Are escorts turning to stripping or are strippers turning to escorting?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

I know for sure that 3 dancers at my favorite club also advertise as escorts. Their escort prices are $200/hr. They will also do FS ITC $150 or less. I wonder if they continue dancing because they are not making enough money escorting or wether escorts are turning to stripping to suppliment their income?


last comment
avatar for mrrock
12 yrs ago

That's interesting Shadow. I've never delved into the escort world but I'm curious to hear what others have to say. I myself haven't come across any strippers who say they also escort.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Yeah, it's pretty common around here for them to do both jobs.

avatar for Clackport
12 yrs ago

I think more and more strippers are turning to escorting. A few of my past favorites have just started in the escort game.

avatar for farmerart
12 yrs ago

It would be an expensive proposition for girls in my stomping grounds. They would require two licences from civic authorities. The fee in Calgary for massage parlor/escort girls was in the region of $700 last year (don't know this year's rate). Licence to strip is a different matter but I don't know the fee in Alberta. There will also be agency booking fees for strippers and, possibly for escorts as well (if they choose to work through an agency rather than independently).

The advantage for girls to be licenced is that there are no problems with LE harassment. In fact, LE takes reports of 'bad dates' from escorts very seriously and doggedly pursues the creeps.

avatar for Dain
12 yrs ago

My experience in the past few years is that strippers are turning to escorting.

avatar for snowtime
12 yrs ago

I think it is definately more strippers turning to escorting. This is probably a result of more and more extras becoming available in the clubs. Once the dancers are giving BJ and FS in the club, the step up to escorting is effortless.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 yrs ago

I know of seven former Seattle dancers that are now escorting or have experimented with escorting since leaving their jobs as strippers. One did try it simulaneously, but got fired from her dancing job because the club where she worked found her phone number on an escort web site. (She wasn't smart enough to get a separate phone for her escort work, at the time.) She danced at a Deja Vu club here. I've also heard it said that when dancers seek employment at any of the Washington state Deja Vu clubs, that as part of their background check, if their phone numbers are found on any escort web sites, they can't get hired at the Vu clubs.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

A weak economy coupled with an increasingly easy path to escorting (internet) should do it.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

Who cares.

avatar for Jackmd
12 yrs ago

many strippers on the east coast strip to build up a clentel list than quit stripping.

avatar for bang69
12 yrs ago

I know several strippers that escort on the side. A good person to ask on this subject is juicebox

avatar for londonguy
12 yrs ago

I think it's more likely that strippers would turn to escorting. An average earning escort would normaly earn a lot more than a dancer giving just dances. I have limited knowledge of the escort scene over there but from what I do know not many escorts I see advertising would make it into a good club, the overall standard of escorts I see advertising over there is very poor to say the least.

There are dancers that won't 'cross the line' but I think that more that have considered doing so in recent years have actually done it.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

chicken or the egg

avatar for DandyDan
12 yrs ago

I have never really thought to ask any dancers I know, but I do know one who did both for a time. But she wasn't cut out for the escort business. I don't know which way it's going because I have seen plenty of dancers over the years who didn't seem any good at dancing and I have to believe some of that is that being an escort doesn't always translate to being a stripper. I'd have to believe its easier for a stripper to go into escorting than the other way around.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

What is the difference between OTC and escorting.

avatar for Otto22
12 yrs ago

While I suspect it is difficult or even impossible to determine which came first, every escort I have used also strips or stripped. Just look at the photos on BP and you will notice most of the girls are posing in stipper wear, especially shoes.

avatar for inno123
12 yrs ago

In areas where extras and OTC are common I am not surprised that escorts and strippers do both roles. In areas where extras and OTC are uncommon then there is certainly less overlap

avatar for Chanel
12 yrs ago

"Just look at the photos on BP and you will notice most of the girls are posing in stripper wear, especially shoes" (Otto22).

This is funny because stripper shoes get trashed so quickly from working at a club, they wouldn't be fit for photos. The pretty shoes in those phots have probably not been wrapped around a pole or banged on a stage.

I'm not disputing that some of the dancers escort, but many girls in adult businesses wear those shoes. Cam girls, bikini baristas...

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Shit I turn hooters girls into.strippers and strippers into escorts ! I'm a bad mothafucka

avatar for shadowcat
12 yrs ago

" I turn hooters girls into.strippers" So you are the one responsible for all the fugly strippers. :)

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Lmfao ! You goddamn write pussykat them my juicyhoes

avatar for mikeya02
12 yrs ago

Juice, hush yo mouf!

avatar for rickdugan
12 yrs ago

In my experience there is some overlap in some areas, but it is far from what I would call commonplace. I too have seen girls from one club or another also listing on Eros or BP, but I don't really see it too often and I do often look for it.

