
Survey time

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I say we all help davids/RL complete his research. Toward that end, lets all answer the following questions. Use your common or average visit. For instance my regular clubs don't offer LDs, so I'd spend $0 on LD's, but a fair ammount on the stage tips. davids, I'd say you need to participate too.

My answers are included to save space.

  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a month

  1. How long do you stay?

2-3 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $200

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

~ $100

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

Most on 2 or 3, but some tips for all of them

  1. Are you a "regular"?

Yes, but less so now that there are fewer girls I know anymore.

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?

Sometimes, not usually

  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?

possible if there were no complicating factors as stated above.

  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

Sought it once, got lucky twice

  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper



last comment
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My answers are included to save space.

  1. How often do you visit a club?

1 -2 times per month

  1. How long do you stay?

2-3 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

About $200 (drinks, tips, LD)

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

About $100

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

Usually about 3 or 4

  1. Are you a "regular"?

Not yet, but hopeful of achieving that status

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?

Not yet... but considering it

  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

Got lucky

  1. Do you seek it out now?

Yes... only from ATF

  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper


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  1. How often do you visit a club?

1-2 times per month. depends on where my work travels take me

  1. How long do you stay?

2-3 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $100-150

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)


  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

tip the ones i like. try to spend the rest on one dancer

  1. Are you a "regular"?

have been in the past at a number of different clubs. not so much anymore

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

ATF is retired. have favs at other clubs.

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?

only on special occassions for special girls

  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?

have in the past. not so much anymore

  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?

was in vip room at club

  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

lucky the first time thru, always go back looking for more

  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper


Avatar for TeenyWeeny
  1. How often do you visit a club?

Varies.. from a few times a week to once every 6 weeks

  1. How long do you stay?

2-3 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $250

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)


  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

Usually one or two

  1. Are you a "regular"?

The dancers that I get dances from always remember me, so I guess, Yes

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?

Only if we've previously established some kind of rapport

The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)

Yes, who wouldn't?

  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)

Sure, why not?

  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

Little of both

  1. Do you seek it out now?

Not actively, but if the situation presents itself....

  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper

different strippers... 3

same stripper.... many (dated one for 8 months)

Avatar for T-Bone
  1. How often do you visit a club?

Few times a month

  1. How long do you stay?

2-4 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $250

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)


  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

Usually one or two

  1. Are you a "regular"?

No, but I have a few strippers that I coordinate seeing from time to time.

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

I have many

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?

It depends, sometimes

  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?


  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper

not sure....more than 25

Avatar for stpetedan
  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a month

  1. How long do you stay?

2-3 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $200

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)


  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

1 or 2

  1. Are you a "regular"?

No. I change clubs every three months.

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?

Yes if I initiate.

  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?

Both ways. Had paid sex and freebies too.

  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

I seek it.

  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper


Avatar for JC2003

Bleah, corrections. I meant Yes for "sex with strippers" #13 and No for "would you lie for sex with strippers?" #14. That isn't to say that I don't lie to strippers; I usually lie to get rid of them, not to fuck them.

Avatar for JC2003
  1. Not at all for weeks up to several times per week.

  2. 0-3 hours.

  3. $0-$500. Sometimes there's no cover charge.

  4. $0-$400.

  5. 0-4 dancers, not counting stage tips.

  6. Yes.

  7. Yes.

  8. No.

  9. No unless they ask.

  10. Sometimes but usually no.

  11. No.

  12. No.

  13. No.

  14. Yes.

  15. No.

  16. No.

  17. Yes, not intercourse but everything else.

  18. Yes.

  19. I would call it opportunity instead of luck.

  20. No.

  21. Depends on your definition of sex. If sex is intercourse only, then never, but if you count BJ, HJ, etc., more times than I can recall accurately but not a lot more than that.

Avatar for billdo75
  1. How often do you visit a club?

I go twice a year. Once on my birthday and once during our annual disaster recovery test in Indy.

  1. How long do you stay?

Usually about 2-3 hours.

  1. How much do you spend?

About $250 in Denver, about $125 in Indy (it's so cheap!!).

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

$180 in Denver. Maybe $30 in Indy (I try to find a girl I like and adjourn to the VIP.

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?


  1. Are you a "regular"?


  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

The ones who look like they're having fun up there.

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?

