
Ignored users

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
No, not another thread about who you or I have ignored. I certainly don't care about *your* list, and if you care about *mine*, you have too much time on your hands. Or your meds aren't working anymore.

No, this is about the feature itself. Overall, it's a great feature, but it has a couple of issues that, IMO, make it somewhat less useful.

Number one is the notification that an ignored user has posted something. If I'm ignoring someone, I really don't care if they've posted. If I wanted to know when ignored users post something, I wouldn't have them ignored. And if one really does have an aching need to see what someone is posting, one can always go to one's profile and peruse the ignored users' postings from there.

Second is the "Last Comment" link that appears in each individual discussion thread. I frequently use this, especially on my phone, to quickly get to the bottom of a thread, and then scroll up to new posts. It's often quicker than scrolling down. Unfortunately, if the last poster on the thread is an ignored one, this link doesn't work, at least not in FireFox or Mobile Safari. I have to scroll down to find the new ones, often only to find that that there *are* no new posts, except those of ignored users. Or, if I'm lucky, one new posted in a sea of blue pissing match leftovers.

Do these bother anyone else, or am I the only one?


  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I don't have anyone on ignore. You may have missed some of the good suff
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Maybe. Then again, maybe I get enough stupid dumb ass pissing matches at work, and don't need to see it here. Life's to short to watch idiots who think they can "win" on the internet.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    My ignore list got up to 7 people at one point. Now it's back down to just one person - the crazed man hating lesbian lopaw. I really don't care about see the blue thing that they have posted. You got to man up a bit, Georgie-prodgy. Agree that last comment taking you to an ignored users post is a bug.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I meant I don't mind if show their little blue name. If that bugs you so much you need to start multiple threads on it, you need to keep TUSCL and what happens here in a bit better perspective.

  • boogieknight369
    12 years ago
    I choose not to ignore anyone, but I do love how juice figured out he could prop people that ignore him and still talk shit that way. Resourceful mother fucker!!
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @boogieknight- it looks like juice did that to GMD.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    It's fine the way it is George, you're nit-picking
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I think this thread is just georgie's little indirect way of reminding the board that he has people on his ignore list. Oh so, clever and passive aggressive. You still have people on your ignore list, georgie? Whoppee-do-shit!
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I agree, gmd, at least about the little blue name showing up. But it's only a real annoyance when the person you're trying to ignore spams the board constantly with bullshit. And we all know who I'm talking about.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I can't read the blue-on-black notification that an ignored user has commented, so it doesn't bother me that much. I would prefer it wasn't there but it's not in the list of top 500 things that annoy me in the world.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I actually think having their name show up in blue makes sense in a way. Without it I would sometimes be confused at the term a topic takes out of nowhere.
  • 59
    12 years ago
    Fine the way it is.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    George: "who think they can 'win' on the internet."

    You just have to compare how RickyBoy posts now compared to how he used. Used to say that getting stripped to do OTC was a very complex art and science. Took him ten year to perfect the art. But we beat him down that "just" ask was all you need. Similarly he used to rant and rave about how important how well you dressed was. No he have except that it just doesn't matter. Also used to try and argue that being aboe to pay a hooker for see demonstrated that had attain a certain status in life (diamond elite?) until he also go laughed off the board about that. Nowadays he just sticks to safe "yeah, me too" posts. Gone is bombastic swag of the great system inventor. Sure says its "no, win" but that bitch has seriously been smacked down into line. Is a most amusing sight!
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @GoVikings: Of course it's nit-picking? How is that different than 80% of the rest of the topics here. :) I guess that's why Founder hasn't responded when I ask about the feasibility of addressing them.

    Or maybe he just has me on ignore. :))
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    George I'm sure founder, like everyone else sees this thread for what it is. You say "look! Look! I have people on my ignore list! Make them stop saying things I don't like. Please hide the fact that might have even said anything at all, else I'll have to worry it might have been something I don't like!"
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    lol I wonder if founder does indeed have anyone on ignore
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    founder ignores half the shit
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I only have one on ignore, but I no longer even consciously see Fagster's name anymore. It's amazing what the mind can decide it doesn't want to see. I suppose it could get old if you had a lot of people on ignore and there was a sea of blue names everywhere. I guess it would be nice to get rid of it like gmd says, but for me it isn't a big problem.

