
What Makes a Good Stage Show?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:55 PM
What movements or activities on stage do you guys find fascinating/diverting? I'd like to expand my repertoire of moves :D Also, no need replying with stuff like "if she gives me an (insert extra here) at the stageside." That's not what I'm looking for, lol.


  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    blow job
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    You could sign my Cartman!
    13 years ago
    I'd say BJ too, but unfortunately I read the directions... Two gals come to mind: one could lean back planting her palms on the floor and then flipping over, again and again. That's a lot of unusual motion to keep up with on stage. The second gal was the multi-time national pole champion in San Diego. She could climb the pole to the ceiling, invert herself, and then walk in a circle about the pole on the ceiling. Then she could do the splits upside down on the ceiling. She had other moves to such as spinning herself backwards around the pole (maybe not a good description on my part as she said it was a move only a few gals could do.) There should be video of her someplace on the Net. And for the record I tipped her a $20 for her stage performance.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I'm flattered you want me to sign your Cartman, Clubber!! Pole dancing is something I'm not excellent at, but currently working on, thank you, CTQWERTY. :) What about floor work?
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Climbing the pole doesn't do anything for me. Swinging around the pole is good. If I'm sitting beside the stage, I like dancers to come close and dance specifically for me--maybe put a leg on my shoulder.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    look up Pantera on YouTube for pole tricks. Er... I'll do it. [view link] I saw her a few years back and I am still impressed. Wear a costume? I've seen 3 costumes put of the last 200 dancers. Favorite was a dancer named Ocean with a P-coat navy blue & white look. Take time to remove your clothes between tips. Make eye contact to someone who's paying attention when you remove it. When you're on the ground, on your back, with your legs spread, feeling up your breasts, move one hand downstairs and when it hits third base, violently snap your legs back together vertically with a loud clack of your heels! I'm in the minority here, but I love that shit. When you do that, when you get up, when you crawl on stage, when you approach a tipper, do it all seductively, with the eye lock of a vampire about to devour it's prey! Part of the alure of a strip club these assholes don't get is the opprotunity to be taken, be it finically lol, by a woman, rather than being the hunter as you would in a bar.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
  • canny
    13 years ago
    I enjoy it when a dancer does something unusual, and it doesn't matter what. I tip dancers who do things that the other dancers don't do better than I tip the dancers who just do the same thing that the last 10 dancers did. Doing a split on the pole Doing a backbend or a cartwheel Dancing like they're in a normal dance club instead of on stage at a strip club Any good pole tricks Anything that looks like a routine instead of just shaking something It really doesn't matter what you do to me, just do something special that none of the other dancers do.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    @Jackslash: Perhaps I'll incorporate that :D @Doc: I've seen that vid before, and yes, omg, she's amazing!! And when you say costume, you mean like a costume every shift and/or set, or just something I would wear that is something quintessentially "me?" I've done that before but reading the anti-clacking comments on here have made me tone it down quite a bit. Really the only time I "clack" is when I do a flip backwards to, yes, you guessed it, Rammstein. And the "vampire crawl" is already part of my rep! NO ONE else does this, that I've seen, anyway. Perhaps they feel it's too contrived or whatever, but when you're pretending to play with yourself on stage, a crawl shouldn't be too hard, lmao.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I too like good pole work, but in limited quantities. I prefer a slow beat, irrespective of the style of the music itself, and someone who can keep languid, sensuous time to that beat. I'm sure this sounds odd coming from me, but for stage work, I prefer that complete nudity be put off as long as possible (though I *do* prefer at least a whole song worth of naked girl on stage), and a dancer doing a good job makes that enjoyable rather than frustrating. If you prefer faster music, please *keep* to the beat, even if you're doing half or quarter the time of the music itself. That takes more skill, but I've seen it work. To the extent permitted by your club, local laws and your own limits, use your hands to caress your body, and maybe use them to tease yourself. If you're dancing for me, pinch and pull your nipples as hard as you can. :) And for the record, I would *never*, *ever* ask you for blow job at the stage. I don't perform well in front of an audience. :))
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Canny, I dance like I'm at a rave most of the time. Too bad the Midwest isn't much of a trance/hardstyle/techno scene. :(
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I don't care what they do on stage as long as they go topless or full nude (depending on the club). I dislike dancer who have the attitude of "I am not taking my top off and if you want to see me with my top off then you have to buy a dance"
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    @GMD: No nudity here and I would never do full nude, just cuz I know my limits and I know I have to keep *something* covered, lol. I used to get comments that I danced "too fast," but hell, part of my education was dance, so I still catch myself counting in 4/4 time up on stage. And I keep a beat. It irks me soo much when girls don't dance to the beat or dance off-tempo. I'm stuck up about things like that, I guess. Led Zepplin's Since I've Been Loving You is my favorite song to dance slowly to; I get very into it yes, I sing along. I do the nipple thing :D But I still feel weird playing around down south so I really don't do it much.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Costumes: I would think a costume per set, or even night, would be daunting, try a few out over a couple weeks and see what your audience responds to, then stick with that one or two for a while, then switch it up. I liked Ocean and her sailor costume because it was creative and fit her. She also played Radiohead's Creep and Beck's Loser in her set, which was some fucking awesome subconscious shit for a stripclub! It's all about attitude, you're in control the room -- your customer is your prey, your body is bait, and it's fucking delicious!!
