Some Strippers Don't WANT to Be Paid For Conversation
I've noticed that if you make friends with certain strippers they will never ask you for money for talking to them and will never ask you to buy lap dances from them. Why? I conjecture it's because if they regard you as a "friend" (or even better) they understand that friends do not charge each other to talk, or offer lap dances or other types of physical intimacy in exchange for money.
If they like you then often they do not want you in the lowly esteemed customer bucket.
If they like you then often they do not want you in the lowly esteemed customer bucket.
komey: Nice out of context quote. Really great debating tactics. I explicitly said there may be exceptions. Even mentioned one. I would like to say nice try, but it really wasn't that good.
davids - who the hell are you to say when people should be done with school and having a career?
I can think of all several situations that are NORMAL where being in school is normal.
Fortunately I don't live my life for your approval so your empty words and feeble attempts at proclaiming yourself as somehow smarter or superior to the rest of us fall on deaf ears.
Problems are: Too many of your posts are overly simplistic and, often because of this, just plain wrong (I think you are trying to sound cute at the expense of saying truthful things: might work on the dumb lifer/losers you associate with but it's not going to work here!); You constantly contradict yourself due to the overly simplistic nature of your posts then you don't even acknowledge it is a problem when the contradictions are pointed out; You are an extreme relativist and hence can't contribute any idea deeper than "everything is the same as everything else"; You are just plain shallow: again might impress the dumb stripper/lifers you associate with but it's not going to fly here.
All this would be fine if you had even an average sized ego and were willing to try and contribute something of value here. But you aren't. Your confidence blind you to your own patheticness and ineptitude. It must be really great in that it enables you and your dumb stripper/lifer chicks to live in a happy (paid for) fantasy world, and maybe your lifer/losers find this and your ass kissing appealing. Also it seems to make you some kind of a hero or master in your own mind.
But at the end of the day you are just a pathetic old man, who can't score enough pussy on his own, so is reduced to paying for it. Sorry but I am not impressed and can't see ever having anything meaningful to discuss with you.
Enjoy your fantasy world with the lifer/losers that you HAVE TO PAY for.
I don't understand your insistence on undermining and belittling other peoles opinions simply because they don't align with yours. There is a huge difference between attacking another poster vs. simply dissagreeing with his posts.
My opinions about dancers, why they dance, dancer freindships and ignorant, selfish customers have not changed. I respond to posts as they are written covering a specific topic. Opinions are not "one size fits all" davids. Perhaps if you just responded without trying to missapply something I said months ago on a different topic we might actually be able to have a reasonable discussion....Nah!
I've had dancers who told me they respected me because I didn't waste their time by chatting them up and then not spending on them while others spent hours talking to me on slow nights and never dreamed of asking me for a dance.
Any situation with a dancer can develop into freindship. Money is only one of the factors involved.
he was making light of the broad generalizations you always make.