatar for Revo
12 years ago
Yes I have. A couple of clubs. The first one was years ago for touching a dancer at the original Doll House in Orlando. It was in the 80's and no one touched for anything. She was hot and a total bitch. This was back in the days when the dancers thought they were the shit.

I barely touched the back of her dress. She turned around and told me to give her five dollars. That is the price for a table/air dance at the time, haha.

Any way I said no way. She told bouncer to kick me out and they gave me my $5 cover back. Sat outside while my buddies were inside and talked to the hookers walking by.

Place is a shithole now. Would never go there again. Owner Michael Peters ended up in prison on Tax evasion and many of his clubs were taken away by the state of Florida.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
I tried to pole dance. Also, even though they charge you $250 for a $25 bottle of Jack, you can't bust that bottle over a bouncer's head! Yeah, it's ridiculous.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Also you don't just get kicked out, they kick the living shit out of you.
avatar for nj_pete
12 years ago
Got escorted out of a club a while back after I had told the dancer, who was doing an amazing grinding job on me, I blew my load after a few dances, and had the courteously to tell her I was "done" and she said that was discussing, she ran over to the bouncer, who demanded I pay up and leave.
Which I did, no tip for sure though, just what I owed, he took the $, she kept her back tome and he said, ok time to go and walked me to the door, I then told him, well its time for me to leave anyway , got what I came for, he replied, yea I know don't worry about that bitch.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
No never been kicked out. I am a gentleman and I watch my mouth and my back. Also in my regular clubs I make it a point to be friends with the managers, DJ's and waitresses.

Like Jackslash, I have had a few assholes kicked out.

But I would think its actually rare for intelligent and handsome TUSCL members to be kicked out of clubs.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I imagine that just dyed-in-wool ASSHOLES get ejected from clubs. BUT none of of those types here will admit to it. LOL
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
Nope never been kicked out, but came close once, when a waitress got pissed at me, thankfully one of the dancers came to my defense and told the bouncer that the waitress was an idiot, although he did get a bit rude with afterward and watched me like a hawk and was a real asshole for a few weeks.

I have seen people kicked out many times, and most times the people deserved it. There are two I remember most. The first was at Tattletales in Atlanta about 15 years ago, one guy was drunk and rude and started grabbing dancers on the floor. He got a bit mouthy and got his face shoved hard onto the table by two or three bouncers and then shoved out the door.

New Orleans about 20 years ago, was the most brutal, I ever saw, and it looked like they guys did nothing to deserve it. I was about midway in my tour of the the many dives on Bourbon street. There were so many dives I am not even sure which one it was, but it was very seedy even for the ones on Bourbon Street. I was there about twenty minutes at most and one guy stood up and tipped the girl, and I think just lightly touched her leg, and immediately three bouncers swarmed on him and the other guy he was with. The manager comes up and started yelling at both customers really loudly and told the two to leave.

The next thing I knew one of the the bouncers punched the guy standing up in the face and the guy sitting down was knocked down in the chair on his back. A few more bouncers showed up and threw both of the them forcefully on the street, and it looked like a few of the bouncers started kicking one of the guys outside.

I asked the stripper who was sitting next to me, if the bouncers can get away with that, and she said, "yep, happens all the time." That was enough for me at that place, and I quickly left the club.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
If you actually screw up to the point of needing to be kicked out you might as well not come back even if they don't officially blacklist you. You are not going to get good service ever again there.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Yes. Ask me about it.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Never. Too damn handsome to get kicked the fuck out
avatar for kingcripple
12 years ago
ive seen it happen once or twice. never happen to me. the manager at my regular club is a big fat scary looking dude and im scared he'll kick me out always. he actually told this couple to leave just as soon as they sat down lol
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
The time I was told to leave, I deserved it and left peacefully. I didn't return to that club for several months after finding out that both the manager and bouncer no longer worked there. With the abundance of good clubs to choose from here in Detroit, it was not a problem. After I started going back to that club, I was delighted to see the dancer that caused my ejection had blimped out big time. I laughed and laughed in my booth.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
OK, I'll ask. JayJaydancer how did you get kicked out of a club?
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
I've never been bounced but have witnessed plenty that have. it's usually very entertaining to watch.