Did once, she asked. I typically go for intimate contact. If I wanted to sit there and talk, I'd get a girlfriend :)

  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?

It's intersting to hear their stories sometimes, but I'm mainly there to ogle them.

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)

No. Being able to leave them behind without so much as a word is the big draw for me...

  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?


  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper
Avatar for lousybuck
  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a quarter. Used to be way more.

  1. How long do you stay?

Unless it's really terrible, as long as I can and have $.

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $200

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

~ $150

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

2 or 3, but pretty good at tipping all concerned

  1. Are you a "regular"?

No. I was once way too regular at MBOT.

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

Did in the old days. Not now.

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?

If they sit with me and I like them at all, I'll do at least a cheap LD rather than tip just for talking.

  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?

Yes. Sometimes it's cool. For the most part, it's at least entertaining.

The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?

possible if there were no complicating factors as stated above.


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?

  2. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

  3. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper

2 gratis hjs many moons ago. Too freaked out by the spectre of bad science to do it anymore.

Avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
  1. How often do you visit a club?

I go during holidays, so ... once a month, average.

  1. How long do you stay?

2 hours.

  1. How much do you spend?

About $200.

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

~ $150.

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

Most on 2 or 3, but some tips for all of them.

  1. Are you a "regular"?


  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

In some, yes, in others, no.

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?

Yes, especially when the waitress asks hangs head in shame.

  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?

Once in a blue moon.

  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?

(See 17.)

  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?

(See 18.)

  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper
Avatar for FONDL

A lot of guys who do buy dances regularly, including me, typically only buy them from one girl. But the other girls will still come around and talk to someone they see in the club regularly, happens all the time. I'm guessing that in the evening when they're busy they like to take a break now and then and enjoy talking to someone they know. But during the day when the place is dead they often don't bother to make the effort. Maybe they're still asleep or hung over or something, who knows, but I've seen it happen.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

davids, that's why I was curious about the night girls who come to talk to you. Is it a brief chat then off? Is it a whole bunch, or just a few you know?

Avatar for davids

JC: Why the day ones and not the night ones?

Avatar for JC2003

Dancers avoiding guys once they find out that they don't want dances: what a shocker! Guys like that are why cover charges are getting higher and higher.

Avatar for davids

Well yeah there is a greater absolute #, but I am talking relative percentage here.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Not really what I was thinking, but an interesting thought. So on the slower nights/days, fewer girls come to talk to you than when it's busy and there are more customers and dancers?

Avatar for AbbieNormal

add to the last question percentage wise, as you stated.

Avatar for davids

Yeah, it's weird. During the slow times girls often come up and chat for quite a while: sometimes for 20-30 minutes, but then when I don't buy a dance I won't hear from them again: They'll ignore me even when the club isn't busy.

During the busy times, however, I am much more likely to get visited by girls who know I won't buy a dance from, just because they want to chat for a bit.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

davids, that is interesting. In the busy times, when the girls know you aren't buying as you said, is it a constant stream? Do you have the same girl for a while or is it more one after the other? I usually go when things are slow.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Yeah, sucks when the waitresses are slow. Interesting how the fuller the club the more girls talk to you. Might want to look into that.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

davids, I hope your staying up to 3 hours modifies the money you spend. In addition I guess you have modified your position, or didn't consider your method dishonest, I'll defer, but note that you did specifically adress the "dishonesty" in an early post.

Avatar for davids

AN: Depends how dilligent the waitresses are. If we want to get exact, I pay $10 cover plus about $10 (tips)/ hour for drinks when the waitresses are on the ball.

Now I've noticed an interesting phenomena lately: I actually get more strippers and waitresses talking to me when the club is the busiest. I don't really have a good explanation of why that is.

Conventional wisdom is to go in the afternoons or early evening if your objective is to pickup strippers. Strippers more willing to chat/get to know you, blah, blah... However, I think I am going to try bucking the trend on this one.

Honestly, I think it has to do with the calibre of the girls I am targetting. I think the system I am developing works best on the classiest girls. (OTOH, I am also starting to fear that I've only developed a system for making friends (in a normal sense: will see you OTC/don't charge you) rather than a system for dating or sexing strippers... I think I need to lay low for a bit and do some experimentation, and maybe even start some "need advice" thread here. LMFAO at myself.)

Avatar for chitownlawyer

My answers are included to save space.

