
Comments by 59 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Man loses life savings on carnival game
    Wth does this have to do with Strip Club?
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When a stripper asks "what kind of girl do you like?" How do you answer?
    I tell them. Brunette, latina or Asian, spinner, big boobs. I don't try to butter them up. If they fit one or more of the attributes they will say something along the lines "at least I have the boobs". Often the question is a good opportunity to send her off in a huff or packing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    average age of a tucler......
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ban all alcohol...Again. :)
    The local strip club to that hotel is most likely Platinum Plus (where SC has posted several stories regarding drunk incidents in the parking lot, etc.). Probably about a 1.5 mile walk so hopefully he did walk there. The next nearest "local" strip club would be Tattletales North I think it's called. That would be more like 3-5 miles.
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    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Question for lopaw
    As xedin said it does seem to be trendy. Particularly the amateur night at the local Platinum Plus. The female customers do seem to like to talk trash about the strippers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Holding hands
    It's just some girl's style. I also find it happens more if the club is crowded and the girl is trying to navigate without losing you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Ignored users
    Fine the way it is.
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    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    For Dancers ... Can Volume be Better that Price Per ?
    Delilah's in Pleasantville, NJ (just outside Atlantic City) offered $10 dances during the day for many years. I probably gave more girls a test drive because of that low hurdle. I always tipped $5 per song, even if it was a one and done, and the girls appreciated it. Shortly after they sold the place and it became Crazy Horse they raised the daytime dances to $20. DJ keeps track and the girls pay $5 per to the house. So in my case they net the same. Girl I know that worked both formats said she made far more money with the $10 dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Never been caught while enjoying an extra. Experienced them in private and not so private VIP rooms as well as standard lap dance rooms. Have been caught in standard lap dance rooms when fondling a boob, sucking on a nipple, and spanking a booty. All with permission of the girl, sometimes at their request. No biggie, just a warning.
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    12 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Stripper Hair Color and Styling - Does it Matter to You?
    When I'm getting head and the hair is blocking things I'll hold it in my hand or push out of the way. I've never had a girl in this situation tell me to not touch their hair. The seasoned pros know we are visual creatures.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Super Bowl at the Strip Club?
    Been to OG in Vegas several times for the Super Bowl. Compared to most other parties in town, it's a relative bargain. Two drinks and two trips to the (rather limited) buffet for $25. You can come back later with the wrist band. I've stopped going as I do like to pay closer attention to the game, especially with money on the line. Girls coming by aren't too bad but they're forever doing raffles and stuff. If you're interested in watching any of they hyped Super Bowl ads or halftime - forget about it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Negotiable Lap Dance Prices?
    As Shadow said Platinum Plus is name their own price. The one in Allentown is nude so girls will typically offer a topless price and a nude price (typically $10/song more). Prices all over the map. Package deals typically available. They also do a 2 for 1 sporadically, so that can factor in (some nights pretty much once an hour). Don't care for it myself. I've found when I've been able to obtain a lower, more reasonable price the girl is either lame or tries to short change me in song length. I stick with my regular. We have a flat rate, pay for performance understanding.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do Strippers Set Daily Income Goals?
    The most memorable in my mind of these goal oriented girls was a young 'un me and my buddy met working afternoons many years ago at OG in Vegas. Not much money to be had and her goal believe it or not was $100. 5 lap dances. House fee at that time was probably not too bad during the day. No DJ or house mom. Still she had to take a cab. Doubt she returned to her boyfriend (guessing pimp) with much more than $80 net. Buddy tried to convince her he'd pay her $100+ to hang with us at the hotel pool. No go, her boyfriend expected her to return with her under 21 wristband on.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mikey,Mikey, Mikey - Seen this exact post on Facebook several times. C'mon man, be original at least!
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    12 years ago
    Best Pants to Wear to a Strip Club
    For places where anything goes attire wise I go with thin, soft, roomy black sweatpants. Best feel for both parties. Easy reach in or removal by the girl.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best Pants to Wear to a Strip Club
    For places with a "dress code" soft, thin, black polyester pants. No belt. The "expandable" waist band type, for easy reach in. Pleated style for more comfort for my dick.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waiting in line to get in a strip club.
