
Has anybody ever learned anything from stripperweb?

Just curious if any of you have ever learned anything from browsing stripperweb.com? I have been doing that lately. It is kind of cool to hear dancer actually admit that some of them fuck in the club:)! Like this site I wish there was a way to make it more local. So in general is there anything helpful for us TUSCL members to learn from this site?


  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Some TUSCLers, perhaps most?, think it’s shit.

    I find it interesting to hear the dancers’ point of view and hear it from the horse’s mouth sort of speak, how many of them really view their customers.

    For any TUSCLers out there that have doubts w.r.t. how strippers view us or if their “affections” are anything more than SSS (Super Stripper Shit); reading SW can be sobering.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    For me, reading SW is a bit like taking a peek at the other team’s playbook.
  • nickifree
    12 years ago
    I stop reading the posts their. It started to become like finding out how a magician performed a magic act. It destroys the illusion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I read it every couple of months out of curiosity/boredom – can’t really take too much of that pink drama.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I agree with nickfree.

    I used to visit the site, but read too much I didn't like hearing - mainly I was surprised how many dancers really have a fear for their safety from stalkers. Even to the point that some fear their regulars even more so that strangers.

    I know there are a few nutso crazies out there, but mostly we are harmless PLs.
  • jerikson40
    12 years ago
    I read it once, years ago, and realized it was mostly girls talking useless girl shit, like the best way to do laps during your period without getting any on the chair and the customers and shit.

    Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck what some stripper thinks. Just look hot, give me some good laps, and move on so I can get a dance from the next one. They're young girls, fucked up in the head like many young girls, maybe more, I have zero in common with them, and what they think of me and other customers is irrelevant.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I haven't read it.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Most definitely. Was exchanging some PMs with one of the regular girls there for a while. She let me in on some of the real dirt about what makes strippers tick.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… She let me in on some of the real dirt about what makes strippers tick …”

    Anything you remember of the top of your head (your large head that is)?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    We had an interesting discussion on how and why control (of PLs) is such a big issue for strippers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Control an in their behavior, or control as in getting their $$$, or both?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Both, but I think the control of a PL's behavior is the most important to them. Getting money is, mostly, proof that they can control of the PL's behavior.

    What she was saying is that most girl's have lives that are out of control for various reasons. In her case, it was all out of control. Couldn't control the course of relationships (dating and with family), or school. PLs were the one thing she was able to control.
  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    The SC reality portrayed by the Dancers on stripperweb, for the most part, does not jive with the SC reality I've experienced.

    It seems most the Dancers on SW project a SC reality of high earnings; low contact; no extras; and absolutely no dating the creepy customers. For them, every second, every breath, every movement is designed to get money from the perverts. Rarely is a positive word spoken about the customer on SW.

    I'll admit that reading SW has put a dent in the fun I have at a SC. Its hard to get past thinking this beautiful sweet sexy young doll talking to me is really a malicious hustling stripper that, deep down, hates my guts and is repulsed by me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    For better or worse, it seems to me that women in general will say what is supposed to be correct rather than what they really feel/know.

    Many of them (dancers) cannot bring themselves to say on SW what they really do. How many times have you heard a provider say – “I don’t really/usually do this …”
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    LW: I remember they once had a anonymous poll and despite the "official" tough talk/party line, over 50% had dated a customer at some point, or would date a customer.

    You are right though, for the most part they have an image they are trying to project of who they are which is not at all in tune with reality and gets in the way on many genuine insights. Same thing is true for many of the male posters on this site.

    Let's see what does (or did) the typical TUSCLer try to present himself as. Only spends money he can afford. Is respectful of dancers, even those who have sex for money. Is highly successful with relationships with women in the real world, but just goes to strip clubs for variety, and for the convenience factor. Is never deceived by strippers. Never develops "feelings" for strippers. Is genuinely liked by strippers, many of whom have developed "feelings" for him. Has dated strippers for free many times. Has had sex with many strippers for free. Is a highly successful businessman. Does not spend excess time in strip clubs or thinking about strip clubs. In general, is not addicted to strip clubs or anything for that matter.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Here's my take - but I could be way, way off base.

    From the little I've read of their board, it seems they have a number of international posters, most notably from Australia and England. And the US posters have a big city slant.

    So, do strippers from say New York, or London, act differently (more mercenary e.g.) than those from Dayton, Ohio of Lansing, Michigan, or Columbia, SC.

    To some extent I think so. Just a thought
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I haven't learned anything over there.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I spent an entire day trolling through stripperweb when I was under the weather with the flu.

    It was pure fascination and entertainment for me. tuscl and male fantasies on one side; stripperweb and female fantasies on the other side. The yin and yang of the SC culture.

    What really surprised me was the number of tuscl regulars who are also regular posters on stripperweb. I haven't been back to the pink site, however.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    They have a lot of interesting people over there, strippers and customers. The problem is the moderation. The stripper moderator is totally cool, but the customer moderator is King of Douchebags. (I am banned over there in case you hadn't guessed.)
  • farmerart
    12 years ago

    What does a person do to get banned from stripperweb?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's been a while since I've been there as well. I like to be more of a participater than a "watcher", but last time I tried to participate I got banned within four hours. I have never been one either who is able to moderate what I say just to make others happy, since that feels very dishonest to me and I can't stand when others do it as opposed to dating what they really think.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    We ought to invite the SW customer moderator over here! LOL

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Hey, alutard - speaking of moderators. How did your bid to have founder make tenishomo moderator for this board go? Nowhere, huh? Haha! Ya' fuckin' moron. Even for a clueless fuck like you, that was one of your dumber ideas. Thanks for the laughs though, faggot!
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Honestly, I went there one time but it was SOOOOO boring. Like for every forum, I read the rules of it, and it was so strict you can't speak the truth there. Either you lie and tell everyone what SHOULD be done and the POSITIVE results should be....or you say you had sex with a customer for money and get permabanned. And I'm talking the stripper rules. Seriously, you're forced to pretend to be a barbie version of a stripper thus lie lie lie. Maybe I need to reread it again, but from what I've seen, you're reading a bunch of lies. But their women so what do you expect, the TRUTH? Don't think so johny. Not to mention one MUST outdo the other so they can be seen as the big kahuna in the game.