    I use Opera on my phone so that when I open a new thread I no longer bother clicking on the "Last Comment" link. I just use the big round arrow on the right hand side of the screen to auto scroll to the very bottom of the thread to see the last post(s).
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    The list of people ignoring me is growing. A couple of them are justified. lol
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    stax: I asked juice which of the two of us he through more people had on ignore and he seemed pretty sure it was him. Bet it's a horserace though. Might be interested to see some stats on most ignored members. :-)
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I'll bet it's you dougster. juice box is definitely annoying, but his posts are mindless and almost childlike in their writing....and he does have a devout fan base, tho I have no idea why. You on the other hand deliberately try to push people's buttons so that you are viewed as petty and vindictive. Just saying.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Dougie, I haven't avoided anything - my thoughts on various matters continue to be well known and I continue to share them. But in threads that are all too obvious setups for more of your nonsense, I simply don't post. There is no sense in going back and forth with a guy who:

    1) has no qualms about making up endless amounts of shit on the fly and posting this nonsense as fact;
    2) monitors this thing night and day and is ready, willing and able to fill this board with 3000 inflammatory and hyperbolic comments in a single year, all of which are designed to goad others for his own amusement and absolutely none of which contribute to the topics at hand;
    3) doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to clubs and dancers, yet will fill up topical threads with copious amounts of BS anyway; and
    (4) harbors contempt not only for the oversimplified "whores" who work in this business, but also for the customers who patronize them, so he doesn't really give a shit if anyone contributes anything useful anyway. ;)

    I don't know kiddo. Maybe you are pissed at the uncle who used to sneak into your room at night, with whisky on his breath, and diddle you in your Underoos after he came home from the club, so this is your way of striking back? Only you can know, but the net effect is that you, through this and other screen names, have decided to firebomb good threads. C'est la vie. :)

    Shit tiger, you cannot even provide basic information about the clubs in your home town of Seattle - how embarrassing. Except, of course, that you don't have any shame anyway. I also cannot help but wonder if you are even from Seattle at all.

    So since this is the way of things and the powers that be do not care enough about the discussion boards to curb the activities of trolls like yourself, I guess that all that remains is to have fun with it and to avoid pointless exchanges about nonsensical generalizations like "just ask", which any seasoned club hound knows is "just fine" in some places and "just stupid" in others. :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    sick liver: "so that you are viewed as petty and vindictive"

    Sure, and tittyfuck and jestie-girl and you aren't. Got it!
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    lol can't take a little honest criticism eh dougie? Thought not.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: just a couple of things

    a) It's nice to see how much you have watered your claims down about "the system" versus "just ask". You used to say "just ask" was ridiculous/idiotic. But, you have watered the claim down to "well that will work in some places but not others." Remember the stages of grief: you're back to the negotiation phase. And it is a testimony to the confidence I've knocked out of you that you don't swing for the bleachers anymore and try for the grand slam these days.

    b) Hey Rick - you willing to stick you neck out on something rather than just be the perpetual chickenshit weasel that you are? Why not name some of my "other screen names", so those people can call you down on your non-sense? Always too chicken to put your money where your mouth is, so no way you accept that challenge... Just continue to remain solid like the air Rick. :-)

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Huh? Looks like you can't take it, mister sick liver.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    awesome response there, dougie.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    my pleasure, lopaw. I figured that you would LOVE it!
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    lmao sclvr - are you kidding? It made my day! Let the fun begin!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Che: well RickyBoy is the grand master conspiracy theorist here (apparently he even thinks conspires are afloat for people to claim they are from Seattle when they are not. Just imagine all there is to gain! Almost as much as claiming you paid a hokey for sex! Because apparently only diamond elite members of society can pull that one off.)

    I would ask RickyBoy if you have out conspiracy theorized him this time, but I already have outstanding question for him in this thread, and know, from experience how easily his pea-brain can get overloaded,
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    I didn't see this thread since you are on my list. :) NOT!
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    I can vouch for a few on here.
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    Doug, I don't know, that would be a fun thread though!
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