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Please tell me you learned SIBLY from me!
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    The more acrobatic you can be on the pole, the better. There's a couple of girls at my local club that make me think they could be on the lam from the circus. They are ALWAYS entertaining to watch.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    if the stage has a rail. Put the back of your heels against the rail spred your legs pull the crotch of your gstring aside sowing your pussy & thrust your hips up in the air
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I'll have to get a couple costumes then. Gotta get one for Samhain anyway. And no, I learned to love that song from someone else, but it's not hard to love. Any Zepplin song is an aphrodisiac for the most part. I also play Brown Sugar by the Stones for a joke. Some of the older white men look askance at me, like 'wtf? does she know what this song is about!?!?' (I do) And then they tip me for playing a Stones song when everyone else is playing Lil Wayne or some other dumb shit.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    The pussy flashes on stage always seem cheap to me. If you can take it off, take it off and enjoy the breeze! Otherwise, the only time a g-string should be pulled to the side is when you're ready for sex in public! non-strip club public
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I've never flashed my pussy and never plan to. Yes, it is cheap and not really artistic. Same with the girls who just stand there and jiggle their thighs and ass and do nothing else. Sure, flash your puss and shake your ass; just leave the dancing to the rest of us who are actually working up there.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    You can shake your ass and jiggle your tits, but going back to the delicious cake bit, sell it! It's sexy, and we want to touch it (weather we do is up to you). So when you touch, caress, shake, jiggle them, then let it turn you on and let us see it. Also do so with the timing of the music. Out of place juggling is silly.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    caress, lol. Sometimes I shimmy for fun though. I need to get some tassels so I can learn to spin them like a boss.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Fuck yeah! DOOO EET!
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    I remember a dancer who used a thin partially see-thru sheet of material that would flutter around and behind her. This let a bit of peek-a-boo to occur in her (fully nude) dancing. If I remember right, she also used it to reward those who tipped by opening it up before them. Technically she was already nude, one could see her nude, but the pure view was a reward for tips. Her costume was also very "airy" - almost like a long shawl but made of see through fabric. Definitely made to order. I know she no longer dances but she had a lot of stage craft.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Also, listen to your audience. As far as the clicking, drop it and see who says something. But when I come to Indiana to see you, I fully expect a violent, heel clicking, chap wearing, rough handling the tippers, cow girl show and when I leave to have an "f_d" branded on my ass!
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    @deogol: sounds fun I approve!
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    very beautiful, deogol. It doesn't seem like many dancers know or practice "stage craft" anymore. @Doc: hell yeah!
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Great eye contact. The kind of eye contact that would make a shy virgin turn away and piss himself, and make a perved creep want to climb on stage and...the point is, make the kinda eye contact that'll make a guy get that T-pain "luv wit a stripper" song stuck in his head, even if he hadn't heard it.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    *takes notes*
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    FD-Any move that makes the customer feel special - especially important is a smile - without that, the rest doen't matter (almost) Leaning forward over the rail to whisper something to the , by now, helpless victim. It's conveying the fact that the dancer sees the customer as something special - the move itself isn't critical, it's the sense that the dancer likes you and you should really spend some time (and cash) with her. Remember that lots of your customers don't feel very special. They live hum-drum lives where routines have taken over and people take each other for granted. If you make this guy feel wanted, feel special, feel like he's part of something exotic you could be jumping up and down at center stage in a barrel and it wouldn't matter to your customers. And very seriously, the most important ingredient is the smile - it's true in most service industries and my colleagues and I all believe it is the key to relatingg to the customers at the rail.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I've been told countless times I have a great smile (not to brag; I don't think it's all that great) I try very hard to stay positive at work. It helps to seriously enjoy what I do, as well. Thank you, Rlion.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I'm not too hard to please, just DON'T stand there staring into Space blankly & just wiggling your ass a bit. Eye contact with a nice smile is great.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I pretty much agree with Rlionheart
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I honestly only remember one move (other than the ones you say you won't do) out of all of my SC visits. The girls I do remember do the things that Rlion says. The dancer that comes over, smiles, touches my face, maybe puts her cheek on mine and wispers something to me (it can even be something stupid, but a genuine and somewhat original complement works best) will get an invite for a test drive. Oh, the move. At PT's showclub in Louisville, a girl I had spend some time chatting with (and she knew I would play nice) was on her hands and knees facing away from me looking over her shoulder and her ass about 18 inches away from my face. Her feet were up at an angle, not down on the stage. She stuck out one leg, put her foot behind my neck and pulled me a little closer to the action. I'll never forget how that changed the moment from a visiting with a friend feeling to an erotic feeling in a split second. That was not in a nude club.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Show some enthusiasm. Smile. Try not to took bored and act as if it's your 1000th time on stage even if it is.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Rlionheart's post was good. made me wish there was a rep system or a "best of" board for threads like these.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    If you really want to distinguish yourself from the pack, use *your* assets. And by that I mean your raw intellect, your saucy ways, and your insightful analysis. Any number of girls can get up there and dance reasonably well. Fewer can infuse sensuality into every movement. The consensus of these comments is that you are to build the fantasy and take over the room. You get to decide which of these poor slobs gets your attention, and the money appears secondary. A wise dancer once told me that she uses mental visualization techniques to wind down after each night: she'd visualize all of the negative energy and boorish behavior and assholery to be washed away, washed off her skin, and washed down the drain. Then she got up the next day and walked in and made magic. A guy does not want to be taken for granted, to be made to feel little, to be taken advantage of. If you can crawl, purr, flirt, needle, tease, and enjoy a guy's company, all the rest will flow. If you can convey raw, unbridled sensuality on stage and then draw a guy into your web, you will have him eating out of the palm of your hand.