Yes JayJay- please enlighten us. I hope it had something to do with you groping another dancer ;)
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
When I was working in Virginia, a dude by accident tipped me a 50 thinking it was a 5. He noticed and quickly wanted to grab it. I took it before him, and kicked him in the gut. He started to get rowdy with me, and was about to hit me but dodged him with my purse. The manager stood in the middle, fired me and banned me from the club.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Classic JJD. Did you keep the 50? I'm betting you did. Way to go girl.
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
Oh, of course I kept the 50. When I kicked the dude, I tucked the bill in my bottoms. To this day, is one of the funniest things ever: gotta love dives!!!!
avatar for PredragDr
12 years ago
It ain't a crazy night till you can get kicked out!! Of course you shouldn't try this too often in places you wish to frequent. Thus, I do this more when I'm out if town or just dissatisfied with the experience. However, never been physically beat more so than pushed out the door. Accused offenses for getting kicked out have included belligerent inebriation, attempted petty theft/vandalism, hostility (mostly verbal) towards certain demographics, taking unauthorised pictures, narcotics, etc.
avatar for beer30
12 years ago
Only once at a club my gf at the time was working. I always walked her in since the parking lot was always full of people standing around and their had been a few shootings in that lot. Anyways the night before both managers are there, one I'm cool with the other is a douche, always called him jingles for playing with his keys 24/7. Jingles fines my gf for not being on stage for a b-day dance, only $50 but still. As we are leaving I say to her "that's bullshit don't let him pull that shit again, next time get me or the other manager. We need to find another club for nights that dumbass is working anyways." But the kicker is the next evening when I walk in one of the bouncers I'm cool with says "hey I hate to do this but your not allowed in here now" I'm like wtf? Jingles had me banned saying I had threatened to beat his ass LOL. But the joke was on him cause after talking to the other manager for about 5 mins everything was cool again cause come to find out he hated the little prick too.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I've never been asked to leave but just a couple weeks ago saw a customer ejected from John's Hot Spot. From my review:

As I was going in the bouncer was ejecting someone. Just like in the cartoons, he had one hand on the guy's scruff of the neck, the other on the seat of his pants, tossed him down the front steps, and yelled "And don't come back!" The guy protested "she pushed me first" but it did him no good.
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Never been kicked out but seen it several times.

Most recent was at Oz in Clearwater. Heading to VIP and customer is getting into it with the manager. Heated discussion, seemed like he felt he was ripped off by 2 girls who were further stirring things up and name calling. (Per my girl, he probably had been as these two were known for ripping customers off).

Things seemed to be simmering down then the manager said "have a nice night, sir". "Sir, how dare you call me sir you...". Escalated from there. Bouncer shows up and the two forcefully move the guy to the door. Just happened to hit his head three times in quick sucession on the wall prior to the door...yikes.

Manager then comes back and apologizes to me for the "rude patron" in his words. At this point I'm hoping the injured dude doesn't come back packing. My dancer arranged to get me a freebie calendar, in which she was pictured, as compensation for the hassle.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Since when is "sir" an insult?
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
bull dyke.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You know the old saying,

"The CUSTOMER is always Right!"
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
What is a freebie calander
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Yup. Even an old fart like me can be pitched from a club. Happened in the old French Maid in Calgary. I cold cocked another customer who was being a rank asshole with a stage dancer. Bouncer rushed over and escorted me out of the club even though the dancer pleaded my case.

Was alcohol involved? Hmmmmm...........could be!
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Ermita_Nights, for some reason for this guy "sir" was an insult. It really set him off.

Estafador, it was a 2012 club calendar that they normally sell for $15 or something. I received it complimentary. My girl autographed it for me.
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