    I won't lie and agree with dougster that we do see some of that superiority here but for the most part, us guys seem pretty upfront and (somewhat) shameless of what we do.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    "What does a person do to get banned from stripperweb?"

    To get banned, you merely need to voice an opinion not kissing stripper ass. I wasn't vulgar, wasn't stalkerish - just voiced a different (IMHO more realistic opinion) about a subject and found I was banned.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    I learned that if a customer turns down a dance from a dancer that she is supposed to tell the customer, "well, I have to go take a shit anyway". Trust me its on there lol.
  • azdd
    12 years ago
    I used to check out SW and the SCJ "blue side" almost every day. There used to be a bunch of really cool, funny people on the site, custys and dancers, and the forums were entertaining and informative. Then, a few years ago there was a very negative incident that led to a mass migration, and the site has never really recovered IMHO. There is still an occasional interesting thread, but most of it is now useless to me. I do like the bulletin board structure of the forums there much better than this site. It's easier to follow individual threads, mark them read, and then see when new comments have been posted.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I'm not sure anything can be learned over there. Just like we are a small minority of all strip club customers, they are a small minority of all strippers on SW. And a small minority does not represent the whole.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    I've learned a lot from my time reading SW. The biggest question I have is "How representative of the actual stripper population is the group of regularly posting women of SW?" If their membership is the reality, then the typical dancer at best TOLERATES her customers. Less than 10% actually LIKE any of the guys that pay them.

    My personal belief is that SW posters are among the more hostile of the strippers, seeking to vent online in a safe environment. Of course I'm not really believing that 3/4 of the dancers I meet are really into me, but I'd guess that about half are willing to be friends on some level.

    The one thing that really comes through from reading SW is that SIZE MATTERS! No, not the length of the customer's dick. The size of his WALLET!!
  • 59
    12 years ago
    I do read some of the SW posts. It is interesting to me to get their viewpoint. Especially on topics such as the "Shelf life of a Regular".

    I've PM'd 3 strippers extensively. One I've gone to see her several times at her club and helped her with the scoop and auditioning at another club. Just saw her for 1st time in 1.5 years a couple of days ago. She lives near me but has made it pretty clear that ours is an ITC relationship.

    One other eventually disappeared from the board. Another I'm currently "working on", our schedules just haven't matched up yet (currently on her college break).
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The only thing I learned was to never post on there again. I haven't even looked at it in about 8 years.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @farmerart I don't know for sure why. A male moderator, FBR was his handle I think, had a creepy fixation on one of the strippers. Several of my posts really pissed this stripper off. She flamed me bad, but I didn't lose my temper with her, and she seemed to be having fun flaming me. (She was pretty clever about it, I'm down with being flamed if the insults are original and funny.) My theory is that this PL moderator was jealous of anyone getting even negative attention from this chick.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    There was one guy - was the talk for some time because I guess he raped a stripper or something. Always portrayed himself as some james bond wannabe or something. Was quite the topic for a while.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    3Leg, despite what they would say in the past they are by and large not an accurate representation of strippers.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    As I remember, the strippers on stripperweb would usually say themselves they were not typical. If grocerycashiers.com existed, I'm sure it would be filled with grips about grocery store customers.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Have no interest in SW.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Love it
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Checked it out once. That was enough for me.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I am a regular poster on stripperweb as well and I agree with others who say that it not really representative of the average dancer. Nonetheless I enjoy posting there and don't really feel overly constrained in what I say - I am the same person there as I am here.

    @alucard: The guy who moderates Customer Conversation and the Strip Club Junkie forums IS a member of this board and has provided a number of solid club reviews.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    Like this site I wish there was a way for to be more local at times. It would cool to find a dancer from my local club on SW and exchange PM's with her without her knowing my true idenity:) It might be a little Creepy for her but fun for me.
  • she_is_covfefe
    12 years ago
    I like Stripper Web for advice on how to get more money from you guys, getting honest opinions on looks/makeup/clothes/shoes/hustling, and bitch about y'all.

    Here? Get updated info on clubs, provide reviews of the clubs (mostly for the benefit of dancers), and help out newbie dancers.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I hadn't visited the site in awhile and all this talk of SW got me interested to look at it again. Big mistake.

    I lasted about 2 minutes. The first post I read was a dancer complaining about a regular (who spent lots of money on her) who would sometimes try to kiss her during the dance. Oh no - not on the lips - but on the shoulder, or the cheek, or the neck.

    Shocking! She was upset about a regular kissing her shoulder! WTF!!!

    But her second complaint was even more mind-boggling. She was very angry because after every time to the VIP room, he went to the restroom and masturbated. I don't know how she knew this - but it really seemed to piss her off. Strange. I got the hell out if that weirdo site.
  • ilbbaicnl
    12 years ago
    @MH if she told him no mouth (or pulls away) it is over the line for him to keep doing it.

    But definitely dumb she cares about any jerking off not done in her presence. Ought to take it as a big compliment.
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