  • xedin5436
    13 years ago
    "The second gal was the multi-time national pole champion in San Diego. She could climb the pole to the ceiling, invert herself, and then walk in a circle about the pole on the ceiling. Then she could do the splits upside down on the ceiling. She had other moves to such as spinning herself backwards around the pole (maybe not a good description on my part as she said it was a move only a few gals could do.) There should be video of her someplace on the Net. And for the record I tipped her a $20 for her stage performance" This was probably Kennedy, who works at Deja Vu Midway. I think she's still there, and yeah, she's amazing to see on stage.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    Staxwell, Rlionheart and looneylarry -- make great points. It's about making the customer feel as though he is the only one in the room and the only one that matters. A smile, eye contact and sensuality will go a long way with most of your customers. Many girls look as though they don't care on stage (I know you are not one of them) so keep doing what you do and you will be fine.
  • JackKash
    13 years ago
    Many of the comments, I agree with - eye contact and a smile is important, not looking bored or staring off into space. I would add - dance - to - the - Music with either some bit of enthusiasm or slow sensual teasing but at least have some rythym about it. I pesonally am not taken by pole antics such as climbing it as if your practicing for a part of the army obstacle course or sliding up, down or around so we here that nails on a blackboard screech of skin against metal. Lastly, I'm just not into all of the ass slapping.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Du du hast du hast mich du hast mich gefragt du hast mich gefragt du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nichts gesagt Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet treu ihr sein für alle Tage Nein, nein Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet treu ihr sein für alle Tage Nein, nein Willst du bis zum Tod der Scheide, sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen Nein, nein Dancing to that works for me!
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Well, what is your goal? It is to create a performance of aristic merit, to do something astounding that they will remember, or to make them horny as heck to want to take you to the private dances? As to the latter it is mostly a matter of making them feel like they are making you horny. In a general sense slow, gracefull and senual will work better than frantic, and moves that suggest sex. In other words instead of just swinging from the pole try also stroking and caressing it, or even pretending to lick it.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    @fetish_dancer, The full monty is obligatory in any Canadian club that I have visited. In Alberta clubs, because lap dances are too expensive and too tame, you must have serious dance chops to attract tips. Gymnastics are popular, particular the rhythmic variety. One of the best stage shows I have ever seen involved the naked splits done while using a trapeze above the stage - quite a sight, let me tell you! Another terrific show was done to a Beach Boys 4-song medley. The dancer started out in a bath robe, then sarong and bikini, then bikini bottoms, and finally, the full monty as she strutted and gyrated to 'Good Vibrations'. Lot of hootin' 'n hollerin' from farmerart at that performance. I went up to the stage and tipped her a brown.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    Thank you guys so much! I put many of these ideas into action last night and did make some more money :D
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Sweet! Did you get a branding iron??
  • pastmyprime2
    13 years ago
    Eye contact is sometimes a lost art... bring it back! and please DON'T slap your ass.
  • Dain
    13 years ago
    Eye contact and pussy play, esp. finger insertion, makes the best show for me. After that, I'm ready to cum. A girl has an easy time convincing me to come to booth with her and cum.
  • vivi24
    13 years ago
    I feel very strongly that smiling and eye contact are very important when you are dancing on stage.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Welcome to our throng vivi, If that picture is you, oh my!
  • vivi24
    13 years ago
    Thanks runrdude. No, that's not me but i saw that pic and it does look like me so i kept it. I'm not really comfortable posting myself online. That pic will have to do.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    So, you don't have a pink toilet?
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    I was going to tell you that I absolutely loved your pink retro toilet but.... JK, You do know that the same pose would be completely anonymous. For comparison purposes of course.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    @doc: No branding iron yet! @Dain: Thank you for the advice :3 @vivi: I was gonna say you were very beautiful; heck, whatever, if that picture is similar to you, you *are* beautiful! Welcome :D I don't post pics of myself either; I did put one up last year, though, but not for very long.
  • vivi24
    13 years ago
    @ runrdude.. i have the same body type overall tan and hair length and hair color tho my hair is just a bit more wavy so you can fantsize that it's me if you want to. @ fetish dancer, thank you and yes i do understand where your coming from regarding pics.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Nude karaoke is good.
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