
Comments by highlander2973

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    13 years ago
    Jennifer Love Hewitt
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    13 years ago
    Dollar coins replacing dollar bills.....how would that affect your clubbing?
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Every effort the government has put on us in the past to use a dollar coin has failed miserably. Those Susan B Anthony dollars didn't fly and neither did those gold Sacagawea dollars. When I was in the UK for two weeks, I got annoyed quickly at their pound currency and it wasn't long before I had heavy pockets. People hate change, literally and figuratively.
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    13 years ago
    Agreed that it's rude. When I'm getting a dance I want her undivided attention.
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    13 years ago
    Cheerleaders Chastised for 'Inappropriate' Breast Cancer T-Shirts
    A lot of these breast cancer awareness slogans are getting rather risque. Saw some of those slap bracelets that say 'I LOVE BOOBIES' and another pink t-shirt with a girl in a baseball uniform saying 'Save Second Base.' Now that was cute.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    stripper vehicals
    Worst I ever saw was a Mazda Miata painted up like Jeff Gordon's #24 Dupont race car. Really girl, really?
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    13 years ago
    Our president bowed to the Emperor of Japan!
    Doesn't everyone bow in Japan? Isn't that the equivalent of our handshake?
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    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    It kind of reminds me of that South Park episode "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" when all the boys go into that primate mode ala 2001. Except it's the girls that are competing. I don't have an ATF at my club but I do have what I call an 'A-list.' A-list meaning that if one (or more) of these girls is in the club, I'll want to get private dances from her before the night is over. The list is short (about 5 girls) and my resources limited so sometimes I just have to turn down a couple. Since it's a small club these girls know who I am and know my situation...and know who they're competing with (I'm a creature of habit). During a recent visit, on an announced private dance special, 2 happened to approach me at exact same time. It was really weird. They just stopped, looked at each other...then without a word the blonde caved to the brunette and just walked away. I did get dances from the blonde on the next go-'round, but it did change the way I look at how things operate in that club. It really is almost a pack mentality. Interesting.
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    13 years ago
    Lone Wolf Named in Multi-Count Indictment Involving Scarlett Johansson's Hacked
    I agree that what he did was wrong. But I've seen the Johansson photos in question and I have to confess, damn that woman has a nice rack.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sheriff busts strip club in Mississippi
    @steve229 I live in Mississippi. And yes, it is indeed election season here.
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    13 years ago
    Clubs where thr girls are naked most of the time?
    In my area the adult entertainment ordinance prohibits being naked unless you're on stage or in the private dance area. But yeah, I get where you're coming from. Sometimes a dancer won't bother putting her outfit back on after a stage set and just casually walk through the club back to the dressing room or VIP. I like that.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    The more acrobatic you can be on the pole, the better. There's a couple of girls at my local club that make me think they could be on the lam from the circus. They are ALWAYS entertaining to watch.
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    13 years ago
    Booty Slap
    There's a girl I get private dances from that likes me to play the bongos on her ass. It's entertaining if I've had a few drinks.
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    13 years ago
    Got one current and one former dancer on my facebook f-list. Have never had a problem.
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    13 years ago
    Report: Players Got Gifts From Miami Booster
    What sinclair said. Geez it seems like the Hurricanes just stay in trouble. Ever since Jimmy Johnson was coach and that's been like 25 years now.
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    13 years ago
    Man Has Sex With Cat Before Throwing It Out Window
    ....and I thought I was desperate for pussy.
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    13 years ago
    First Adult Site on .XXX Goes Live
    People have been suggesting a xxx domain for well over a decade now. It sounds like a good idea, it would certainly make it easier for internet filters to do their job. But what do you determine goes there? Besides the obvious hardcore pornography, some sites of an 'adult' nature may not take too kindly being corraled into that domain. (i.e. tuscl). Many sites that feature nudity don't consider themselves pornography and many sites that simply discuss adult themes don't contain nudity. They may feel a xxx domain is a negative stigma they don't want. Plus I'm not convinced every adult site would want a xxx domain anyway. Most of those creators seem to pride themselves on taking every available avenue to see to it that you stumble across their site....whether intentional or not.
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    13 years ago
    Pants for lap dances: What should guys wear for them-- and why?
    Another pants thread, eh? Very well. I prefer going commmando wearing black weatherproof pvc material pants made by either gore-tex or columbia. Feels great and any incidents or accidents are contained.
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    13 years ago
    (Off Topic) Bubba Smith Dead at 66
    I'm a little too young to remember his playing days but I do remember him in the Police Academy movies as well as those Miller Lite commercials back in the day. Very entertaining fellow, RIP.
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    13 years ago
    Woman accused of slaying with stiletto heel
    Wow, I mean I always liked to crack jokes about the potential of stilettos as deadly weapons but.....
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    13 years ago
    torn clothing
    I was wearing a two button polo shirt and was tipping a dancer at the stage when she ripped the collar open...popping a button. At the time I thought it was kinda hot but was a little irritated the next day as I was sewing the button back on.
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    13 years ago
    Flynt: My Half-Million Dollar Offer to Casey Is Only Part of It
    ....she does have a nice rack.
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    13 years ago
    Piercing nipples is like taking a can of spray paint to Mount Rushmore. Just don't do it. I will say that I do like naval piercings and even upper ear piercings sometimes. I did have to tell one of my favorites she would have to remove a clit ring if she wanted me to get private dances with her. Tattoos: less is more. One or two in strategically placed areas + a tramp stamp...I can deal with that. Looking like a circus side show/Nikki Sixx is a deal breaker.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it time to start going to church gain?
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it time to start going to church gain?
    Reminds me of Eddie Murphy's preacher schtick in 'Coming to America.' Hallelu-JAH!!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I live in the deep south so the southern belle dialect really does nothing for me unless they're really pouring it on.