
Flynt: My Half-Million Dollar Offer to Casey Is Only Part of It

Friday, July 29, 2011 10:28 PM
He made $20 million on nude pix of Jackie Onassis, so why not a headlined mom acquitted of murdering her daughter? LOS ANGELES—Adult movie and magazine mogul Larry Flynt has confirmed that he's made an offer to Casey Anthony, the Florida mom acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee and dumping the body, to appear nude in Hustler magazine (and possibly other venues) for a payment of $500,000—and possibly millions more in residuals. "I've never been one to shy away from controversy," Flynt assured an interviewer on CNN Headline News, "because when nobody else in the country would, I published nude photos of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis in 1975 and I made over $20 million off of them, so if something works, I don't have a problem doing it. Now, in the offer that we made to Casey through her attorney, the half million dollar payment's only part of it, we're willing to pay 10 percent of the profits, so if this thing goes viral, and it could be as big as everybody thinks it would, because of how big the trial is, she could make millions, more than's ever been discussed with her in any of the other possible interviews that she would be involved in." Several sources have reported that Anthony and her attorney are actively looking for a $1.5 million payout for her first post-trial interview, and that even Anthony's parents have been offered a quarter-million to appear on a syndicated talk show. Meanwhile, Florida prosecutors will be going to court on August 25, seeking a judge's order to force Anthony to pay at least $140,000 to cover part of the costs the Orange County Prosecutor's Office laid out to bring the woman to trial. Some of the expenses they're looking to be reimbursed for include airfares and hotel accommodations for witnesses and payments to experts—and that may not be all. Reportedly, the work done on the case by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation came to about $82,000, while the Orange County Sheriff's Department has yet to submit a total of its expenses. Flynt wouldn't disclose whether his people had made the first move, or whether Anthony's attorney had first contacted Flynt/LFP, and in fact, told CNN that originally, he dismissed the idea of featuring the woman. "Right after the verdict, I was asked if I wanted to do something and I felt what a lot of Americans did: Although I didn't necessarily agree with the verdict, I felt she might have been responsible for the death of her child, and I just felt that the people wouldn't necessarily want to see her with her clothes on or off," Flynt recounted. "So I kind of forgot about the idea, but I just recently got off a book tour. Dozens of people would come up to me in Philadelphia, Austin, Houston and say, 'Why haven't you made an offer to Casey Anthony? Why don't you want to pose her pictures?' And many of them came up and asked me—would say things like, 'Look; she's a really attractive person. You don't realize this because she's been in jail, she was in a courtroom; the clothes that she was wearing, all this—a great hairstylist and makeup artist could have her looking really fabulous'." Later, he reportedly added that the men he spoke with find her "really attractive" and "want to see her in her birthday suit... There may be some sick individuals... but that's what life is all about." Playboy owner Hugh Hefner has received similar suggestions, telling CNN's Piers Morgan, "It is amazing the number of people that have Tweeted me immediately afterward, asking whether or not we would do a pictorial on her. And the answer is simply no. I wouldn't reward someone like that for what has happened." It is probably worth noting that earlier this month Vivid co-founder Steven Hirsch rescinded an offer he had made to Casey Anthony following her acquittal to star in a Vivid movie, saying, "It has become obvious to us that Vivid fans, and people in general, want nothing to do with her and that includes a XXX movie. "We were ready to make an offer to Casey to star in one of our feature films," he added. "It's clear to me now, however, that there has been an overwhelmingly negative response to our offer and so we've decided to withdraw it." [view link]


  • troop
    13 years ago
    gentlemen of the jury, as exhibit a, i present the first sentence in sam's post above. as exhibit b, i present the news article above. as exhibit c, i present my comment in the following thread, [view link] i rest my case!
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    I hope she goes for it. One person gets a copy from work, scans the pics, posts them on the internet. I'm sure the collector types will buy up every issue they can find, but hopefully everyone else would just get them for free on the 'net. Otherwise, since she was found 'Not Guilty,' (yes, I know 'not guilty' is not the same as 'innocent') how can the state try to charge her for the trial expenses?
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Now if Larry has pics of Casey doing Larry in his wheelchair. . . .
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    ....she does have a nice rack.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    JGoose notes the problem these days with the offer. We need what Scotland has, "Not Proven." The trial expenses are civil, which has a lower burden of proof. Personally I don't think they should be trying to do this though. There are going to be unintended consequences of some kind in the future. So instead of being poor and in prison (with state provided food, clothing, and housing) - she will be poor and on her own.
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    I already knew that this would happen. I didn't think of Larry Flynt specifically, but if you think this is the last we've heard of Casey, you're wrong. Books, reality shows, movies, porn, you name it. It's all coming.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    She WAS convicted of one of the lesser charges against her, making false statements or something along those lines, so the action on the court costs is based on that conviction. Judge basically gave her "time served" on that charge, which is way she isn't in jail now.
    13 years ago
    Who'd want to jack off to a baby killer? What the fuck would the scene be fo her spread? That's one cunt I won't give myself an hj about.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I have no desire to see her naked, its just a little to morbid for my tastes.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I am completely uninterested in a woman who appears to have killed, maliciously or negligently, her own child, no matter how physically perfect she may be.
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    I'm surprised at the reactions above. I guess I'm just a sick puppy, because if given the chance, I would do her in a hearbeat. I think she's smokin' hot - especially when you see those "club shots," of her - even the girl-on-girl play.. I am sure she killed Cayley, and there is absolutely no forgiving her for that. In fact, I hoped she would be convicted and be given the death penalty. I was PISSED when she was found not guilty. I know she's about as vile of a person as can be, and would never trust her for anything, but still... I would love to have some playtime with her. As a bonus, maybe some B&D play with her... don't you think it'd be enjoyable to administer some pain to her?! Not that I would want to help her receive money, nor would I want to Casey to profit in ANY way, but I would buy a mag or video of her!
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Next Larry Flynt will publish nude photos of O. J. Simpson.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    I mean when you think about it in a clinical sense then objectively, yeah, she is good looking. But actually being able to do anything with her. Some of you really think you could? Come on, I don't think so.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    LOL jackslash! She's a party girl high school drop out if I remember right. That is walking down a hard path right there, much less with baby killin on the resume.
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    Jackslash might be onto something... maybe that's Flynt's ultimate goal... a porn video of OJ Simpson doin' Casey Anthony...
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