

Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:04 PM
first time problem on last visit to SC. I was sitting at bar when approached by hot dancer who sat down next to me. after a little chit chat she suggested a LD. started the dance which was fairly intimate. when she turned around to grind her ass on me, she started up a conversation with the customer next to us. thought this was quite rude so stopped after only one dance.


  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    This is a problem at one of the clubs I go to regularly. It's not so much they talk to other customers as much as they talk amongst themselves. That's part of the reason there's really only one dancer I go to see there.
  • xpando
    13 years ago
    I don't even like it when they talk to me during a dance.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    this is common in all sc's
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i've had other customers come up and talk to the dancer while she was giving me a dance. i forcefully told them that i was getting a dance and if they wanted to interrupt it they could pay her for it. shut them down everytime, they walked away. i agree it's rude for a dancer to interact with anyone else when you're paying her.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Some of them are completely clueless about etiquette. Probably due to poor upbringings. The worst one is trying to hustle for the VIP in the middle of a song. I just say "can we talk about this after the song?", then that is my last song and there is no VIP.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    NOT the most polite thing to do. I'd cut the Dancer off immediately.
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    Agreed that it's rude. When I'm getting a dance I want her undivided attention.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I've experienced it as well. The only recourse is to just cut her off after one dance.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I have discovered that a dancer distracted by chat or mindless texting does not anticipate where my hands may wander. A couple of low contact dancers suddenly became high contact dancers with me as my greedy hands and fingers wandered into forbidden zones as the dancer's concentration was focused elsewhere. I can be a very bad boy at times.
  • RocStarsky
    13 years ago
    That is soo rude. many guys are going in to have the 1 on 1 session with the dancer. guys in this crowd are aiming for a special treatment and connection with the dancer. the ladies who do this dont care about you. this is almost like a ROB type situation. she is cheating you out of what you paid for. this kind of behavior would be told to the manager and patrons because people need to know. good thing we have tuscl. howevere, i think its best just to talk to her about it first. this is not a case where she took your money and ran with it or didnt give you what she promised. i would go beserk in those two cases. this isnt a big deal. spend your time and money with some one else if its a problem. female entertainers reading this discussion should take note. i wouldnt spend more time and money if she doesnt follow this lapdance etiquette. how rude!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    This type would NEVER get a #2 dance, but they are #2!
  • londonguy
    13 years ago
    This happened to me in Rhino in LV, only in my case I was sat next to a guy getting a LD from a girl that was trying to strike up a conversation with me, even more so when she figured out I was English. Out of respect to the guy she was dancing for I did my best to ignore her. Having said that he didn't seem to care.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    london, If in a club where the same dance scenario you mention is happening, I often feel as though the dancer that makes eye contact with me is auditioning for dances.
  • Jackmd
    13 years ago
    I like farmerart's approach
  • den70
    13 years ago
    She's rude, 10inches. I would skip her next time round. There are plenty of girls who are polite, devoted, and willing to provide undivided attention for the duration of a song. The tough part is finding them.
  • JohnBuford
    13 years ago
    It's never happened to me,but jeesh I'd be PISSED if it did.That bitch would be like the NCAA basketball tournament:one and done.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I agree with Art When she is distracted, I maintain my focus and wander into the forbidden zone. By the time they realize what is happening they are enjoying too much to tell me too stop. When you have lemons you gotta make lemonade.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I'm in Art's camp on this one, though thankfully only figuratively. And since the *point* of lap dances for me is for groping the dancer in question, I'm not excessively bothered if she is momentarily distracted from me, as long as my groping is allowed to progress uninterrupted.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Etiquette 101 dont pull out of your pants until the stripper has removed her top
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @rocstarsky- In regards to your female entertainers take note comment, I don't give attention to other customers or dancers while I'm being paid for LD's. I get the fact that its rude. If a girl doesn't get that its rude, no discussion thread on Tuscl will change her mind. She's obviously an idiot and will continue to wonder throughout her dancing career why a customer would be upset by it.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    @georgmicrodong, Awww, george. Camp is not so bad. No real winter yet, heavy frost every night but pleasant above freezing temperatures during the day. Sub-zero temps and snow are promised for mid-week by the weather service I use. Can't wait!! I have improved the food situation. The boys just purr over what is now available in the cook shack and I have also improved the accommodation. Come on up for a visit. The loadmaster often needs a mobile 100kgs to balance the load on the DC-3 supply flights.
  • runnoft
    13 years ago
    I remember a long time ago I was getting a dance in a very private VIP area when the dancer whipped out her phone and called her young daughter. After about 10 seconds on the phone, I just stood up and she landed on her ass. She was very pissed. When I told her how incredibly rude she was, she showed me a picture of her daughter, who could not have been 10 years old, and said "How can you not adore this". I then said something about how fucked up her kid is going to be with her mother talking to her on the phone while she is riding a stranger's dick. I did pay her for the one dance and then walked out.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Listen to you guys talk about ld etiquette lol. I hate that shit too though. Never had a girl talk to another customer while dancing, but had one girl talk to another girl about her ex bf who was sitting at a table in front of us. She never made eye contact with me, cause she was too busy watching him...and I like eye contact.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Well Art, I have to admit the idea of a short, emphasis on "short", visit might be appealing. However, I have to admit that I'd be pretty much useless, except as a pretty efficient food consumption machine, to an operation like yours. :)
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Another reason to stick w/ private VIP rooms.
  • vivi24
    13 years ago
    I try to direct my attention to the customer but i admit that if after starting a dance i find something about him unattractive or repulsive my attention is more apt to wander.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Snow sounds good, Art!!
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Completely rude. Once had the bouncer come up to the Dancer in the middle of our 2-fer and deliver a present from one of her regulars. I was so pissed! Never danced with her again, since I didn't get a free song.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    HonestT: So you blamed the *dancer* for the bouncer's rude behaviour?
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