    Only in selected cases. Not a fan of lines but sometimes I'll put up with it. Spearmint Rhino in Vegas I would sometimes go on a busy night to meet up with a girl I know. Sometimes about a 10 minute wait just due to large groups of guys all showing up around the same time. There's a club around here that has an annual holiday and anniversary party. Invite only, they close the club and open at 4 pm for 2 hrs free food and drinks. Those waits have been upwards of 20 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Stripper says Brooklyn Net Andray Blatche watched alleged sexual assault at hote
    We may know, if this case ever is prosecuted and goes to trial. The chances of that are slim and none.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shot girls?
    The pleasant and attractive ones I will sometimes tip a dollar without getting a shot, like Otto. You don't get the attitude plus sometimes a shot girl becomes a waitress becomes a bartender or stripper. As shadow said, lowest on the totem pole but you got to start somewhere. Not a fan of shot girls but at some clubs in this area they are unavoidable. One advantage of going during the day, rarely any shot girls. One exception I recall is Cheetahs in Vegas, the most annoying shot girl I've ever encountered and not even cute.
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    12 years ago
    Shot girls?
    Unfortunately my shot girl friend at another club was fired. She refused to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day. At her club they have the holster around the hip with 4-5 bottles. Shots are poured from the bottles into the customer's open mouth. Generally the side of your face is pressed againt the girl's cleavage or some such move. Half are mixed shots, like Pink Pussy and Jolly Rancher. I'm told those are watered down. Half are actual bottles, of JD or Red Stag or the like. Did the Pink Pussy once to say I'd done it but normally went with the JD.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Shot girls?
    Just got back from a club. They had 4 shot girls tonight, like piranha circling. They were easily the hottest girls in the club. One came by and asked if I wanted a shot. I declined as I rarely do them and already had my drink on having come from a sports bar. She then asked me to buy her one but I declined and she went off in a huff. Came back later and the dancer I was with wanted one. It was red and appearance, Goldschlager something. The dancer suggested I finish the cherry at the bottom. It was quite strong alcohol wise. Later bought a 2nd for the same dancer after our session from another shot girl, apparently her first night. The dancer got the shot (bahama mama) and I got a faceful of cleavage.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    ever got kicked out of a club?
    Ermita_Nights, for some reason for this guy "sir" was an insult. It really set him off. Estafador, it was a 2012 club calendar that they normally sell for $15 or something. I received it complimentary. My girl autographed it for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    ever got kicked out of a club?
    Never been kicked out but seen it several times. Most recent was at Oz in Clearwater. Heading to VIP and customer is getting into it with the manager. Heated discussion, seemed like he felt he was ripped off by 2 girls who were further stirring things up and name calling. (Per my girl, he probably had been as these two were known for ripping customers off). Things seemed to be simmering down then the manager said "have a nice night, sir". "Sir, how dare you call me sir you...". Escalated from there. Bouncer shows up and the two forcefully move the guy to the door. Just happened to hit his head three times in quick sucession on the wall prior to the door...yikes. Manager then comes back and apologizes to me for the "rude patron" in his words. At this point I'm hoping the injured dude doesn't come back packing. My dancer arranged to get me a freebie calendar, in which she was pictured, as compensation for the hassle.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    pregnant dancers
    Years ago I went to the Mons in Tampa on a football sunday afternoon. Very few dancers or customers in the club (during the game if I recall). Girl in a football jersey comes by and I agree to a dance. Jersey comes off and only then do I realize that she's quite pregnant. Kind of a turnoff for me. Chatted with another dancer later and dancer 2 told me dancer 1 was like 5 months. Dancer 2 also said that some guys were "mean" to dancer 1. I'd never be mean but was a little annoyed, kind of like a bait and switch. Why not sport your baby bump and own it and give the propective customers full disclosure?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Alcohol may have been involved
    Hope she had fake ID or Platinum Plus will be in deep shit with the PA LCB.