  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a month

  1. How long do you stay?

4-5 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

Average $500

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

~ $350

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

4-5, plus tips at the rail

  1. Are you a "regular"?


  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?


  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).


Avatar for komey1970

Go back up for the actual questions:

  1. Once or twice/month - depends on weather

  2. A couple hours

  3. $120-$200 - more at certain clubs that I might visit once or twice a year.

  4. $80-$120 - but more depending on who is working.

  5. Depends. I don't check who is working that night

  6. Sort of

  7. Yes

  8. No

  9. Not usually

  10. Yes

  11. No

  12. Some I would consider

  13. Depends on the situation

  14. No

  15. Problebly not

  16. No

  17. No

  18. n/a

  19. n/a

  20. no

  21. none

Avatar for davids

AN: Thanks for saving me some time by answering for me. Your answers are mostly right but a few small corrections:

  1. How long do you stay?

Up to 3 hours depending on how many people are talking to me. Leave in 40 minutes if it is a bad night, or within 10 minutes of things going stale. Average time probably about an hour.

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

Sort of: I have a favorite but she doesn't work there anymore. Keep in touch with her OTC. (Just friends though: no dating or sex.)

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?

I do right now, but I am thinking it might be better to get them to ask you (this has happened to me). This is something I need to experiment with.

  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)

yes but won't insist on monogamy.

  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


Avatar for AbbieNormal

davids, you don't get to modify till you participate.

Avatar for davids

Mmm.... Think I'm going to have to disagree with you. This survey has some flaws (although it's mostly good). I'll correct them and start a new thread.

FWIW, I think you are dealing more with "exotic dancer" than you are with "strippers" since LDs are not available. I think that is going to have a big impact on the social dynamics, b/c the "dancers" and customers are going to be less inclined to see themselves as prostitutes. Could be some big changes in the game, but it's not really worth me thinking through since every SC I've ever gone to offer LDs.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Come on davids, be a sport and answer.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

Well, since davids, who apparently is very interested in this topic, is too busy to participate I think I can give a reasonable guess based on his past posts. Feel free to correct me davids.

  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a week

  1. How long do you stay?

40 minutes tops

  1. How much do you spend?

$20ish ?

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

0 (possible stage tips) ?

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?

0 (possible stage tips) ?

  1. Are you a "regular"?


  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?


  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?


  1. Do you buy them drinks?

No (? it would seem to violate your rules if you did)

  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?


  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?


  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper


p.s. virtually everything in here is based directly on your posts, so anything that is really far off is probably because there is some discrepancy in past posts or how they reflect reality. If it is marked with a ? that means it is an estimate based on your method or discussions.

Avatar for FONDL
  1. How often do you visit a club?

About once a quarter - it used to be more often but since I've started getting massages regularly I've cut back, I find the massage to be a better deal.

  1. How long do you stay?

1.5 - 2 hours

  1. How much do you spend?

$150 or so

  1. How much do you spend on dances? (total, not per dance)

$100 give or take

  1. How many dancers do you spend it on?


  1. Are you a "regular"?

Not anymore

  1. Do you have a favorite dancer?

Yes but I haven't seen her for awhile

  1. Do you tip girls to sit with you?

It depends on 2 things: whether or not I asked her to join me, and how things work in the particular club (eg. does she get a cut of drink prices.) I'll usually tip a girl for the entire experience of which conversation is a part.

  1. Do you buy them drinks?

Yes if I've asked her to join me.

  1. Do you enjoy talking to the dancers?


The next questions are for single guys only (unless you married guys want to fess up).

  1. Do you ask for dates or OTC meetings?

Not unless I've gotten to know her real well and it seems appropriate.

  1. Do you want to date strippers? (Assume the common societal definition of an ongoing monogamous relationship)


  1. Do you want to have sex with strippers? (assume no other complicating factors, just free sex)


  1. Would you lie to get sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you pay to have sex with a stripper?


  1. Would you date a stripper (definition above) to have sex with her?


  1. Have you ever had sex with a stripper?


  1. Was it free?


  1. Did you seek it out or just get lucky?


  1. Do you seek it out now?


  1. How many times have you had free sex with a stripper


Avatar for davids

Please answer with the number of different strippers you've had sex with/dated.

Avatar for davids

Total time you've spend going to clubs too.


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