Joined Dec, 2012
Last Seen Feb, 2024
Front Room
6 years ago
Somebody Stole My Moneybag Scam
Anybody seeing an increase in the “Stolen Moneybag Scam”?
First time I experienced it, a stripper sent me a grainy video, supposedly of her counting a bunch of money in...
Front Room
8 years ago
OT: Bitcoin Surge -- New Investment Safe Haven?
Bitcoin surges to record in gold-like behavior amid global market sell-off - CNBC
Throwing this out for discussion by the investment pros. I've been looking into blockchain technology applications recently, and...
Front Room
8 years ago
Remember the First Time You Received Nude Pics from a Dancer?
I had only been clubbing a couple months. Met a gorgeous honey who took a liking to me. Thought I was BF material. Wound up doing a couple free OTCs...
Front Room
8 years ago
Need Advice on Avoiding OTC Strippers Who Are Lousy In Bed
OTC is great, but IME a high percentage of strippers are simply lousy in bed. Let's say IME 30% were good to great, 50% were meh and a waste of...
Front Room
8 years ago
Smelly Pussy -- Addressing Issue Directly
Going through an OTC surge at the moment. Met a dancer who was very GFE ITC. Let me grope everywhere including light fingering. Took the opp to do a sniff...
Front Room
8 years ago
TUSCL Challenge: Upload a Banner Pic or GIF
I remember the good old days on TUSCL when we could post pics on our profile pages. Made it fun to check out profiles of members. Now founder has enabled...
Front Room
8 years ago
Young Thangs or MILFS/Career Strippers?
Been thinking about the age of strippers I like best. Having a hard time deciding.
On the one hand, playing with ladies under 30, particularly 18-25, has lots of plusses....
Front Room
8 years ago
Preference for Submissive or Dominant Strippers
There are lots of ways to characterize strippers. One interesting characteristic is along the spectrum from submissive to dominant.
My SB is a purposefully submissive. She's a strong person, but...
Front Room
8 years ago
Is Dad Detachment a Development Factor for Stippers?
Many of us have had a sense there is some kind of link between ineffective fathering and daughters becoming strippers. Now there's a study out showing a link between detached...
Front Room
8 years ago
Boston Backpage Sting
This is why I stick to strip clubs for adult entertainment.