Stripper says Brooklyn Net Andray Blatche watched alleged sexual assault at hote

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The stripper who claims she was sexually assaulted in a Brooklyn Net's hotel suite said the hoopster watched the attack and did nothing to stop it.

“He peeked in the room,” the alleged victim said of forward Andray Blatche. “He just didn't . . . when he came in, he didn't have intercourse with me.”

The 21-year-old woman told Philadelphia's ABC 6 that Blatche knew exactly what was happening to her but never tried to help.

“He was not oblivious. He was aware the whole time,” she said on camera, with her face silhouetted.

She said she met up with the baller and his entourage at Delilah's, a Philly strip club, and they partied there before going back to Blatche's Four Seasons hotel suite.

She told the station she believes she was drugged at the club.

“I felt strange,” she said.

She collapsed on a bed in the hotel just before the first alleged attack.

“It was like I was asleep, but I was still conscious. I heard everything that was around me, but I couldn't, I couldn't move,” said the college student.

“And not long after that, that was when the first guy came in. It was like he rolled me over and had his way,” the student said.

Blatche and at least one of his pals watched the attack from the doorway, she said.

“And then the other guy came in, the short one with the dreads, and then he had his way,” she said.

“It was like they kept peeking in. He went to the door a few times, opened the door, and then they were all three at the door.”

She never claimed that Blatche assaulted her.

Blatche didn't seem worried yesterday.

“When the truth comes out, then everybody will realize what really happened,” he said at the team's practice. “In the meantime, I can't really have too much comments on it.''

The hoopster, who has a history of brushes with the law, denied that he runs with a bad crowd.

“No, I'm telling you — y'all will hear the truth sooner or later. It's just a bad situation . . . but trust me, no. When the time comes and I can talk about it, then everybody will realize that it's not what you think.''

Philadelphia cops yesterday said no one was in custody and no charges had been filed.

The city's police commissioner, Charles Ramsey, has questioned the validity of the woman's claims because of her intoxication and said it would be a tough case to make.…


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avatar for dalex
12 years ago
I have a hard time believing her.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
When strippers leave the club with gang-bangers, well that's what happens.

I know 2 dancers who have been raped by "customers" they thought were giving them a ride home.

Now the question is, will the bastards pay for what they did? Probably not.
avatar for trpterp
12 years ago
Andray Blatche had several brushes with the law during his time here in DC. I'm sure the court of public opinion would find him guilty in this case just because of track record.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Normally I'm skeptical when women claimed to be raped by athletes whose hotel room they willing went to after having just met them. These cases are usually quickly bring about civil suits.

But the fact that she didn't say he raped her, just that he knew about it? Maybe... Never know, not enough information.
avatar for 59
12 years ago
We may know, if this case ever is prosecuted and goes to trial. The chances of that are slim and none.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Seems like she could at least win a civil suit against the guy. I sounds like she thought she was going to a party in a hotel room, not going alone with a guy in a hotel room. If a guy has sex with a woman who is much more intoxicated than he is, it's legit for her to call it rape.
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