A lot of the girls who dance also have children at home, which limits their ability to do spur of the moment sideline gigs. Also, I suspect that many dancers would never want their pictures posted on public websites, especially those with kids and other community exposures. There was one club that I used to frequent in Queens where two girls would always show up on BP about an hour after the club closed, and I have seen a few other instances over time, but I suspect that this is limited to a more enterprising subset of girls who don't mind the exposure and do not have children to care for.

However, while many dancers would never advertise on BP or Eros, as we all know, a % of them are open to earning money OTC. The funny thing, however, is that many of the girls that I have taken OTC would never consider themselves to be escorts or prostitutes - LOL. When I hear something like that, I just nod and agree wholeheartedly. ;)

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Rick my man I need to say "Aaaaaaaamen and Haaaaaalua"

avatar for SuperDude
12 yrs ago

Just musing.. I wonder if the two roles are gradually merging and in five years there will be no real separation.

avatar for HowdyPilgrims
12 yrs ago

Rickdugan hit that pretty accurately according to my own experiences. On occasion I'll see a stripper from my circuit of clubs advertising on backpage or eros, but not a whole lot. I like to avoid the strippers who advertise on those things because I don't want to be fuck # 12 for the nite, if i can help it.

avatar for rl27
12 yrs ago

It depends on the city. I know of only six dancers over the years who advertised as escorts on CL, BP and Eros and similar sites, in Columbus, and none of them still worked in the clubs. Two quit escorting a few months later and started working in the clubs again.

When I used to frequent Cleveland clubs I saw a lot more dancers advertise as escorts, many of whom still worked in the clubs while they worked as escorts. For a while in Dayton it seemed that at least 1/5 of the escorts advertising worked or used to work in clubs.

avatar for Player11
12 yrs ago

I have had strippers tell me they danced to attract escort clients. I have had strippers who I have had as mistresses who tell me "I would rather do this" - prostitution, mistress, escorting. My current mistress danced at a club where I am VIP, she is married (2yr to 3rd husband), and I have been fucking her four years. She stopped dancing a little over 2 yr ago. She has a profile on SeekingArrangement and it highly possible I am not her only customer. However she is very available and I once rented a $200 week room across from street where I work to fuck her for a nooner every day. She is a skilled provider yet not an assembly line whore. Nor is she fucked out and loose as a goose, she has a nice tight one and is one of the best pieces of ass I have had.

Strippers are sex workers and many play. Many eventually graduate to escorting or at least to become extras girls. They may even get married but will still continue in the escort trade. The smart ones do not let a husband or BF interfere with their escorting. Other women are jealous of strippers (they will ask "how do strippers do it" - SD site gals are providers themselves but don't want to admit it. Money is to women as sex is to men. If you want to fuck a stripper make her an offer. A stupid shit in here has put me down as a "payer." So what if I am - I get it when I want it how I want it and with young hot gals who love to cheat on their BF and husbands for money. I am 60 years old and junked the traditional dating game years ago just like college football has junked the Wishbone for the 4 WR set.

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 yrs ago

@ Otto22: Allow me to add to Chanel's comments. The spiked, high heeled shoes that strippers are known for should really be termed "adult entertainment industy" shoes. Porn models and actressess wear them, and like she said, you'll see others in related fields wear them too. So, don't get the idea that just because an escort is wearing eight-inch heels, she's a stripper or former stripper.

As I've mentioned in a couple of previous posts, a couple of timess, I've even seen "stripper shoes" being worn in common public places.

avatar for 59
12 yrs ago

My experience has been with strippers transitioning to escorts. Many will retain both jobs as been mentioned, to identify and channel a supply of clients.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

I agree with those who've observed some, but not common, overlap, especially in the stripper to escort category. I personally know of two escorts who strip, both of whom tell me they started in stripping, and still do it on occasion, and another who used to dance and moved into body-rubs. The latter still has a dancer body, though. Too bad she's in jail.

avatar for goldmongerATL
12 yrs ago

Don't laugh at the Hooters-Escort idea! A few years ago a friend of mine's 18 year old niece quit an Atlanta area Hooters because most of the girls did OTH (outside the Hooters) with guys they met there waiting tables. They were pressuring the 18 year old to "date" good customers.

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