
Comments by komey1970 (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The tread where we post quotes from other people's reviews
    Oklahoma City must be strip club hell for patrons. For strippers, I guess if you can't make it there, you should get out of the business. Tatle Tails was reviewed this way by crazynut: "Rated the worst of TUSCL's bottom 40! Now I see why. Even 70 virgins is not worth this experience. The place is poorly marked outside even though it is right next to the street. The only parking is diagonal parking on the street making exiting a dangerous not to mention if the cops see you backing out. Its in a rougher type neighborhood although no dealers or pimps were seen. When you walk in they zing you for the cover charge before your eyes can adjust to the dark and before you realize that you temporarily lost your sense of smell too because of some rank funky odor. The dancers were not that ugly and with counciling most of us should again one day be able to appreciate women. While the beer was cold, the music too loud, and the lights dimmed for our visual health, the bartender was the best looking one in there and he hadnt shaved in a few days. One girl that only played the video game never moved but she probably couldnt with out use of a forklift. She had so many rolls on her she looked like the Michelin tire logo character. Another heavy set dancer sat down with us uninvited and joined in our conversation. She asked each of us if we wanted the best nastiest dance ever as she grabbed our thighs. Animal sodomy is a crime in this state so we refused. Besides we had already seen the raghead imprints on the outside wall so we didnt want to tell St. Peter what we were last doing and where. They did have one skinny young girl with black decaying teeth that didnt look to bad in the dim lights. When she came to the table during her stage dance to make us tip her she did sit on one buddys lap. We were able to save him after calling med flight, a priest and the hazmat team but his cloths had to be destroyed. I cant give any more details as we signed an oath of secrecy in the interest of national security which is stanard procedure for these type of normal government cover ups, plus we didnt have to tell our wives. When you have a note from GW it sure makes it easier explaining why we got home so late. They have a pool table but no balls, a Cue stick with no tip but a damn nice light over it that blinked randomly. In some clubs around the country they have bathroom attendents to hand you towels or cologne. Here the bartender came running in and sprayed DDT over us to fend off a swarm of sand nats that swarmed to the sound of falling water. Now I understood what the loss of smell was about when we first came in, its DDT mixed in with just a hint of yeast infection to protect us against flying insects and evil spirits. Even though I survived agent Orange, three mile island, disco, white rappers, karioke and the gulf war syndrome I think I have met my match. "
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How would you spend your money?
    It depends for me - depends on how much time and money I have to spend that night. My favorites will get some money. But if they have other customers as well, then they might not spend as much time with me. I have a new current fav because I took a chance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How much money do you take with you?
    At my "home club" I may take about $100 or so. I may go 2x a month or so, depending on my financial situation. I have a club I like to go to that is out of town a couple times a year I will bring about $500+. During winter months, I go less often due to the weather.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What you say
    I will tell the truth in local clubs, especially if I plan to frequent the place somewhat often. I don't want to remember what lie I said where. I won't give a lot of information, though. I am working on a fake background for out of town clubs. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you ASK a stripper if she has a BOYFRIEND before spending MONEY on her?
    Strippers may lie about having a boyfriend in the club to customers, and I'll bet also to the owners. One girl I saw working OTC after she quit said that she lied about having a boyfriend when she working at the club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have Told You... "I Love You"?
    A couple of times. But I know the reason why they say that. One tells me that everytime she sees me, and I don't even get dances from her anymore. Another one told me she gave me a free dance (which she did) because "she loved me".
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Observation From the Field
    Cats also come well called. FWIW. Let is know when the term paper is done and we will let you know when we care.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who post on the INTERNET about their SOB stories and LIES
    I believe half of what I tell them and none of what I hear. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey time
    Go back up for the actual questions: 1. Once or twice/month - depends on weather 2. A couple hours 3. $120-$200 - more at certain clubs that I might visit once or twice a year. 4. $80-$120 - but more depending on who is working. 5. Depends. I don't check who is working that night 6. Sort of 7. Yes 8. No 9. Not usually 10. Yes 11. No 12. Some I would consider 13. Depends on the situation 14. No 15. Problebly not 16. No 17. No 18. n/a 19. n/a 20. no 21. none
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Who has had a great stripper encounter?
    I have had some rather good stripper encounters. I have had a stripper tell me after our first enounter that she felt comfortable with me. When a stripper feels good with you and that it seems more like pleasure for her as well as the customer, I think THAT makes for a great encounter.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fears Regarding My New Path
    My advice: do what makes you happy. If what you were doing before, makes you happey, then don't stop. Just because others do something differant doesn't always mean it's better.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many of you have degrees?
    BS in Comp Sci
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lamest Hustles
    Once had one girl try to get me to spend money because she could not pay her hotel bill. She mentioned this after I agreed to get a dance. She was willing to do OTC for it. As I was low on cash at the time, I had to decline. She was nice enough looking that I might have done it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Lap dances on credit
    The local club I go to requires that the first dance be paid ahead of time. However, you can pay for any additional dances when you are done.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many clubs have you reviewed.
    5 clubs - don't know how many reviews. Nor do I care.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Day vs Night Girls
    I think it depends on the club whether the day shift girls are as good. One club I go to the girls are as good as the night (some of them do day shifts). Oen club that I make random trips to, the day shift girls in general leave you less than wanting.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too young to dance?
    I asked one girl how old she was after a couple private dances. She claimed she just turned 18. She looked like she was younger but I suppose she could have telling the truth. This was a club that is in the boonies, so if she was younger, it would not have shocked me. I don't go to that club much and haven't been in a long time, but that is because of distance and talent (or lack thereof when I went last).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    I don't wait specifically for my ATD. I tip the other girls and check out possible new favs. I usually reserve a certain amount of money that I plan on spending on my ATF. However, that doesn't mean I won't get dances from other girls while I wait.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    I don't think your ATF should be expected to drop everything the minute you walk in. Remember, she is working there. She is not your girlfriend or wife. I would expect that she will join you or at least acknowledge you within a reasonable time. In the meantime, just enjoy the show.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Half of these dancers aren't worth chasing after
    To me it's all a matter of if you are chasing after a stripper to begin with for dating. I don't go to the clubs looking for dates. I go to have fun with topless and naked girls. The only time I chase is if there is a girl I REALLY want to go to VIP with.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Come on, the answer is obvious - because they won't do it for FREE in Strip Clubs. Actually, I get conversation for free, just not lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Internet porn doesn't do much for me. I need the real thing.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strip club ratings v. stripper ratings.
    I think it's difficult to rate a strip club without rating the strippers. After all, that is the real reason most of us go there. Granted, people have differant tastes, but if you give a general impression of what you may find (i.e. most girls are A-cups, or fake tits). That would give someone else an idea what they may find.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Some Strippers Don't WANT to Be Paid For Conversation
    Interestingly enough, one stripper at a club that I was going to for a while this year would come over and hang out with me for a bit. She became a favorite for dances, but the last few times I went there, she would come over just to talk and didn't ask if I wanted a dance or mention anything about going in the back.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Nothing to "Show" for my nine years of service
    Everything depends on what you went in looking for. Looking for friends in a strip club is more than likely going to get you burnt. I was there once and was a regular. Now I am more of a casual goer. I think I enjoy that more.